When did 'they're a business' become a good argument when defending developers shitty business practices?

When did 'they're a business' become a good argument when defending developers shitty business practices?


Then why is it used so much lately? Every time someone complains about paid only loot boxes, the answer is always 'they're a business'.

it never did

but Sup Forums never gave a shit about shitty business practices, remember that Sup Forums defended and shilled for Battlefront II, Metal Gear Survive, Battlefield 1, Shadow of War, and every other AAA pile of shit rip-off scam "game"

most of Sup Forums buys loot boxes, overpriced DLC, and other trash for games that they stop playing within a month

90% of people who complain about shitty business practices on Sup Forums are the ones responsible for those practices in the first place


Really? I thought v was less retarded than that.

That's because shills and newfags.

Siege's paid loot boxes will only be available for a month.

It only became an excuse to literal shills, like people sent out by these companies to boost PR, and people who are new to videogames. Anybody who knows anything about videogames knows that it doesn’t have to be this way, but for some reason it is.

"It's a business" is basically the "just following orders" of corporatespeak.

because the game is actually good you soyboy

I think it's safe to say that anybody who uses the "they're a business" argument is either a shill, or somebody who lacks enough self respect to demand satisfaction from an entity that is literally designed to cater to you for money.

It doesn't matter how long it lasts, it's still a shitty practice.

So if you were dating a sexy, loyal girl you'd be okay if she took a shit on you every now and then because of it?

Nope. A certain percentage of Sup Forums just blindly hates whatever reddit and neogaf likes, and most of the others hop on the bandwagon without understanding why. So you have instances like Undertale, where Sup Forums is in almost complete agreement that it's one of the best RPGs in years, but as soon as it gets popular elsewhere Sup Forums immediately turns against it and you can't even discuss the game without the thread getting spammed anymore. Then reddit organized the boycott and campaign against Battlefront II and Sup Forums started shilling and defending it like mad.

Sup Forums will continue to be shit because faggots think that 'board culture' means being anti-reddit all the time.

>remember that Sup Forums defended and shilled for Battlefront II, Metal Gear Survive, Battlefield 1, Shadow of War, and every other AAA pile of shit rip-off scam "game"
None of that shit happened you double nigger if you see a thread about a new game it doesn't mean we're all shilling for it you sub 80 iq mouth breather

If their practice makes money, it's a good practice from the company's perspective. That's all businesses are for, to make money. Treating them like moral agents is silly.

Lmao fucking virgins think everything should be free. Companies are NOT your friends. They exist only to make money. You think Carmack and Romero were only in it for the kicks? Fuck no, they saw a opportunity and took it. No amount of goofy photo shoots they did with id will change that. No one is saying you have to like Jews being Jews, though, just telling you to stop being surprised at Jewish practices by Jews.

>So if you were dating a sexy, loyal girl you'd be okay if she took a shit on you every now and then because of it?

Jokes on you, user, I'm german.

>"they're a business" shilling
>comes back to bite them later on
>complains about it
These people don't deserve to live.

playing post 2007 games is the true mark of a soyboy

I think part of the problem surrounding discussion of this is the hyperbole surreounding the argument, i.e. when you're comparing not being allowed to say nigger or faggot in the game chat with someone taking a shit on your chest.

They;re setting rules for what you can and can't say in a videogame - so unlike something like facebook or twitter the "muh free speech" argument holds less water since it's a videogame platform, not a communication platform.

I do agree that banning from the game over this kind of abuse seems over thje top when they could perhaps do something like suspend your in-game chat privileges instead.

>$40 for base game 3 years later
>$130 for everything

lmao just lmao, defend this


>game devs puts sexy waifus in game
>"lol if you don't like it don't buy it"
>Ubisoft decide to ban racist and homophobic slurs


vr wont take me because I like the gamecube xbox era too

Assuming you didn't get the starter edition, the grind for DLC ops isn't that bad. Maybe 10 hours each.

when the board became flooded with ancaps.

why does this game have such an issue with stuttering and hitching all of a sudden? does anyone else have this issue?

buy better internet

Downloading the update now, how's the new mode? I have 2 people I regularly squad with so the mode being 3 players only is absolute perfection

When blumpf got elected

Never, shitty business practices are shitty business practices, some are less shitty than others, some are understandably shitty.

>playing with that wide of an FOV

Holy shit, neck yourself.

You expect content updates, bug fixes and servers for free?

Sup Forums is always more retarded than you could possibly imagine


>Sup Forums is one person

Undertale suck's my dude, you have to go back.

its just ubishit being shit like always I guess, either that or my HDD is failing

Weren't they gonna price drop the operators or was that just the weapon attachments?

>playing with that wide of an FOV

thats 90FOV you fucking consoleturd

Every year they wring $30 out of the whole playerbase to support them adding new content and keeping servers up.
Plus anyone who wants to can buy cosmetics with real money instead of grinding for them.
Real money only (limited time too) cosmetics in that setting are just weird.

hmm this isnt true at all, perhaps people simply dont like undertale and the fanboys cant handle any criticism so they say retarded nonsense like "you only hate it because it's popular" when in reality its a very hit or miss game

>Shitty practices
>Banning toxic, underage, cringey edgelords who think spouting nigger and faggot is the epitome of "Good bants"

Fuck off you child.

>unironically using toxic and cringe
go back to youtube

Every thread for a game I don't like is shilling. God I love Narcissism.

When Japan started to enact said business practices.
And here, it's okay when Japan does it.

Threadly reminder that Sup Forums is not one person. Please stop saying "Sup Forums said x" or "Sup Forums did y" as if Sup Forums were one mind.
It's never a good argument. Shit business practices shouldn't be tolerated

It's not an argument or an excuse, it's how the world works.
Only now are larger developers learning that the gaming audience isn't as dumb and eager as they used to be.
Well, not quite as dumb and eager.

cpu bug

How is this business

Fuck all renown.
Easy as fuck on normal.

Feels like 3/4 of a cheap L4D Campaign. You'll probably play it once or twice and then stop

Because nobody actually cares about the "games industry". Video games are a hobby for most people, they just play a game because it's fun and don't look for further meaning from it. They actually have lives and real things to care about and they don't have time to care about whatever shitty thing EA is doing or whatever.

They do shitty things because they're a business and they're in a position where they want to make as much money as possible. It's not like they're hurting anybody and they're not going to change anytime soon so who cares. Just move on with your life.

Private companies deciding how they want their games to be. Majority of retards here will say "don't buy it if you don't like it" but somehow being unable to say nigger or faggot is crossing the line for them.

>new console generation releases
>/vr/ refuses to acknowledge an additional generation as retro in turn

What a bunch of faggots.

leave them alone
they just want to circlejerk about CRT's and how retro gaming prices are ridiculous and argue about emulation being good or bad

>getting bullied away from a Sup Forums board

the game has no single player so you pay for the multiplayer by buying it

When beta white males were tricked into conservative ideology because Russians baited and cultivated their hatred towards women and fear of blacks.

The game isn't free retard. As a matter of fact it's stupidly expensive for a multiplayer only game.

Leagur of legends does the same and its a free game. Whats your argument now?

The entire fucking purpose of a Corporation is to make money, if retards want to promote anti-consumer practices then that's the price we pay for not starving inbetween daily bread ration deliveries.

It sucks but what can you do?

I understand they don't want people coming in and talking about PS2 games and Halo but it really is time for them to let go, you can't talk about the same things forever

Exactly. Even with all the dlc ops so far, the game is not worth nowhere near 60 bucks.