Why did it flop?
Why did it flop?
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it didn't
Vastly inferor to the first two games, nobody will even rememeber it in 5 years.
because everyone thought just because there's a cover system, you should use it non stop
of course it's a boring cover shooter if you're a brainlet who hates fun
i didn't play 1st 2 games, thought i was supposed to be some detective, but MC was just alcoholic and deus ex machina 1st person shooting scenarios that were boring and felt dated. watch dogs had better shooting mechanics than this game that was based around shooting.
>nobody will even rememeber it in 5 years.
You probably said this when the game came out, but 6 years later people still talk fondly about it
It didn't you dumb fuck
I loved it when it came out and still play it at least once every year
I was so hyped about one of my all time favourite games getting a sequel, grabbed it before I went to have a few drinks with my buddies, so I was kinda drunk when I first launched it, feeling dizzy with my man Max and lighting up a cigarette during the long ass fucking cutscenes was an amazing experience
I kinda miss living in a shitty flat where no one cares if you smoke indoors
R* decided to do that thing where you take an existing franchise to lure in the preestablished fanbase then changing everything to appeal to an audience of actual retards who think ripping off Man on Fire wholesale is 'kino'.
its been 6 years dude
Its my "fuck you I liked it" game.
It either barely broke even or didnt at all, I dont remember which
otherwise known as a flop
flop or not its still true to the max payne series and is fun as fuck. I just wish it wouldnt crash so much on my computer but im pretty sure its windows 10 fault.
btw double magnum is the way to go, also bullet time and cover are for pussies
>talk fondly about it
Sure... it was your first (and only) MP right?
Not him, but I understand how a switch from noir to huezil mightve upset a lot of people, but it's still max payne with arguably the best 3rd person gameplay of all time
it didn't
this guy is a fag
>Multiplayer, despite being a bit of an unbalanced mess, completely died out 3 months after it came out.
I miss it a lot. It was a lot of fun.
shitty fan fiction cash-grab on a popular franchise
MP2 was the end of Max's story.
underage please
it was great
Loved it, multiplayer was great
My dick flopped in your mouth, OP
It still has the best gunplay of any rockstar game.
Honestly a good end to a beloved franchise. The real bummer is that Max didn't appear as an NPC in GTAV despite his last game being the testing ground for the shooting and movement mechanics.
ITT: Sup Forumsedittors pretend MP3 was worse than MP2
post max payne memes
you know you want to
This. There are only few instances where you're forced to use the cover system like that moment where you have to blow up the tank at the police station but otherwise you can play it just like the first two games, sure it's a little slower but it's still really fun.
Anons wanted another tight knitted gritty city atmosphere again. But MP3 is fucking great because it takes Max into a new level of hell. No one there to help him. And all while he is fighting the demons of his passed. And he does literally get the shit beaten out of him all the way through. Max payne 3 should have been the movie. Instead of mark Walbergs fuck up.
The setting and almost every character excluding Max was boring as fuck, the best parts of the game were in Jersey ironically. Also the ending was stupid.
I agree with you user. Seeing Max in a city where he didn't speak the language and was chased by literally everyone was great. The cops, mercenaries, and gang members always fucking him up, just for him to scrape his way out and kill everyone again.
>the fall of max payne & knuckles
What the fuck does that even mean?
Because it was BAD.
>B-but bullitiem
It was not only a gimmick but a gimmick implemented in the worst way possible since it's now a cover based shooter instead of a frantic shooting game, where every enemy is psychic, you're slow as shit and fatroll and using anything like dives get you killed faster than not using them. The story is bananas and makes no god damn sense as if it was written and thought out by 1 person, 1 mongol and 1 kid babbling about Brazil. It has plotholes the size of panama and Payne is out character. Completely messy.
The game is completely playable without taking cover
the story is probably the weakest part of the game, sure, but it's serviceable
Max himself in 3 is a logical progression from 1 and 2, IIRC it was implied that he drank a lot of alcohol even then, and popping painkillers as much as he did couldn't have ended well
the gunplay was probably the most satisfying and enjoyable one ive ever experienced, lackluster story and cut up action had some amazing firefights to make up
How come we never get right wing games like this these days?
Then you sir are a faggot with a short attention span.
>And all while he is fighting the demons of his past
Which is stupid because he gets over it all and moves on with his life at the end of Max Payne 2. He gets even more closure if you get the secret ending by finishing the game on "Dead on Arrival" difficulty.
>the story is probably the weakest part
Is the MP still alive?
Being a huwhite male is being rightwing now.
