Favorite vidya merchandise?


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what the shit

Themed soap really isn't a new thing.

It's star fox soap you subhuman mudhut dwelling ingrate

just because you don't and can't understand the concept of cleansing oneself after a long day of productive work doesn't mean that other people are as primitive in mind and body

>regular soap with a badly designed sticker on top
>not even any special shape or design on the soap itself


>denigrating soap

confirmed for unwashed pleb

I denigrate a bad product.
I can buy the same soap for 1/4 of the price without the ugly sticker.

>same price
what price?

same soap you dyslexic fuck

>a few flakes of this stuff in your sample will guarantee clean results
is that so...

lol brainlet
so quick to assume
to be from a country in which people don't give gifts or wash themselves......

>wanting soap that was handled and moulded by autistic cheeto dust furry hands to be rubbed all over yourself

>he thinks you make soap with your bare hands

La Creatura.......

so he's just gone off the deep end completely, hasn't he?

Soap doesn't get dirty, it's soap so it's always clean.

The packaging on these is horrendous and considering it's the main thing they have going for them you should really get it together user. Consider not using third party copyrighted (and furry related) designs, hiring a graphic designer and using better quality paper in the future. Good on you for trying to make your own business.

Pic related, what it looks like to me.

>brings up his shitty /polint/ meme out of nowhere for no reason
of course, try to be creative faggot.

Has nothing to do with Sup Forums, user.

>he still comes from a place where soap is a mystery
el abominaciĆ³n......

Maybe giving soap to a bunch of furrys is his idea of a goof, which seems pretty funny even if the packaging is a lil cringey

>thread about soap
>Sup Forums somehow derails it

I actually like faggy soaps and even make them myself. I would throw there on the trash. Soap packaging should say absolutely nothing except it's base and additives.

Soap isn't antibacterial or antiseptic by nature.

Yeah but if soap got dirty you'd have to wash it. That means you have to wash it with soap, which would get dirty and then you'd have dirty soap entropy and eventually all soap would be dirty.

I'm not sure what's going on itt but I'll just post this little charm of my husbando



Animation and 3d modelling are hard so well done to the guy for his dedication but this is quite shit.