How could a website only based around hate create such a beautiful game about acceptance?
How could a website only based around hate create such a beautiful game about acceptance?
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This isn't a game about acceptance, if they were ugly men everyone would make fun of them. It's a game about cumming inside hot anime girls' asses while trying not to touch their burn scars.
>How could a website only based around hate
Sup Forums was never that though. Maybe you’re new.
It was a different time.
Or so I’m told. I’m a newfag who played it in 2012 long before I visited Sup Forums
If you want an actually good version of this shitty OELVN, go play Grisaia, it's been translated for years now and is the same concept except as a top-5-of-all-time VN.
You would have been fucking crucified for any of the dumb tumblr opinionss you tried to post in 2012. I've been here since 2007, Sup Forums has always unironically despised political correctness (until the takeover during gamergate)
I arrived at Sup Forums on the cancer wave of 2007. It was a different time. I am still a newfag.
KS was a product of its time, before Sup Forums was infested with normalfags who don't like anime, visual novels or OC in general.
This, it was never about accepting cripples or understanding them I just wanted to fuck amputee girls in the ass with lemon flavored lube
You picked the wrong fucking route as an example. Rape isn't acceptance. The fact that they put that kind of thing in her story is proof that it really is "just a Sup Forums thing."
>How could a website only based around hate
Sup Forums? there is no hate here. We simply reject communists
inb4 that image that proves it wasn't rape.
In retrospect we're like fucking saints compared to these kids. The cancer is in the woodwork now
Turns out it's just KS dev shilling on Sup Forums how pathetic
>I can't hug anyone, Hisao.
this desu
>he fell for the meme
Dude, im 80% ure its some rape simulator
You would be surprised...
This is not Type-Moon tho
>get blasted for saying dumb shit
Wow, what a surprise.
>no in game example to back up the argument
Into the trash
>actually thinking this
Sup Forums is 98.5% lib master race with a small loud Sup Forums containment board.
>shilling a free 5+ years old game
posting superior bacon girl
you are 15% correct
think about it for more than 30 seconds. the answer is within reach.
Can you make her eggo preggo yet
Until i click an dialogue option that bathes me in gallons of guilt but also pleasure? No thank you, i am about to stabilize after watching that fucked up movie about Japanese experiments on the chinese
No chance sadist kun
Because most people are, at a basic level, good and want good things to happen to other people. Also it's a game about physically deformed girls made by a website full of people who are societal outcasts because of their different interests and natures, who tend to resent societal norms (even if they do understand the necessity) and thus could channel their own discontent into that creation. Katawa Shoujo IS blatant wish fulfillment and self-inserting, but self-inserting as the girls, because the idea of being accepted and loved despite your deformities is something very few here actually experience.
Or because it's cute and shit and everyone loves a cute love story.
I wish
>based around hate
you have no idea what you're talking about
i promise you it's not like that.
Can't fool me buddy, I can tell you picked that number on purpose because it's actually 20% rape shit
>this damage control
so weak
Don't you dare post Hanako while defending the fact that she was raped. Hang yourself, I'll pay for the noose myself.
Look at you. Fucking LOOK at you. Did you forget where you are? You're at Sup Forums. Fucking Sup Forums. Not Reddit, not Tumblr, not one of a myriad of fucking "safe spaces" where you can crouch in your hugbox and be coddled in cotton. You're in the asshole of the Internet, son.
Now eat a bowl of concrete and HARDEN THE FUCK UP.
it's a website based on anime. post your sachis so they can rise in value
dont be mean
No thank you, but i bump your thread so no other people under any circumstances will pat the head of this cute, scarred girl and tell her she is butiful bby and make her smile again
Have a good day you faggots.
And if you're going to sleep, good night.
>How could a website only based around hate
You fell for the memes newfriend
>will pat the head of this cute, scarred girl and tell her she is butiful bby and make her smile again
Can you believe that this is what neurotypical people expected from Hanako's route? I mean, that's the kind of thing normal people do when it comes to a character like that.
But KS is just a perverse Sup Forums thing.
>you are not nailing disabled girls but you do, but thats totally ok because they are tolerably disabled
oh god
> 20% rape shit
oh no
Except grisaia is worse than katawa shoujo
why the FUCK do you DO this SHIT? it’s FUCKING annoying
Well it gave me motivation to keep active, everyday I go after that runners high
It was made before Gamer Gate and the 2016 elections
>speech level 65, check passed
I have no idea what is going on but im glad we can agree
No, no, no. You are nailing NORMAL girls that just HAPPENED to be disabled.
The first one, maybe, but the 2nd and 3rd one, no way, i almost didn't finished these last 2.
dont revel in your stupidity. user just you a thoughtful and accurate answer.
normal fucked up girls with extreme social issues
Hit it out of the park. Good post.
I have extreme social issues and I still want to be fucked
>Hanako's "route" is able to single-handedly ruin KS's reputation
Un-subvert that you piece of subhuman shit
oh fuck off, just because this place is rough around the edges doesn't mean you have to behave like an edgy shit 24/7. i know it'll sound silly to you because you joined yesterday but we used to have decent conversations without politics, without 9000 layers of irony posts, without dumbfucks like you who thinks they know anything about this place and try their hardest to shit up every inch of this hellhole. grow the fuck up and lurk more you faggot newfag
It's funny that people actually think this pasta is true when Sup Forums is just a place for autistic anime lovers to post.
being a fat ugly basement dwelling virgin is not an extreme social issue
You sould like you're 15
I'll never forget being the Cripple Pimp of Whore Academy.
This really. Wish people would stop trying so damn hard all the time.
>he doesn't sack websites and invade myspace accounts
hello newfag
it literally is
You just don't understand
>tfw katawa shoujo caused the cancer known as /vg/
The irony of falling for a copypasta lel.
>baby has no burn scars
>implying not having any social skills and staying at home all the time is not an extreme social issue
You should reread before posting, retard.
Reddit is down the hallway to the left newfag
This game was retarded as fuck. Why would you need to go to a school for disabled people for something like a weak heart? Why wasn't the protagonist on a prescribed rehabilitation with mandatory cardio training?
>Katawa Shoujo General #3435
What part of ANONYMOUS HATE MACHINE do you not understand?
Same. Came in 2008, and this place got progressively worse.
It's not rape if she loved it.
>muh realism
2006, I came. Its been 12 years and I still havent cleaned it.
>they lost the count a re-started atleast twice
She obviously didn't love it, so that was a worthless statement.
Remember those old Sup Forums raids where we'd all meet up IRL and go blow up a random van? Good times
Poe's law is in full fucking effect here
/vg/ is cancerous cliquefaggotry but at least they play games. Also, whoever compiled that disgusting image with cringey reaction images should kys
Waifus overcome everything, even a lifetime of petty spite.
>muh mandatory shit writing because years of NEEThood that I spent on anime fucked my brain up
Okay. She just liked it a lot. It's only because it was her first time getting raped - it gets better the more rapexperience you have.