>game has anime artstyle
How would it affect your opinion of the game?
>game has anime artstyle
How would it affect your opinion of the game?
what if Kaiji looked like her
improvement or not?
I usually suspect it to be shit right away.
I usually give it a chance though.
I like anime artstyle so I'm more likely to check out the game in the first place, but they're mostly trash so I'm less likely to actually buy a game like that after I check it out and pirate it
It shouldn't really have any effect on other parts of a game but you know.
If the characters are mostly male then it could be good. If they're mostly female then it's guaranteed dumpster trash and should be ignored by everyone with taste.
as long as it doesn't change the actual gambling I don't give a shit
I read Kaiji for the suspence not for the waifus (if any)
I would not play it in the first place
S-semen demon
Do they still make games without an anime art style? I guess I don't notice them
I wish Kakegurui wasn't so trash. The way lips are drawn does things to me
Probably positively
>game has anime artstyle
I don't really care. That's never a sign that the game is bad or not.
It's shit. Literally every anime art style game in the last 5 years has been utter shit. Not counting H-games.
Not. A big part of the appeal of kaiji is that he's just some fucking guy. His relatability is a part of what makes the series so tense.
Kaiji a good boy
>bland artstyle
you can complain about a lot of things and I won't deny it but the artstyle is good shut the fuck up. That is the only thing it has going for it
It's probably a shit game.
I like when it a game goes above and beyond with its visuals, anime graphics are a red flag but if they manage to do something that looks awesome and memorable, Id buy it for its looks alone
I dont think anyone outside of the contrarian shithole known as Sup Forums has criticised either of these shows for their looks
>when it is the best board on the site
you can come join us you know, just keep your shitty format posts here
If the game plays good I don't care.
t. indie game fag.
>the best board on the site
for ironic weeb containment maybe. /jp/ and /m/ are better.
Go back there and never come back you dick pimple
The greatest game of all time isn't anime so I would hate it
The greatest game of all time is MW2
You're meming but I really did enjoy mw2 the most just because everything was so busted
>noob tubing
>commando tac knife
>akimbo shotguns
>start of quick scoping
I just enjoy games were everything is busted so it balances itself out
Of course I'm joshin but MW2 was genuinely some of the most fun I had in my life when it was in its prime. Everything being broken was more fun than it had any right to be.
Big breasts under clothes is hotter than exposed
Are either of these meme shows worth watching?
anime artstyle is fine, anime tropes are what kill it for me
>the contrarian shithole known as Sup Forums
pot meet kettle
Depends if it looks nice like Persona 5, is generic as shit like 99% of VNs, or is straight up garbage like Fate
>game has realistic looking characters but the game is cel shaded
Good taste, user
Negatively. Looks off and i like my games serious in tone otherwise i cant immerse myself in it and where is the point?
>inb4 escapism faggot neet
You're a good user.
Don't worry. You're just retarded
oooh noo, how aweful. Now im bound to play games with actual artstyle and graphics instead.
>only the dead know peace from this evil
>Actual artstyle
I think that user was right, you are retarded.
>anime turns something incredibly basic into 4d chess
best feel
Anime is as much an artstyle as television is an artstyle.
There's a lot of anime and it all looks different depending on the artist.
>artstly is only good if its wow overexaggerated cartoon trash
Pick up the can
>cant pick it up
Can we agree that Kaiji is the better gambling anime?
is it made by a western dev or jap dev?
one will be a piece of uninteresting shit trying to cash in on the ironic weeb trend and the other has a chance of being a good game without using the artstyle as a main selling point
Kaiji is okay
Akagi is reddit as fuck
There's different kind of anime artstyles.
If it looks like the newer Tales Of -games then it's safe to assume it will be absolute garbage.
What are some jrpgs where i can romance party members? Something like persona or cold steel, heard xanadu was similar it wasnt really romance. Also tried growlanser
I couldn't care less desu
I read that as kaiju at first and thought you were talking about a giant Yumeko rampaging around.
>No Yumeko figma to compliment my Kaiji one
Phooey. Why are Figmas so unpopular?
wait OP pic girl is gay?
Depending on how it looked (not deviantart tier) I'd be more interested.
shes gambling-sexual, 100%. its all she cares about and what gets her off.
I chuckled.
Kaiji is a masterwork anime. It will make you suffer and you will want more. As an example, the OST has two songs titled Defeat. There isn't no victory.
