Is this shit worth it? For the story? For the world? For the combat? How's the loot?
Is this shit worth it? For the story? For the world? For the combat? How's the loot?
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Haven't played it yet but holy shit they all look like massive uninteresting cunts
>Is this shit worth it?
>For the story?
God, no.
>For the world?
>For the combat?
Fuck, no.
>How's the loot?
Maybe pirate it?
u will spend 100+ hours easily with this game, Worth it
This is a game where most of your weapons will come from either buying them in shops or randomly finding them in the field or perhaps a dungeon or quest. There's no real loot-loot besides accessories. Also the combat is pretty fucking shallow, all flash and no substance.
Been playing it for 2 hours, I'd say it's worth it. Combat's fine. People forget it's a JRPG and considering that, combat is fine.
No it isn't worth it
Story is a Frankenstein monster of ideas from two different writing teams
Combat is ok at first until you realize how shallow it is after a couple hours
Some of the world is pretty to look at, but actually playing in it you realize it's barren
Besides the main party and villain, none of the characters are really notable or interesting
It's a glued together waste of time, don't bother with it
It's so fucking bad man.
Thanks for beta-testing console-keks!
It's really bad OP. It looks nice and feels like a cool adventure at first, but you very quickly get bored of it. The story seems even more nonsensical J-drama than usual and the twink fuccbois you play as aren't even remotely interesting.
The combat is mostly based around pressing buttons to look cool. There wasn't much depth in it from what I saw.
>play huge RPG for 2 (two) hours
>recommend it to people
I bet you'll be shitting on it soon enough. The game's flaws become more and more grating over time.
If you're interested in a road trip game with your bros, probably. In general, probably not.
>Hey, people think the end game's lacking in story and context, what should we do?
>I know, make them pay $15 for 4 extra boss fights awkwardly slotted into right before the final boss and a handful of new cutscenes in the process
Some of the DLC is literally filling in gaps of the story during the game.
>100 GB
I know that, and people bitched about that plenty already. The Royal Edition's 3 Kings of Lucis boss fights, however, are all slotted in awkwardly between Ifrit and Ardyn.
I played the demo. How else are you gonna decide whether to buy the game? I personally don't care about what people say here, especially since most people shit on it without playing it. And unlike those people, I know it's a JRPG and I know how they usually play and how this game compares. Are you going to tell me any other FF game had better combat? Or story?
>every single Versus 13 cutscene has better direction than anything in FFXV
how did this happen? what went wrong?
Don't know why you're so mad but your two hours doesn't mean shit and I hope OP isn't dumb enough to listen to you.
2TB drivers go for $30 nowadays
>Release a borderline demo
>Constant having to fix the game and paid DLC
>Add ANOTHER Season Pass on top of it that you have to pay extra for
Still can't mask the fact that the game is just shit at a fundamental level.
Can't wait for FFXV All Stars Super Royal: We Swear It's Finished This Time Edition in 2022.
SE went full retard with FF14 which forced them to shovel more FF13 shit out and fuck around with KH3 and Versus. It even forced them to plan a FF7 remake.
Shit story that is horribly told, and you are sort of missing out big time by not watching the Brotherhood series and Kingsglaive (both of which are shit, well Brotherhood is sort of alright in some respects). I haven't really revisited the DLCs and story updates to the later chapters, but that should speak volumes to the level of execution they originally gave to the game. Combat is a mess, and they flopped hard on the magic system. The characters themselves are good, and the interaction and banter is probably the only saving grace this game has. Also the music is nice, but it sort of falls in and out as you are exploring. Oh, exploring. Horribly empty and lifeless world. Really just one or two towns depending on how you look at it, and a bunch of fucking pitstops/gas stations. Lack of supporting cast, and they fall in and out too (Iris and Aranea for sure, Cor too). Comrades was initially fun but it became incredibly repetitive, and it seemed that they really couldn't respond to fanbase concerns regarding customization and updates. Honestly the franchise seems dead to me.
>Are you going to tell me any other FF game had better combat? Or story?
Yeah all of them.
I wasn't surprised to learn that most of the sidequests were added into the game post-release. They're very low effort.
Comparing XV to Kingdom Hearts is an insult to Kingdom Hearts, unless most of the malice was in the 'homogenized' part.
By far the literally gayest game I have ever played. If they're not pounding each other nightly at the camp sites and cheap motels then I'd be very surprised.
Ironically the characters are the best part of the game. Its complete horseshit in every way possible so the characters pop out nicely since theyre ok.
I'm not mad, I'm just putting your bitching into perspective.
1. It's an FF game
2. It's a JRPG
And those are the things you have to take into consideration when talking about this game. Compared to your turn based average JRPG, the combat is good. Compared to your usual JRPG story, the story is at least average. So I don't know what the fuck you people want.
