Vermintide 2

Burned out yet darlings?

Vermintide 2 thread.

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Orc character when?

If we get another playable race, its going to be something like a Bretonnian or a High Elf. If we get another enemy race, it will be Beastmen. I don't think they want to go overboard with teaming up with random races for no reason.

Now that I got good with Kruber I feel like I'm carrying pug teams

Was playing Huntsman for cheesy boss deletion but I find mercenary more fun and his active skill is amazing for keeping people up in sticky situations

>burning yourself out of the game during the pre-order beta

Just how much of a tard do you have to be?

It would be fun if greenskins were a neutral faction that indiscriminately attack both you and the other enemies when they show up

An orc playable character would be dumb though

Besides we only get 4 out of 12 levels to play in the beta

We already have a high elf

kerillian isn't a high elf

is everything going to get wiped when the game officially releases?

Waystalker = Wood elf
Handmaiden = High elf
Shade = Dark elf

maybe ;^)

>a white guy in blackface is a black guy

>Play Ironbreaker
>Be bored
>Win games
>Play Slayer
>Have fun
>Lose games

The eternal struggle

>high elf
>wearing black

is playing solo viable, no friends and pubs are usually shit

Not burned out, but I want to unlock every character's profession before the beta's end, and now all that's left is Kerillian. I played one match with her and felt like killing myself for doing so, so I'm not sure I'll be able to achieve my goal after all.

bots are """okay""" but you'll be better off actually finding a group, you just wont be taking on the highest difficulty with bots


make new friends

Try and get a spear, they're really fun. Only thing worth playing her for.

maybe you need to git gud before playing the only good character in the game

will we actually kill the white rat this time

>(Jumps forward a short distance)

why are manlet players so shit? all they do is behind their shitty little shield and run in front alone until they die, they're also the most toxic shitters in the game by far


i honestly would rather play with shitty randoms than relying on the AI.

>Those people who are above level 20



So are loot die just random or what? If random, is there a way to make them show up better?

>Taking any time at all


random as far as we know, though it wouldn't surprise me if there was a higher chance for one the higher the difficulty

war camp seems to have a guaranteed pack rat but that's about it

That one fucker that always stay in the house too long and then gets fucked up while a bunch of faggot chaos niggers come up the stairs and as soon you touch the ground a boss spawns.



I console myself with at least burning out the vermin like it's the jungle wars of '65.

Do all the flails attack bypass shields? Or just the charged attack?

>Play Elf
>Don't have to worry about taking damage unless you're in a horde or facing a boss

Elf seems broken as fuck

Only 12 ?
Then why the spoiled the last act?

Solo is fine at higher lvls so long as you have good gear and traits.


Why would elf have to worry any less? because of the shit heal?


>Saltzpyre: I... am glad you're all unharmed.

When did you realize old salty was a softy at heart?

when he didnt execute sienna on the spot when he found her

You mean the thing that makes chip damage irrelevant meaning you could go for more risky plays and skull fucks the healing economy by making it that only three other players really need to use healing items?

I fail to see how this isn't broken in a game about resource management.

Both do from what ive seem but charged is superior

Whenever he gets devastated every time by Kruber's death in 1
>A good gone.

Ironbreaker with drake weapons doesn't need ammo and extremely seldom needs any healing. Just a benefit people tend not to think about.

Fuck off

Mario jump sound mod when?

>white rats are naturally more intelligent and powerful, act as leaders and rulers
>black rats are naturally physically stronger, act as elite soldiers
How did they get away with this?

>skull fucks the healing economy
I suppose the group healing talent is the most OP in the game then?

drakegun is a fun meme reserved only for lower difficulties and become worthless when friendly fire is activated and mob health gets too high for them to die before they reach you through the flame stream, plus when specials who barely give a fuck about the flames become more common


Entire party has to fight grimgor ironhide. They will lose everytime but there could be a scoreboard to see who does the best

>sleeping with your body pillow rat dummy
Lmao elves explain yourself.

I said "drake weapons" specifically, and for a reason. The drakefire pistols are generally a more practical choice, giving some sort of range and a quick melee shotgun blast.

