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boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Reminder that Nomura never even had the chance to develop Versus XIII as he intended to./

sorry had my caps lock on my accident

They realized they don't have to try

Then where is FF7R?

Who cares? They haven't put out a good in-house product in nearly a decade.

Then why still no FF13 HD trilogy?

Ok, I apologize

To myself from a few years ago for wasting your energy on this game.

So are they not gonna take another decade to make FFXVI?

Which means, release a 50% game, release 40% of episodical dlc with content that matter through the game with plot, release 10% for extra shit like fishing. Do it for 8 years, it works, idiots will buy it

>Much faster
Is that why XV is still in development? Or is that their new tactic?

it's just their way of saying "haha guys we won't take THAT long for a fucking video game again trust us"
but FF7 says otherwise

>People still have hope for KH3

but can they develop good games as well?

I was done with ff after ff 10-2 and everybody else should have left with ff13...

Who literally cares what they make.

>All the time spent on this engine will be useful for our future projects using this other engine!

>we can now pump out shit at an increased rate
Why is this a cause for celebration?

FF:ARR is pretty good for a MMO. We'll never see another Final Fantasy like 7-10 will we

>develop a game on THREE separate engines over the course of a fucking decade
>“No, you see, now we can do it in less time!”

If it takes nine years and a half it’s still faster than this trainwreck. Also, XVI will probably be even worse:

>Square says they liked the XV combat so much that basically every title from now on will have it
>they don’t have Amano or Yoshida in art direction anymore, so we can only look forward to more Nomura faggotry
>that probably also means another yaoi game
>Square has already said XVI will not be based off the Luminous tech demo, despite that world being much more interesting than the one in XV
>probably won’t even have a PC port considering how botched this one was

>>Square says they liked the XV combat so much that basically every title from now on will have it
Haven't played the game yet, but I've seen a turn based option in the settings. Does that make it seem more like past games or even worse since combat is slower?
Really wish Pyre was as good as Transistor

>why is this HD game not in HD
thats how dumb you sound

It just stops the game when you’re about to get attacked in case you’re so retarded you can’t hold the dodge button to be invincible all the time.

Also something to do with Libra-ing the enemies to see stats and shit, but I only played the demo for like two hours before I felt like eating my keyboard.

It is if you don’t go in expecting Bastion and Transistor again.

>thanks for beta testing, fags!

Because FF13 is horrible and they know it wont sell.

and it only took them 1 generation and a half

XIII literally sold more than XV. Take the sequels into account and it just becomes even more pronounced.

why anyone wants remakes of 7th gen games is beyond me, graphics have not improved in the slightest for the current gen so the game would look exactly the same

>>they don’t have Amano or Yoshida in art direction anymore, so we can only look forward to more Nomura faggotry
They haven't since 97. Yoshida was never really that relevant, though.

too bad they can't patch their shitty pc ports

I would buy any XIII remake on Day fucking One.

I really think most non-autists at least find the game decent, and love the sequels. Autists will hate on it sure... But the game, again, to NON-autists, is miles above XV, always.

It was a Nomura project, they need to purge him now.

Only "autists" have played up to Lightning Returns though. Won't discuss which one of them are better, both are disasters.

Yoshida was probably the one I liked the most between the three of them. Tactics and XII have great art direction barring some questionable wardrobe choices and so does the Bravely series, 1.0 XIV’s only redeeming features were the soundtrack and the character art, and then there’s Nier Automata.

I say this fully aware that Amano is the better artist between the two, by the way. Nomura, well, he’s a faggot with a fetish for twinks, belts and zippers.

XIII is autistic waifu bait.

I'll believe it when I see it.

XV is autistic fujo bait.

Yeah, I like Yoshida too, but he really isn't a "company man" in the way Nomura is now and Amano was for the FF games in the 80s-90s.

Nomura is also fucking obsessed with hoodies for some reason. Almost every character close to being a protagonist in KH has a fucking hoodie. I still like his games though (when he actually commits to doing them, which is a doozie).

Real Talk: Is Nomura now holding square enix back? What was the last project this man finished?

It's amazing a million dollar company is unable to repeat the success of their older classics.

but have they figured out how to develop Good games yet?

As a director or in general? Both are recent.