At least MP3 has good gameplay unlike the first two games.
>you get the secret ending
Yeah i have seen that. Was epic. But in MP3 he can't go back and he can only go forward. Through all the back stabbing, betrayal and utter shit fest he has to suffer with. That what makes 3 I recon better. Because he was literally shit out of luck and literally waiting for someone to put him out his misery. Yet he uses that misery to keep going. Despite everything going wrong and more and more people out to kill him.
its ironic really, max hates life and wants to die but is too much of a badass to kill himself and too much of a badass to die by others
You'd have to be one lobotomised Christian to think the conquest was a good thing, when the fucking Jesuits are telling you your ancestors were huge cocks. Of course, it wasn't like the Spanish were ethically WORSE than the ridiculously martial Mexica...
Max is just a badass that didn't ever want to be a badass. But losing it all gave him the all or nothing approach to everything. Like kill or be killed in a way.
Just reinstalled it to play the story a fourth time
There is nothing in the world more admired than a man that bears unhappiness with courage.
because it wasn't as good as the first two
Christianity is weak.
Correct. We should sacrifice our enemies to our personal war-god.
I forgot that the collection of admiration was supposed to be our goal.
MP2 felt like the fuck up to me gameplay wise.
Bullet Time 2.0 is so broken
It was Max Payne only in name, kind of like the movie.
It's got pretty good gameplay, but a shitty plot, shitty writing and zero style.
Normally good gameplay is all I really care about in a game, but when you have two masterpieces before it, it's hard to like a game that is such a downgrade in everything but gameplay.
>but it's still max payne
The original studio barely had anything to do with it. Their involvement was very vaguely described as "meetings and some feedback".
Take this (you) you gremlin
it sold something 4 to 5 million copies but r* spent a fuckload on marketing (as usual) so who knows if it broke even or not.
Didn't they shut down the MP3 studio a month after release?
Didn't they use the same engine for gun and cover shooting mechanic in GTA V?
i dont think so. rockstar made it with one of their own studios and i think the only they shut down was vacouver (merged with toronto) and thier vienna studio. maybe you're thinking of la noire?
mp3 and gta v both use their in house engine
though i do remember getting the game like a year after it came out and finding the PC multiplayer already on the brink of death despite the marketing.
only thing i really didn't like about the game (aside from the cutscenes ruining replaying any missions) was the ending, it just sort of ends. at least it was on a good note, but it didn't end as strong as 2.
whatever game you have nigger shit on it fails
for literally any other company than rockstar it didn't
pst yfw this kicks in youtube.com
i liked these better
It's a dumbed down, consolized piece of crap.
brb Press Q to do this
brb Repetedly press on X to do this
brb Press C to get in cover mode behind a wall
Total crap. You will NOT like it if you played Max Payne 1 or 2.
>Total crap. You will NOT like it if you played Max Payne 1 or 2.
Good bait. .
He's not wrong
I played 1 and 2 and I liked it.
I play all three every year in a row
what now?
No you don't.
prove it
The burden of proof lies upon you, my friend. I'll assume since you're trying to get someone to prove a negative that you have no proof yourself and thus, you're lying.
wow, you actual fucking pleb.
Pleb doesnt know about the desert eagle
it didn't flop and if something could be done about the constant loading/cutscenes i think people would play it much, much more
I will
This may be one of my favorite game of all time and the litteral best TPS
name a game with better and more detailled shootouts.
Woah there Socrates, guess you got me good
Does lying on an anonymous image board make you feel more in control of your life?
please stop user, I'm going to kill myself
i just wish the cutscenes and load times werent so garbage
No you jst haven't grown up and are still in denial from the PS2 age.
not enough quips and jokes lmao
The only people you'll find who really HATE max payne 3 are the weird MP1+2 diehards who hate like literally every other game in creation
it's one of the best TPSes ever made
>If you don't like shitty games, you just hate video games
Sound logic
You are in denial. You can not let go for 1 & 2.
that's not what i'm saying my friend, I'm saying in that my personal experience there are people who claim they have absurdly high standards but merely have strangely particular tastes and only like a few very particular games while shitting on the rest, and from my experience this is the kind of person who doesn't like Max Payne 3.
There are also people who really liked Max Payne's story and didn't like where it went in 3 but to call it a bad game for this is ridiculous I'd say considering how good the gameplay is, which is next to undeniable. There's literally a difficulty where most of the convenience features like killing an enemy to revive are removed, and there's an achievement for completing the game without ever manually taking cover or aiming, which isn't that hard to do.