This kills the open world RPG

This kills the open world RPG

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how, because keep in mind you don't HAVE to follow it at all.

Turn off HUD
Use clairvoyance

There, immersion is saved

How did we go from this

Thank you

Not really, do you really want to spend most of your time figuring out where to go? Jesus Christ it's a video game. If it's open world like that I would rather have markers, if I want to explore then I'll explore.

But why does this shit exist in the first place if clairvoyance is a thing?

Most people arent autistic and realize its a good feature

>having options is a bad thing

>npc gives you quest located on the other side of the map
>doesn't give a general direction, a hint of the general area, or any landmarks to follow, just the name of the cave or ruin
>have to turn on waypoint markers just to know where you're supposed to go
Some of us like to be engaged/immersed when playing rpgs, constantly playing "let's mindlessly follow the arrow" takes a lot out of that.