It's easy to release games faster when you release them half finished and just patch in the rest over a period of several years.

Try the management, XIII and XIV failed harder than anyone imagined and instead of taking their losses and hoping Nomura would save them they stole his team away to fix the dumpster fires other directors had wrought. Luckily they managed to salvage XIV but now XV happened and the cycle would have probably repeat itself if it wasn't KH Nomura was working on, though they'll probably take him off 7R when they get a chance and toss a retard like Tabata on again.

>Monolith Soft developed THREE Xenoblade games in the time SE made FFXV
>FFXV isn't even technically finished yet

Both. I am just curious.

Did XIII really fail? I thought it sold pretty well, I thought.


I really hope Nomura leaves SE and joins another company after KH3 is done. The way they've treated him for the past few years has been reprehensible.

It was a success, though.

>"Steam is going to take a shit on this game!"
t. Sup Forums

The last thing he directed was KH 2.8 (the 3DS re-release and the "demo" for 3), released last year. Since then he's been involved in Dissidia NT and XC2.
Dude's been kept busy.

Wow, if they come out with games twice as fast that'll only be like 3 years after they announce they're working on them until they're actually out!

>The way they've treated him for the past few years has been reprehensible.
fucking what? The guy deserves to be fired. The hell you talking about?

Is he still on KHIII or did they pull him off? Also who is on FFVIIR? Last 2 questions.

Its development was a failure. The white tools engine (later renamed crystal tools engine) was very difficult to work with and the XIII team was failing miserably, in turn holding back every other game that was to use the same engine. That included Versus XIII of course.

This. They've realized they can shovel out incomplete games and slap on the "games as a service" title on them.

>thinking Nomura is a victim

First of all, if he gets paid big bucks to imagine a world of fantasy for a Final Fantasy game and the best he can come up with is “GTA with chocobos” I want to see him fucking disgraced.

Second, Nomura had this game for six years as Versus XIII and delivered nothing. He’s a hack and was basically just pissing away money on a vanity project.

>Have only played FF 1-6
>Hear about 15 and all the hype behind it
>Download PC demo
>It's a game about gay japanese teenagers roaming the generic American southwest and having """"fun adventures"""" and """"character development"""""
>real time combat is absolute dogshit and requires no skill or strategy to execute
>mfw this game has been in development for a decade
What the FUCK did they do to this franchise?

All this readily-available information about SE's shitty management and retards still choose to blame Nomura. Why is this?

So I can expect an FFXVI announcement trailer in June right? No wait I know the answer to this.

Oh fuck, is that why the PC versions of the XIII trilogy are kinda shitty? Man I really wish XIII used Unreal, I love the XIII trilogy and wish they would get remastered or something.

As an objective outsider to the whole retard SEETHING; TORTANIC nigger fight you morons are having, what makes you think any player can make an objective review of any game this long the same day it comes out?


He's Directing both. iirc Square tossed him on 7R without telling him beforehand.

11 and 14 made them so much money that they stopped caring about the single player games.

>Thanks to Unreal Engine

ftfy you pridefetish japs

Oh wow, thanks for the answers. What is it about Nomura that square loves so much to put him on consecutive projects in a row?

Reminder that Nomura never even had the chance to develop Versus XIII as he intended to.
Reminder that Versus was NOT in development for 10 years and that for the first few years the dev team consisted of Nomura, some CG artists and some guys fucking around on a computer.
Reminder that this continued until 2011/2012 as SE could not spare any manpower as they were trying to put out the raging dumpster fire created by XIII and XIV.
Reminder that when Nomura could finally be given a proper team, SE forced him to make it a mainline title because they had nothing left.
Reminder that Tabata weaseled his way to director by taking advantage of Nomura's kindness in letting him on the team.
Reminder that SE then demanded that the story themes be changed to meet ratings board criteria (this was outright confirmed by Tabata himself) and Tabata, being the visionless yes man he is, went along with all of it, and took it as a chance to prove himself as a director while throwing Nomura under the bus.
Reminder that Tabata gets super passive aggressive whenever the topic of Versus comes up because he knows he made a piece of shit and that people were only interested in XV because they fell in love with Versus and believe that XV retains the same themes and gameplay.
Reminder that Nomura refuses to talk about Versus or XV.
Reminder that Nomura didn't even show up to the big release date event.