>Yeah all of them.
>know enemy's elemental weaknesses and which debuffs they're susceptible to
>win the game
>muh evil empire, muh crystals
>assemble party members along the way, meet a girl
>save the world
Truly magnificent stories and combat I agree.
You're pretty mad
tl;dr the rest of your post, come back when you've got more than TWO HOURS
100gb of blue balls, very bad mmo sidequests, no secondary story cast, no world building, laughable combat that you genuinely can't die, bad summon system, barren world with no content, no proper character growth besides 2 people, incoherent villains, C tier filler cutscenes, very bad ending, boys travel banter is weak and reeks of generation gap with how boys behave on group trips, worst heroine than FF8 Rinoa, bad fast travel system, cannot claim Aranea as your wife in the ending.
Good cooking simulator, comfy tent building, a borrowed soundtrack from every FF game and it features tunes from FF VERSUS 13 PS3.
Why is he in every fucking thread, Sup Forums? Why would you go to this great a length to defend a shit game?
I bought it for catharsis, because I had been waiting 10 fucking years for the goddamn game. Once I got my hands on it, I was relieved; I thought for sure the game would be an even bigger pile of shit than XIII, but it wasn't.
Overall, the game has it's moments; the world, the story, the combat, the characters, they all have their high points, but it's just painfully mediocre most of the time. If you can sit through 95% mediocrity for some cool shit, then get it. I wouldn't have bought it had I not been waiting so much for it.
The most fun I had with it was doing Gladio's DLC, which sucked, because I really didn't like his character.
>Compared to your turn based average JRPG, the combat is good.
No, it isn't. It's shit compared to almost any game.
So the ability to switch characters on the fly makes the character DLC completely redundant then?
Don't try to reason with people on this board, its literally last shelter for FFXV haters besides gamefaqs. Thanks Anonymity.
Paced like an MMO. Has world exploration that feels vastly outdated. Combat is dull as fuck, a lot of flair but feels shit. Only good thing about it is the group interactions but the characters aren't all that likable.
I'm not that guy and you can't just keep saying it's shit it's shit it's shit and expect people to take you seriously.
>No, it isn't. It's shit compared to almost any game.
Really? Pressing fire when enemy is weak to fire is better than this? Casting slow when he's weak to slow is better?
>Is this shit worth it?
>For the story?
What story?
>For the world?
This world only has gas stations.
>For the combat?
Maybe. The combat is terrible, but so is Kingdom Heart's and some people love that trash.
>How's the loot?
What loot?
What pains me more is that the combat from the earlier trailers got scrapped. It looked way more fun than what we got, not to mention character switching was a thing from the get-go.
I'll admit that XV strikes a balance between realism and fantasy, in the sense that the characters move and control, they feel like they've got some weight to them, like actual people would (except for the whole magic/teleportation thing). The bad thing about this is that it makes the game not fun, it's just really flashy, and it doesn't really add anything to the game.
Story, characters, and the world of Eos or whatever were terribly underused. There was a lot of potential that went unfulfilled.
15 i shit.
>you can't just keep saying it's shit it's shit it's shit and expect people to take you seriously.
Why not? Everyone else with any common sense does. You're in the minority here, XV-kun.
Well you generally need to actually be next to enemies to hit them in KH at least. FFXV has a teleport button.
>I'll admit that XV strikes a balance between realism and fantasy
It fucking doesn't. It's just a shitty half baked combat system using animations(poorly remade) from Nomura's cancelled project.
trigger warning
it's shit everybody is wrong.
>This was the thread where xv-kun admits to only playing two hours of a game he shills so much because there's no EB games in his bumfuck hick town and he can't afford more than dialup speed in his tin shack his mum pays for
Absolute legend.
It is. Won't explain why because Sup Forums just has a hate boner against this game.
>Really? Pressing fire when enemy is weak to fire is better than this? Casting slow when he's weak to slow is better?
And XV is better than this how? Except now you either have Iggy do a randomized Libra or go in Wait Mode and waste time doing an analyze yourself, or just swap weapons until you stop getting purple numbers. If anything, you have less options than in any other Final Fantasy because it's all about weapon types and a handful of magic elements you get to use with XV.
They tried to turn traditional JRPG combat into holding buttons to make flashy things happen, but the underlying core of it all doesn't mean this is magically better just because it's not menu based.
I just started playing this and there's a very annoying sound issue where my device basically gets disconnected and reconnected by FFXV every 10 seconds, what the fuck? How do I fix this? Someone please help, all I find on google is "put your sound on Stereo" I'm using god damn headphones.
Is xiii a better game than?
