She can give you some health boost

>she can give you some health boost
>alright fair enough
>toss in a recoil-nullifier too
>doesn't this sound a little broken?
>don't mind me adding a bit of wallhack
>g-goobysoft stop
>she can also ressurect teanates without getting close

Remember when the operator abilities were just something simple and easy to understand like having a heat-scope or a sledge that can break surfaces

I love Counter Strike mixed with Overwatch! They even added zombies mom! I'm going to buy all the year passes!

>add ridicilously overpowered operators
>motivate people to buy season pass or drop 5$ for one of them
>underage audience empties wallet
> later patch the shit out of them

So how is the zombie thing ?

Ya, game was great back when your position wasn't being compromised every 10 seconds by someone

To be honest user, me or my group couldn't have give a fuck about it, so we will let you find out.

Pretty shitty and small, the renown payoff is terrible so you'll probably finish it once and stop.
Pretty much an advert to pull in the rest of the stragglers after the GO/OW refugees.

About to test it solo, if ubishit allows me to connect to the servers of course. Manage to connect once and now it's impossible.

You just gotta spam the absolute fucking braincells out of it. You will get in just takes some time.