Can we talk about SCP Laboratory again?

Can we talk about SCP Laboratory again?

Other urls found in this thread:


But there hasin't been a thread on here in day's.
This in no way breaks the rules.

it wasn't breaking the rules to begin with but mods are faggots

We can technically have a thread or two anyways since we just had a major update with 096 being added. It's a perfectly valid circumstance to have a new thread.

If this thread expires, I'll be sure my OP makes that clear.

>But there hasin't been a thread on here in day's.
You're a fucking liar.

Link the last one.

What SCPs do you want to see in this game boys?

>Join server
>Get on intercom as Chaos Insurgent
>Tell SCPs, furfags, and Nerds that their time is up and it's time for chaos to reign supreme
>End the transmission
>Get banned from the server for micspam
Well boys, this game was fun while it lasted.

It'd be nice if you dropped the IP so we would know what to avoid.

Stop going to public servers and use the ones that get posted on /vg/


We have had a 300+ reply thread a day ago and a full 500+ thread a few days before that was miraculously mostly general SCP discussion rather than /vg/ shit or Secret Lab. They're still in the archive, you can search.

Go away you go damn weebs!

It's unrealistic but I want 096. If a D-Class finds it and enters the unclean lands, and then finds a different mirror inside it could warp you to a different section of the facility or something.


That's probably a better idea, yeah.
Avoid HydraSCP servers, that's the one I got banned from.

You mean 093?

wait there are anime SCPs? pfffhahahahahah

what a joke community

I've already been banned three times. for making SCP Threads.

Name me one Community that dosin't have anime shit in it.

Public servers are all cancer, discord and chat disabled for the main mode for no good reason, long respawns.

Honestly, fuck the wider community

link them if you are so great

This game needs more sexy SCPs.

096 seems pretty op. is there some kinda limiting gimmick when you actually play as him? because playing v him hes basically just peanut with all the weaknesses removed and he breaks doors

anytime i make a post its always cut down

Why did mods ban scp threads?

(gone actually, but it's up on fireden)

I really hate the kind people /vg/ attracts to the servers most of them either don't have mics or kill you randomly.

>dev uses 15 paragraphs to post their shitty drama with some troll
>only 3 paragraphs after acknowledge them completely not listening to community feedback
since the devs are confirmed trash who care more about their feelings and running their so-called business than the people who actually play the game and keep this shitty Unity project afloat, you guys looking to ride this train crash to the ground?
if so, what ip's are good ones to join where I can call people nigger without hurting someones fee-fees?

One Mod must have made a really shit SCP and everyone laughed at him for it.
Now he hates SCP and won't let any threads of it exist.

This is a prime time for someone to make a clone that's better in every conceivable way.

Nerf this fucking cunt please.

Abel is pretty much the most hated SCP in the entire series and is only kept around due to it being one of the oldest entries.
Plus his description doesn't describe him looking like that faggot anime style, he just gets interpreted that way because the entry is only liked by edgy, coldsteel retards who draw him like that.
Lankys pretty easy to kill if you survive his REEEE stage. He's got something like a 30 second cooldown where you can just murder the pussy bitch

t. another victim of the disease

tryin too hard

that one got me