If Japan reads from right to left why did they make their games go from left to right?

If Japan reads from right to left why did they make their games go from left to right?

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Their games are flipped when they're brought to the US.

popular misconception. actually japan just calls our left "right" and our right "left".

Source: my ass

But Japanese read from up to down?

Really activates those almonds

not final fantasy.

Japanese isn't a phonetic language, dumbass, so there is no directional reading going on. You take in a Japanese sentence all at once.

Page order is right-to-left, but Japanese text is still read left-to-right (or top-to-bottom)

best thread on Sup Forums

When it's top-to-bottom you read the lines from righ to left

Creators of Mario can't read

Well since Mario is a horizontal sidescroller, it makes sense that it would be left-to-right to match horizontal Japanese text.

yeah probably

Because Mario is a gay japanese

everything EXCEPT mario moves from right to left though.

Horizontal text is rare, and not really something that should be considered standard. It's basically for signs and that's about it.

Technical limitations only allowed you to load information from the right side of the cartridge

>Mario, the Italian, moves to the right
>everything else moves left

You're kidding, right?


Ah but user, it's Mario that's staying still and it's the world that's moving from right to left.

why do almost every 2D side scrolling game go from left to right?

also are there any that go from right to left?

>mfw my almonds are getting activated because of this thread

Since most people are right handed, perhaps moving to the right is more natural?

I don't know though, since I'm left handed and never had a problem.

Maybe they tested which way people would naturally go?

I think it was a joke, you fucking retard

>h-hehe I tricked you into thinking I have autism, looks like I won, thanks for the (You)

Consider that your character starts on the left side of the screen, so the natural instinct is to move to the right

I'd wager that if Mario started on the right side of the screen (and it wasn't already a decades-old tradition to move right) people would naturally go left instead

>Japanese system

Yeah, we get that it's dumb as hell. It doesn't surprise me Japs are all antisocial, speaking and reading is a massive chore in Japan and Korea.

Heh... I tricked you into thinking I have autism, looks like I won. Thanks for the (You)

So what happens when he gets the flag and the camera stops moving??????

>volume goes left to right as well
what could it mean?

good point, perhaps they place him in the center first and tested what people would do?

But like you say, side scrolling shooters and plenty of other games already went to the right.

>Page order: right to left
>Reading order, in horizontal signs etc: left to right
asian countries used to read right to left as well, but they stopped at some point that i don't remember. i assume when somebody realised writing right to left would smudge your own writing.

the perfect checkmate

>right to left would smudge your own writing.
You have ten seconds to check your right-handed privilege, motherfucker!


It only looks like that read right to left because they live south of the equator.

obliviously because that's the way the character was facing

Post more fun facts.

This, have you idiots never been on a field trip? When you step over the line books invert, that's what "localization" originally meant, in Japan the text was right to left but when it got through customs it was inverted.

>being left handed in 2018

It takes less memory to go left to right than right to left. It's the same reason why clocks rotate in a right facing rotation.

I think its because the maps where made on paper first.
So drawing left to right would be the most natural.


muh ateiji

>not being ambidextrous in the year of our lord 2018

DO NOT fucking share this file you twerp.


>this thread

Huh? I always heard they read from front to back


>If Japan reads from right to left
Your premises are false. Vertical text is read from right-to-left, horizontal text is read from left-to-right.

Does that mean mario is jap propaganda the poor Goomba and Koopas are
defenseless citizens and mario is USA?

And any sort of electronic communication. Emails, text messages, social media, etc. are all horizontal.

>Not following the holy Quran and only using your left hand for wiping and fingering goats in [current year]+3

Japan reads from right to left, but so does the NES 6502 processor since it uses the little-endian format, thus they cancel each other out (negating a negative turns it into a positive) and the game goes from left to right.

maybe because america already set the standard?

>negating a negative turns it into a positive
everyone knows 2 wrongs DON'T(!) make a right

do they wipe back to front? Top to bottom?

holding your thumb on the right d-pad button on a NES controller is more comfortable than left


I think he's just retarded


everyone knows moon people read from past to future


>Everyone in this thread bitching about the Japanese read
>While I can't

Fucking peasants.

I really don't understand reading from right to left. Like who thought it was a good idea in the first place? Everything in life happens left to right. You spread butter left to right. You look left then right before crossing the street. You brush your teeth left to right. You even shake your cock left to right when peeing for fucks sake.

they read ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

I read the biography of the guy who created Super Mario.
Did you know when he was a kid, other kids would laugh at him when he killed turtles with a hammer?

If you got rid of the word "chink" i think you might be able to fool the facebook crowd.

I would never condone drug use. NEVER. This one time I ate some mushrooms though cause y'know. I can party. No one. I was in ANOTHER WORLD so far gone I THOUGHT. I BELIEVED. I thought I was defeating giant reptile covered in spikes at the end of a lava filled castle. Turns out I was just stomping on some bowsers head dressed like he was Marilyn Manson

is this actually true? It sounds like total bullshit

Japan made their own language hard to write to prevent peasants from becoming proficient in writing and reading. But it also resulted in their literature being non-existent.


If japan reads japanese why is the text in english

>mario is strong enough to stop the rotation of the planet just by holding a single flag
Deepest lore.

Japan was influenced by western games. Mario was following the lead of western platformers. And set the standard for basically every later platformer. There are some games in Japan that started in the middle or right side of the screen.

That's like asking why people in the western hemisphere read from left to right but drive on the right side of the road.

Old CRTVS drew their image lines from the left side of the screen to the right. Maybe its to give you a miniscule amount of better reaction time

Wow didn't take long for the autismo brigade to make an appearance.

You go left to right because that the right way to go.

They read from top to bottom, then from right to left.

japs are omnidirectional. They read bottom to top sometimes.

What? How does that work? You have to read the fucking symbols in some type of order

>"no way this is true"
>googled it
>it is
how the fuck have i never heard of this before?

>unironically posting le funnay jew man
get fucked

All these retards taking the bait

What? Japs read horizontal text left to right.

It's not so much that but the load/wrap around effect could be hidden better on the left side of the screen. Hence why in Mario 2 and 3, you can see a little portion of your character on the left side of the screen when standing on the right side of the screen, but not actually outside of the frame. This is actually abused by speed runners (like the famous 7-1 turtle trick).

But then he moves left to right

because mario isn't japanese duh

>So drawing left to right would be the most natural.

if poop goes from inside my ass to outside of my ass then why do dildos go from outside my ass to inside my ass?

What the fuck? Like probably every Japanese site is written and read in horizontally...