Time to play some video games, user!

Time to play some video games, user!

Get an NES emulator. Any should be fine as long as it's accurate.

Go to: s3kr.it/gauntlet.html

Click on NES. Whatever game you get, you need to play from start to finish. You get three days to do it. No savestates allowed.

If your game has no defined goal, set a highscore and try to beat it. Ask other anons for advice on reasonable scores.
Post screenshots as you make your way through the game, but don't spam.

Good luck.

Why pick a random game that probably sucks when I have hundreds/thousands of probably good games I haven't played?

I beat Pro Wrestler, time for my SNES game. Looks like a really old turn based grand strategy-esque game. Wish me luck.

Ayy why the fuck does a frog have braids

Alright, this last level is getting outta hand

So I found that Ramil quick and she dropped quite a few truthbombs about Asuka on Garou, pissing him off, on our way out be walk past this general Quol guy, uhoh.

oh boy

How did you manage to fuck up taking a screenshot that badly?

i don't know

Watch it be one of the old RotK spin-offs

>rare game
i'm in there boys

Not sure if I should go through all of these, but lets start with the mongol conquest for now.

Sounds cool

they're part of the hello kitty lineup

And now I'm in a spooky tunnel level.
This game has a really good soundtrack.

I got Terminator. Kind of shitty so far. The platforming is fucked and the grenades are mostly garbage. The enemies are pretty easy to beat, when they aren't killing themselves.

Oh god, this is overwhelming. Time to read the instruction manual.

I realize telling you this is not very helpful but I did end up having to cheat on that level to get the solution. Can not even ask for clarification on where you stuck either without spoiling it.

Great, a card game.
I'm always shit at these.

>Your NES game is King of Kings
Hope there's god mode

The AVGN curse lives on

Lets go

That fucking OST though
One of the best on the NES, the sewers theme is probably still my favourite from that Gen

Ooh, a slot machine!

Soul Blazer is a cool game. If you like it, also check out Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma. They're sequels.

Tried this game once and hated it, it's one of those SNES ARPGs where the hit detection feels unresponsive and weird, making the very simple action combat a chore to play; it's basically the proto incarnation of Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma and felt extremely unpolished

A lot of people seem to love it though so maybe you'll have fun, good luck user

Snes Star Wars user here. Back from my break. These stages are killing me

One down, my dudes.

Jesus christ, I'm reading a fucking book on how to play Genghis Khan 2, this game is too complicated.


Got Ultima Exodus. Never even heard of it. No idea what to expect.

Yeah I sorta agree with you there not being able to move diagonally makes it feel really clunky to play but I shall press on

Bored today so here goes, what am I in for lads

Title music sounds ok, that's always a good sign

Soul Blazer is a really good game, it's also worth doing what recommends, Ilusion of Gaia/Time is even better and just when you think it can't get any better Terranigam will blow you away by showing you how shit all other snes games are compared to it.

Let's go boys

Got a real classic.

>another Addams Family game
What are the fucking odds

why am i so bad at pinball

I had this game, it's pretty great but hard as balls. Good luck user.

Did anyone get any unlucky rolls since that one guy got Fester's Quest last thread

>the ball fell in between the paddles twice


Fate wills it.

I sure like the same 2 notes repeating

Ramil gave me a passport so I could go to the capital skycastle and told me to talk to the emperor there. I found this house with sages telling some interesting tails, apparently the Humans invaded this planet on their "flying continent" Astralia, killed the original inhabitants and exiled the few survivors onto Astralia, now these dudes are afraid some idiot reopens the portal to Astralia and let's the angry survivors out to wreak havoc on the humans, so they spread the legend the world is going to end if someone opens this sky door. Shits getting interesting

>Mickey Mousecepade

Well shit, last time I played that was when I was like 4 at my neighbor’s house.

These slot machines are broken.
You only have to bet a single heart and if you time your presses correctly you can win an endless amount of hearts.
I imagine the slots move faster on higher difficulties.
And that's the end of this maze, on to the next.


hope you don't plan on ever owning that game

Looks like I'm in some kind of sewer. The game calls this the "Gray Zone," whatever that means.
I'm really loving this game, it's simple but surprisingly addicting.