>Is this shit worth it?
Only if you have VERY low expectations, and lot of money to waste.
>For the story?
Absolutely fucking nope. Worst story in a FF, even worse than 12
>For the world?
Meh. Beautiful to look at, but devoid of any kind of awe or atmosphere
>For the combat?
Nope, don't let it fool you. It looks KH-like, but it plays nothing like it and it's just a fucking mess.
>says Kingdom Heart's combat is trash
>hasn't played on a difficulty above medium
>hasn't attempted data org fights
makes sense
Hey, you're not entirely wrong. However, the argument was that the combat is absolute shit. You're saying it's basically average for JRPGs.
>you have less options than in any other Final Fantasy because it's all about weapon types and a handful of magic elements
Maybe. But you also get rewarded for using different options during combat instead of spamming flare.
No because XV's user score is 0.5 higher.
both are shit
And yet xiii's metascore is 2 higher. Guess xiii is better
>But you also get rewarded for using different options during combat instead of spamming flare.
Explain, because from my perspective this game was nothing more than a big grindy slog I had to force myself through, and you can cheese the grind with expericast spells. nothing in this pile of crap makes me feel like I accomplished anything, even the so called "superbosses" were just wailing away until they went down no strategy required.
>You're saying it's basically average for JRPGs.
How many JRPGs that aren't Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+, certain Star Ocean games or PS1 classics do you see people praise? Even the Tales Of series only has a small handful of games people actually praise for its combat, with the rest just being button-mashy brainmelting. Action or menu, most of the genre's formulaic and kind of terrible. XV just has the extra problem of pretending to be a simplified character action game in a time where even Square-Enix's other franchises show it up.
I'll admit that it's good players don't get to just abuse magic or certain weapons and win everything, but honestly for me at least, XV doesn't even meet the bar. It just sort of ducks under it and pretends it jumped over.
You get more experience for finesse, I was referring to that. Also, if you're just going to hold the left mouse button, you're going to get fucked. Incidentally, I recently played a bit of Star Ocean the First departure for PSP and the combat is absolutely terrible.
I think you're being too strict or you went in with too high expectations. It's very hard to innovate combat-wise in this genre. They made it more action based, more fluid, they implemented stuff like finesse and in my book those are good enough improvements for your classic jrpg combat style.
I see the merits in pretty much all FF games and think they are good. FFXV is a really bad game i thought, not worthy being a mainline game.
Firstly the story is fragmented and in the background, very badly told. Uninteresting dialogue and badly directed. The world is mostly empty fields. The dungeons are just caves that look the same.
The whole game is like a giant fetch quest in an empty world.
It fucking sucked imo.
How long until we can see Cindy's sweaty tits?
The setpieces also feel like an unpolished joke. Leviathan fight consist of you hovering like the game is glitched and there is barely any attacks or challenge from the boss. Train setpiece was like a static, simple minigame. Very little dynamic and flow for trying to be intense. Racing the car towards a closing gate in a shitty tunnel with stilted controls.. where is the fun in that?
The game felt like a beta with not much interesting to do. It was obviously rushed and cut together badly.
>You get more experience for finesse
You really don't, I was easily getting A's and S's in finesse by holding O until link strikes happened and using the team attacks whenever they were charged, the combat is shallow as a goddamn puddle.
You can't get A in finess by running into 5 enemies and holding attack + team attacks. Also, can you name a prominent rpg in the recent years where combat is not shallow, except maybe Kingdom come?
>You can't get A in finess by running into 5 enemies and holding attack + team attacks
You can, easily, because I did.
>Also, can you name a prominent rpg in the recent years where combat is not shallow, except maybe Kingdom come?
This is your go to? It's ok that XV is shit because other games are shit too? You're a joke.
It' s like getting promised the mona lisa but actually getting a picasso.
Plebs openly admitting modern games are shit to bolster their arguments, without a shred of self-awareness. Soft! What darkness we have yet embroiled ourselves in?
Yes but don't buy it yet. They're still patching the game to include cutscenes and more to the story. Also they plan to release more DLC. The game isn't finished. When SE says done with the game, then buy the game.
Not even, getting a Picasso would still be good in it's own way. This is more like the Ecce Homo Jesus restoration.
FFXIII had a shitty and really confusing story but at least it told a whole story.
>You can, easily, because I did.
Good, you have video proof?
>This is your go to?
Perspective. If you claim XV combat is shit, then so is every rpg that came out during the last 8 years at least. You people bitched about Witcher, you bitched about Skyrim, you bitched about Divinity, PoE, Ass Creed, you bitched about everything. Why the hell do you even play games anymore? If I though something was garbage, I wouldn't be spending money on it for 10 years.