Drakegun is too hilarious and fun to dismiss though, I agree.

t. manlet

Should I hold onto all my crates until level 30 or just the complimentary ones?

>be ironbreaker
>takes the skill where enemies would take 50% more damage if you block their attack.
>stuns and stagger enemy hordes and sienna burns them in seconds
>boss goes down quickly like Victor saltzpyre on heretics.
Damn I love being a team player.

it's difficult for the pistols to not be viable because they can stunlock armored specials until they are dead and have a nice bit of added cc with their shotgun blast alt fire, for me it's always either drake pistols or handgun

I miss ranald’s bones. This chest thing isn’t as cool.

>Take your time not like the Reichland is burning

wait are the rats jews?

Kerillian: mayflies, muh mayflies, lumberfoot, mayflieeeees, m'ayflies
Why is kerillian so much more smug now than she was in V1

>Buy Vermintide with friends
>Complete all the beta levels
>They don't want to play more until the game comes out
>Sitting in discord the other game
>One of them says "Guys, we need a new game to play"

Drakefire pistols are a better melee weapon than most melee weapons.

Armored targets is the only time my axe comes out.

Why would you ruin the game for yourself by playing the maps to death before the game is out


This fucking manga

day*** not game


>huge noses
>live underground in the shadow

>Fetus Deletus

Only bardins classes to unlock.

The shade is the worst one so far.

Fuck are you doing fatshark?

I think a High Elf specializing in High Magic would be pretty fucking stellar.

Losing a grimoire to a rocket, jesus christ

Because there's actually white black rats who are even stronger than normal black rats

32 hours in closed
23 hours in open

I feel like I'm on the verge of fucking myself over but I want to play more Sienna.

>play Champion
>2 flamethrower rats, hunter, gas rat, and horde right off the bat
>kill them
>2 gunners and 2 gas rats spawn with another horde immediately

What the fuck is with the special spawns?

Would rather have a sorceress. But having those two and two different careers could probably work.

Would also be a nice balance to get another spellcaster

>loved Drakefire Pistols in the first game
>can only play them with boring ass tank skills now
Grudge Rakers are okay I guess as Ranger, but you can't really use them as a main weapon against everything because you just don't have enough ammo. They shit all over rakogri and stormvermin and hordes though, do they have piercing or am I just imagining that because of the pellet count?
And the flamethrower is so much less fun than it seems at low level, maybe with some good heat traits it would be fun.

Kerillian is so fucking bullshit at low level too oh my god, you fucking start with the sword+dagger and swift bow with 100 capacity, you can just walk through a horde and nothing will be able to touch you because they die too fast. If that wasn't enough she has passive health regen at level 1 and doesn't even need it.

I'm fairly certain they have piercing, you can also get more traits later on to get more ammo, plus a legendary weapon trait that gives you 1 free ammo per headshot

Champion has 2 settings

Easy as can be just don't have a pyro on your team


Fuck You

And then you stop playing on recruit, and suddenly she is the worst character.

So I just got an amulet that gives health regen

can I improve its power or am I forced to discard it one day like everything else

I'm also playing Sienna. I don't think theres a viable way to play without killing my teammates or going Unchained. But if I play Unchained, I overload in 3 hits.

Ratblender Bardin is the way

I think they missed a chance with Sienna having a What-if not fire magic career. I think laziness when it comes to having unique weapons/staves is what stopped them.

A new magic user would be nice.

It's a travesty.

Nope, throw it away because they put in a retarded ilvl thing for no reason.

>Ranald's middle finger

>Would rather have a sorceress

A sexy, sultry Druchii caster wouldn't go over too well with Kerillian.

>waystalker is pretty much all passives and nothing all that interesting
>handmaiden and shade both fucking suck

I just want to have a fun crazy class for elf that doesn’t suck, like everyone else gets


Anyone else just get a unable to connect to steam error?

>Burned out yet darlings?
I don't even have the chance to burn out.

Yep. Guess Steam went down.

steam isn't working

What if they introduced another race that was at odds with both rat/chaos and the players? I could see vamps and beastmen both being that. So occasionally you'll come across battles between the 2 AI forces and have to cut a swath to reach the objective.

Orcs eventually went good during the end times so I don't think they would work.