First level starts now, also what the fuck is with that price?

come on dude, nobody buys CIB but faggots anyway, it's like 1k for a cart. you can get a repro if you really want a physical copy, for like 10 bucks.

it came out in like 1992 so the snes was already out, no one bought it, and it's a sunsoft game so they made like 5 copies

I mean yeah, but it's no fun posting a price that low

actually Asuka was my special Agent
t. emperor

Also he tells me to get the Burning Kris a legendary sword that must not fall into System D's hand, who is the big bad apparently.

Hey this'll be fu-
>No savestates allowed

So, I made it to a wonderful section that changes the controls without any fucking warning. After figuring out what the hell I was doing I died. Great.

The fuck


VGA is a meme company no one should support

I learnt that by pressing L or R I can just hold my sword out and do damage

right after posting this i got 2 million points on one ball and earned 3 extra plays

Am... Am I fucked?

Apparently the jawas have a pit full of lava and a monster in their sandcrawler.

>3 days
good luck user hope you dont have a job

It's faggots like you that 'cause Sup Forums to be in a sorry state, unworthy of being visited.

Better start now is all I'm saying.

As someone who played through FF2 the PSP port atleast
Yes, yes you are

Pure 80's

is this good enough cause this was hell

Read the rules, for RPGs you get a week.

>Kickle Cubicle

>use savestates to practice every level and boss efficiently
>do one clean 1cc run from the beginning with no states

it's not cheating, it's being smart. but you guys go ahead and keep grinding level 1 over and over again because you died to the last boss, lmao.

>long-term, recurring threads
this isn't a long-term thread dingus
we're only doing this for a few days

This game is ass.

I got Legend of Zelda

What do I do, Sup Forums?

AGDQ/ESA threads are allowed and they take a week. also we all know you're the same guy as you moron


...Wish me luck?

Play it? What kind of question is that? Be thankful you got a good game.

don't bite, just report and ignore

>Beat first level with no deaths in about 5 minutes or so
>Wonder why I never beat this even with my tiny 4 year old brain
>mfw second level

Ah, I remember now.

1 level complete. Let's move on to the next

If theres one thing everyone knows about nes ff2 its how to cheat like a bandit immediately after starting. Up to you if you want to look it up/ask here of course.

This fucking dragon controls like shit

>long-term, recurring threads about a specific game
this thread isn't about a specific game though so the rule does not apply

Encountered Emes again and Garou is even angrier than normal

Well outside of the controls, the level was pretty easy. Third level

Alright, FesterAnon here.
Took a longer break and now I am ready to continue with the next game. I think it should be noted that I have never actually seen an episode of Gundam.

Rolls haven't been too bad this time it seems. Remember seeing threads before that were like half shovelware

Spent a few minutes grinding wolfmen next to a house and bought this ring for 80 metal from an NPC inside, I have no idea what it does though

This game feels alright so far, plays a lot like Zelda II except with more fluid jumps

Okay, I found my gamepad. I have played this before, but not all the way to the end. I think I can get through the first circuit no problem.

Fourth and last level i think. This game keeps getting easier

We're rooting for you user.


Never even heard of this game before, let's see it

Join the Nintendo Fun Club today, user!

>Ninja Gaiden
literally the first video game I ever played. It's probably why I have such poor self esteem.
It's coming back to haunt me now

>Suddenly the Dragon is fucking evil
>And mirrors all my moves so it's hard to punish
Well this took a turn for the worse

oh boy a game based off a tv show

Alright so, I have a saber and a rifle that I can switch between, a shield, projectiles that I can fire from my head, and I can dash forward and into the air, no jumping. Not the most fluid of controls but I will try to get used to them.

he's not evil, he just doesn't want to obey the king and you have to set that bitch straight. also you aren't even close to being done yet

Okay that wasn't so bad. What the fuck someone's stealing my bike

>Just finished the game
>Just realized the plot was about Maleficent and Pete kidnapping Alice and Mickey saving her

D-did I just play another KH spinoff?