What happened to PUBG? It used to be top dog now it's literally who status to Fortnite.
Fortnite vs pubg
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Also one more thing, where did this Ninja guy come from? How does he have so many subs?
>640k a month
Normalfags play on consoles
ninja is a fucking fortnite savant
prime bot accounts
not even memeing
They dealt with the chinks while PUBG bows down to their chinamen overlords
Are these games actually any good? They look kind of shit but I figured I'll give fortnite a tickle since it's ""free""
This, plus niggers.
Where'd you screen grab that from? I wanna see some Twitch stats.
everyone knows that fortnite is the poor mans pubg
literally and figuratively
and i fucking HATE pubg
free vs need high end computer / one x to be competitive
>download fornite
>shooting mechanics are ripped straight from GTA4 free-aim mode
wtf aiming in this game feels like shit
that's to be expected
Fortnite is free to play and accessable on console, while pubg is a hardware demanding game that costs money.
The average dudebro who plays on ps4 / xbox is more likely to play a game like Fortnite with his friends, than to spend money for pubg on console with low graphics, 20 fps and no aim assist.
Fortnite runs on everything, looks good even on low due to the artstyle, and has a good console port. Fortnite also gets content updates regularly. Its also F2P
PUBG hasn't done shit since the desert map last year, and it still runs like shit while also looking like shit.
you’d be right if pubg was polished, given the price tag but it’s not
engineers who designed an incredibly popular game engine vs some gook spaghetti code with p2p tier netcode
I only played a tiny bit of Pubg but there was a lot less happening in a game compared to Fortnite. You would land, spend 5 minutes trying to walk to the circle, then get sniped by someone you can't see.
>on three platforms
>not free
>on two platforms
Needless to say, PUBG is more successful. But who cares? Both the games are trash.
faster paced
updated regularly
doesn't run like ass
Fortnite is on consoles and it runs at 60fps on every console, including the launch PS4 and Xbox One. PUBG doesn't even get 30fps on the $500 Xbox One X.
I got fortnite before the hype started. Just saw the free game and it looked like fun.
It's extremely fun with friends, but I really end up saying that about every game I play just for your info.
It's fun and there are many different ways to get a victory. You could bum rush everyone you see to rack up huge kill scores if you're good, or you could play strategically and evaluate each situation as it comes. Half the time I tell my squad mates to let a fight play out before we hop into the fray, or just to avoid combat altogether if the storm is coming and we won't make it out.
It all comes down to how you want to play. I would rather have a fun victory than a 12 kill victory.
The lack of a ranked mode in these games is kind of why i like them. Everyone is way too serious about games nowadays.
Oh, forgot to mention. As of yesterday I have 41 total wins across all modes.
I'm no shitter
>fortnite runs on literal toasters
>easy to get into compared to competitors
I wonder, it's almost like it's LoL all over again.
>download fortnite on my xbox
>literally silk smooth 60fps
>download pubg
>literally 15 fps
this is the short answer. the rest of the thread is the long one
>piece of crap
>piece of shit
These games are literally worse than assfaggots
>its the same engine
I really don't get why pubg is so bad
how embarassing
ninja has been on ttv since halo reach came out so he is an og. He of course had a halo following for halo 5, but he skyrocketed when he streamed h1z1. He was getting thousands until Fortnite became the new LoL
It's almost as if these games are short lived gimmicks
It's like asking why planking and ice bucket shit aren't done any more
bruh this is the new LoL
koreans can’t code
i thought pubg was an american game
Bluehole is a Korean company
They just have the guy who made the original Arma mod on their team helping, and he's American I believe
any anons playing pub wanna add me on steam to play this shit?
fortnite isnt as infuriating when you lose
thats it
>fortnite is the poor mans pubg
You cant be serious, PUBG is cheap as fuck outside the US.