Oh no
Not me
Final Fantasy 9 is one of my favourite games, and this shit moves so far away from the things I loved about the series it may as well be called something completely different. I uninstalled it from my PS4 after the Titan fight and I realised I wasn't enjoying it at all and I had no fucking idea what was going on.
The story is SO painfully told and tonally inconsistent. At first there's a pretty good dramatic hit as they escape from the city, but then it just goes all over the fucking place and they don't seem to give a shit. All urgency or narrative direction just spirals out of control and fucks around.
The world is actually quite interesting, but squandered on a terrible story. Exploring the world is a fucking pain though, the controls for traversal and interaction feel like you're playing the game on a fucking streaming service. The car is about as fun as stubbing your toe on a table leg.
Nah. It's literally hold button to win most fights. You don't feel like anything you do has any feedback or response. The characters flip around all over the shop and it's a fucking mess to watch and keep track of. Maybe this is my grandpa hands playing it, but holy fuck the combat gives me a fucking headache. If you're going to go action you go for something like Devil May Cry in full, not this bullshit half arsed ARPG wank with three buttons.
What fucking loot?
>If you claim XV combat is shit, then so is every
Holy shit kid, stop deflecting to other games as a last defense
I bought this game for the PS4 back when it came out and never even played it.
How much better would it be on a 1060?
What last defense? I said it's about average JRPG combat, which is inherently not deep. Then I asked you, most games have shit combat, are you shitting on them equally and why are you even playing them? And you're also making retarded claims about being able to hold 1 button and win the game.
>You people bitched about Witcher, you bitched about Skyrim, you bitched about Divinity, PoE, Ass Creed, you bitched about everything
Boy it's almost as if this board is made up of thousands of different people all with different opinions. Also your argument falls apart because I never complained about any of those games and you're just projecting other anons complaints onto me. No I don't have video proof because I'm never touching this garbage again, especially not until it's actually finished, I beat it at launch so if they patched the finesse ratings then bully for them but from what I've seen the combat is still boring fucking garbage so it helps very little.
Anyone else really worried about FF7 remakes because of this? I hate the combat.
Then why the fuck did they even release this shit 1.5 years ago!?
It was obviously rushed and unfinished when i played it at release. Even bought the Collector's Edition.
What a piece of shit game.
I know it's a late post and I'm just a bystander who's really enjoying the game so far but wait mode is literally just;
>hold target to know enemy's weaknesses and debuffs and exploit them
The game even encourages you to use wait mode over active by limiting libra to Ignis, making the activation awkward as fuck, and giving wait mode a "sphere grid" all on it's own...
Worry about that for the story and character stuff, the combat shouldn't be worse than Crisis Core.
You seem to be under the retarded assumption that all of Sup Forums besides you is the same person
Yes the story and lore is really good, the backstories are pretty interesting. Especially the main antagonist. The world is beautiful along with the monsters especially if you are on a one x or have a strong PC. Holy fuck it's pretty, I could play it or watch my buddy play for hours just because of how nice it is on a good rig. Combat is also fun and the battles are just very dynamic/epic. It's stylish as fuck, not too difficult but it can be. Has some great bosses as well, loot is just loot. There's a good amount of weapons to find. Swords, Spears, Greatswords, special weapons like this big shuriken you can get, guns, daggers.. Dungeons are pretty awesome too.
Honestly the game is pretty fantastic IMO.
Just hoping for an FF6 remake with the Octopath 2.5 graphics at this point famalam. FF7R is TLJ for me until proven otherwise
If you have the same standard, you sure as hell didn't like the combat in the games I mentioned. What's the last rpg you enjoyed, combat included? Because I have a feeling people are exclusively shitting on this game while not shitting on other games for the same flaws.
You people who spam it's shit it's shit most certainly look like the same person.
>because people say bad things about this game that means everyone is the same person
kid, grow the fuck up
Just how BAD are pistols for Noctus? I got one for him just because and it's fun to just kinda sit back and shoot shit for a change.
what's the Sup Forumserdict on nomura unleashed?
They do chip damage, so have fun taking hours to kill a bird.
>I hate the combat.
different teams and different combat
>because people say bad things about this game that means everyone is the same person
Who gives a crap about that even? I'm addressing the arguments, not people.
i have no idea why they bothered putting them in the game when they're so shit. complete waste of resources
Maybe the gun he has is just shit
>Who gives a crap about that even?
>You people bitched about
>You people who spam it's shit it's shit most certainly look like the same person.
You are, you dumb fuck
Explain to me how dungeons are awesome because when i played them they were pretty much only caves and imperial concrete bases?
no they're all shit. i've platinumed the game and have the strongest gun. they're a waste of time. same goes for machinery. they're terribly boring to use.