Nomura's baby was stolen from him and butchered before his eyes before it ever got the chance to live. It was never in "development hell". That's a myth perpetuated by clueless XVfags who only hopped on after the renaming. Tabata is a fucking snake who will be relegated to mobile games now that his piece of shit bombed.

The female characters in XIII are trash so you can't even say that. What a terrible game

SE executives in a nutshell. FF16 will basically not exist for 2 gens because of this.

I'm glad they said faster and not better.

every faggot days before the release of this game was taking screenshots how much of a "buggy mess" this game was because it didn't run on a TI-84 calculators they called home computers. If this game was going to be a shit port, they would let you know it.

I will not apologize to someone who uses the term "HD games" in a way that is supposed to be taken seriously.

Don't forget xenosaga 3 coming out after xiii versus was announced

Yes? Compared to the hallway simulator 13 and holding O in XV

>best selling FF
>their proof of “games as a service” working

It sucks but XV was their testing ground, and it worked out for them. Now they’ll go full steam ahead with this stuff.


Versus XIII was creative. There was a unique dynamic between the modern "big city" of Insomnia ran by mafia-esque politicians who used fantasy swords in contrast to the medieval Niflheim which looked more fantastic, yet used firearms. That was creative. Too bad they turned Insomnia into just another fantasy city and all but removed Insomnia from the game.

Nomura described it as a game that deviates from series’ norms in in countless ways. Versus was clearly using KH as the basis for its combat. I mean you can actually see it in some of the old trailers: shorter and more clearly defined combos where landing a finisher actually matters (the finishers seemed to do about double the damage of a normal attack), the ability to replace normal hits in the combo with a magic attack and then flow into the next hit seamlessly, actual hitstun on enemies so you can make it to a combo finisher (something FF15 sorely lacks), and obviously the original UI had a command menu exactly like KH.

XV is the exact opposite of what Nomura was trying to do with Versus. The only people who like it are clueless XVfags who only hopped on after the renaming.

Then hurry up and dump 15 in the trash were it belongs and start on 16.

What the fuck does that even mean? What were they doing beforehand? Christ they're such a shit company.

Now that the dust has settled, what game was better, XIII or XV?

SE is the slowest fucking company in the world. We've had 2 GTAs game made in the time it took FFXV to come out and still be incomplete.

XV had a pretty fun finishing minigame so probably that. Both are gutter trash

>Yes? Compared to the hallway simulator 13 and holding O in XV
All RPGs are hallway simulators. Final Fantasy is not exempt.

Why reply about games you haven't played? Dumbass.

Wew, so now we'll get turds like FFXV in 6 years instead of 10, what a time to be alive.

>now that his piece of shit bombed.

But it didn't. That's what this thread is all about.

Yeah, but can it make good games faster?

FF13 could've been a mobile game considering how fucking arcadey and linear it was. So FFXV.

Just started the game for the first time. Why do I have loads of overpowered gear in my inventory? What is all this shit? There are weapons and outfits and accessories that seem so strong they make everything trivial. Why do I have all this shit?

XV, but because it actually has the decency of starting with something kinda fun before repeating itself. XIII on the other hand had the 40 hour long corridor of NOTHING.

>square enix discovered early access

cuz ur playi ng dlcshit version

The man's a machine, his products are successful, his art is iconic, and the folks at Square like working under him. He's their guy.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Reminder that Nomura never even had the chance to develop Versus XIII as he intended to./
based Nomura shill!

lol mad

Give Nier Remaster. Now.

The worst part is that we apparently still need those turds powered by the same vomit inducing market analysis "ideas" as productions that used to take 2 years.

Is this the default version of the PC game? I didn't check any boxes for DLC or anything, just started the game normally. I guess I'll just avoid using these items because it's stupid as fuck otherwise.

Seriously doubt I'll live to see FF16 with how much of a mess SE currently is
Probably not even the trailer

So when do we get to go back to the days of SquareSoft and get rid of the goofs who currently run this company.

Maybe this time they can make good pc ports.

Not to the extent of 13

I wish I didn't waste my time playing 13 or 15