Kakegurui is mediocre, but animated by a fantastic studio.
I wish I was a big titty anime girl
If it has un-subtle pandering and garbage art, it's guaranteed shit.
If it has decent artwork, and isn't trying to lure your cock with ass n' titties, it's probably pretty good.
If it's really trying to get you rock hard with great art by famous artist shinjiyo kuchijisawa miyamoto, it's a gamble.
It's good artwork and good designs, but the artstyle is generic.
Ok nigger, so whats the artstyle your mom choose to make you?
Realism tries to copy reality, and reality was no artstyle.
>so whats the artstyle your mom choose to make you?
Something about anime girls being over the top, insane or edgy just comes off as cringe to me instead of hot
I prefer crazy and edgy over dumb virgin pandering moeblobs
Ten > Kaiji > Akagi
Both are pretty shit 2bh
well kaiji had the best waifu tho, not some fucking shitty whore in the op
Guess which one I picked up.
fuck whatever bullshit op is posting who wins between these 2?
Y'all hype for the Tonegawa anime later this year?
Don't care unless it's shitty modern digital anime artstyle with flat colors, shitty shading, and the characters all have the exact same bodies and faces with their only differentiating features being clothing and hair.
>Just the artstyle
It would be a hell of a improvement for fujoshis.
>DNA level Gender Bender. Reimagined as a girl.
That's interesting.
Akagi, especially in a fair game. He's just too much of a genius
Half the reason why Kaiji is so compelling is because he can lose games.
>anime artstyle
What the fuck is this?
Literally anything animated that comes out of Japan has an "anime" artstyle
Are you referring to any game with nips in charge of the art?
Akagi is a luck god, it is physically impossible for him to lose, though Kaiji hasn't entered the gambling endgame yet so it could be feasible eventually
>Sup Forums
>best board
Nobody in this entire website likes this board, go back there please
but Kaiji is more moe
>Kaiji anime from Madhouse has only adapted 2 Parts
>there are currently 5 parts in the manga
>the third part DOES exist as an animation but is broken up into tiny, short parts and is in shitty pachinko machines only
Truly fucking suffering. I love the manga, but Madhouse did an amazing job with the adaptation. Minefield Mahjong and One Poker deserve an adaptation too. One Poker is fucking awesome.
Thankfully anime-only plebians are the only ones that truly miss out, but it's still be nice to see.
I would have liked One Poker more if the aces were available from the start
Their a cool idea for the game, but it still felt really bullshit that they were hidden
Depends on the style (and also pandering)
>it is physically impossible for him to lose
Not really. He just outsmarts his opponents.
>Tonegawa is getting a anime adaptation before we get Kaiji Season 3
But Kaiji is already perfect.
Seriously, all those dojins with him selling his body to pay his debt are god-tier
Especially annoying when you consider the whole "Fuck pachinko" message from the borg arc.
One Poker got annoying when that dumb chinese fucker butted in and it became about
>muh friendship
Anything like this. Including Shantae.
Depends on the gameplay
>bland artstyle
sorry what? are you retarded?
either way, unique doesn't mean good
it looks like shit, not an anime
same for one piece, trash
better version of OP art style would be fairy tail for example
If I want to watch shitty french cartoons I will go do that
Everytime I feel like reading kaiji I remember I can't find the first part completely translated anywhere and I quit. I don't want to just start at part 2 (if that's even finished then)
Thankfully Madhouse's adaptation of Part 1 is excellent but yeah, it kind of sucks.
Part 2-4 are completely scanlated. Part 5 is ongoing right now.
>better version of OP art style would be fairy tail for example
would every show on the planet be the same sameface garbage we have today if it was up to you?
All I want is anime with realistic dialogue
Is that asking for a lot?
Nigga did you not read Ten?
The dude made 9 complete guesses in a row when he wasn't even aware of what game he was playing and couldn't see or feel the tiles
yes, it doesn't really work.
>anime style
How come? Is it up to me to create my own anime then?
Honestly I was disappointed by Ten. I was hoping the series was going to follow through with what it initially seemed to be, a normal, amateur guy who has to cheat his way though high-stakes gambles. It would be interesting to see it from that perspective, different from Kaiji who always has to navigate through rigged games.
But then Fukumoto couldn't help himself and made Ten an intrinsic gambling god like all his other protagonists.