how do you like my fury warrior, Sup Forums?
How do you like my fury warrior, Sup Forums?
More like funy warrior haha
More like furry warrior
>edgefur the darkhog
Well, first of all, you're a faggot for still playing WoW.
Second off, you're a faggot for playing Alliance.
This WOULD be where I call you a double faggot but then we consider the third offense of how you're a faggot for playing a furry.
You're a triple faggot.
Strip and show us your ass your slut
Alliance is the superior faction you filthy horde pleb
muh humans short humans and aliens wow so cool
Holy shit, WoW just never ceases to push the envelope when it comes to ugliness
muh green niggers
>says the guy who's faction is over 40% Elves
Nigger, you'd hold more weight if Horde didn't get Blood Elves. Classic WoW will bring this back however.
muh Mary Sue faction
opinions on my e-gf's toon ?
alright, what about my holy priest? i actually love this one, proud of it
pfffffffff hahahahah
looks like she gets ORC'd daily
>Holy in 2018
Why even bother when there is a superior spec right next door?
Here's my Fury warrior. Only level 60, at the moment.
I hate those goggles why does everyone wear them?
I played a worgen for a little while but I couldn't get over the running animation, it looks like complete shit.
>I love this one, proud of it
>Proud of a mismatched vanilla texture with a stretched out 9x9 resolution paired with MoP shoulders and belt that don't match, wotlk gloves and tier 2 helm
>But it's all vaguely some shade of blue/yellow so it works right guys
faggots like you need to just wear sets, being unique doesn't mean you look good
why do you want to look unique if it means you look retarded
Blizz needs to really update the older shit. It clashes so bad with the newer textures. Then again we are talking about the laziest developers ever who are just phoning it in at this point
They're the most unobtrusive ones you're allowed to use as transmog.
You’re in the club and this guy HUH’s your gf’s ass.
What do you do?
>Mixing high res with low res
Get fireballed to death.
Level until I'm past the level 10-60 level bracket, then come back and win instantly.
I cannot comprehend the kind of mind that actually enjoys second job simulator games like WoW.
Explain the appeal.
>Allied Race intro cutscenes aren't voiced by Terenas Menethil
why did they stop using him for that
I dream of a day when they go back and update the textures on all the old vanilla and BC gear.
I know it will never happen because of how lazy they are, but I can still dream.
How about my wandering penitent Disc priest? Completely with bare feet.
As a tauren female, I can appreciate people playing ugly women.
What's ugly about Tauren females?
is that a fucking keyblade
I'm not really into bovines.
Your loss, man.
No it's the disc priest artifact appearance. Still looks fucking dope.
it matches their first pvp set from Legion pretty much perfectly
too bad nobody uses that set
They all remind me of middle-aged women
But I cant find belves attractive either, since they remind me of high-schoolers
Orcs are too muscular
Goblins are goblins
Undead are evil corpes
And thus, I fap exclusively to troll women.
Rate my Alliance-Dog slayer
You have a receding hairline and can't afford proper pants.
I like the look as a whole, but try and find some actual pants.
incredibly generic.
It's 100% on purpose. I mainly PvP so it feels good to be super-horde when all you meet is demon hunters who look the same anyway.
rate mog
I want to impregnate a Panda
does WoW have an option to hide shoulderpads yet?
uh the original voice actor for the race intros died before BC
Earl Boen's still alive
it was never gone
just have to do it at a transmogrifier
Absolutely blasted
Don't we all?
I'd hope so, they'd be the ideal wife
You couldn't hide shoulders until legion
Female Gnomes are the best females
Shit taste.
It never ceases to amaze me how WoW armor is so damn bad.
None of it looks even remotely like something a humanoid creature might actually wear, everything looks made of plastic. Well, i guess the more simple leather or cloth pieces can be passable sometimes.
More for me, then
I actually kind of like this one.
I like it, gives off that classic Orc Warrior vibe.
People may say its generic but meh, the Horde needs more Orc Warriors and less Blood Elf/Nightborne everything.
It is absolutely insane how often you run into elves on the Horde now. I tried leveling a HMT Druid recently and I was always the only non-elf in the dungeon groups. Shit gets depressing.
Hear hear. Blood and thunder, friend.
is it just me or are female pandas in plate armor god tier?
>playing warrior in 2018
wew lad
I have to admit though I have some heavy nostalgia for worgen fury warrior because thats what I race changed to when cata launched because all my friends were ally and there really is no better race for fury warrior than worgen on ally. That being said my warrior was my main since TBC and they pruned and trimmed that class down so much I can't play it anymore because it just feels like a shadow of it former self, not just fury but all the warrior specs
nice mog
this is mine
tfw sub ran out today
tfw guild got bored after clearing heroic argus
Arms is still one of the most fun classes in PvP. Hits like a fucking train.
wot's on yer mindeh
Wash yer back
keep yer feet underground
keep yer meat underground
I'm not saying the spec is bad or doesn't do damage just that its not fun to play anymore, same with the other two
and fury enrage passive (increases damage taken by 30% because class fantasy), just no
>play female gnome
>look cute or silly in any transmog
>win every single trial of style because people are sick of NE/Velf/Belf slutmog same shit
>Playing the faggot faction
>Playing the faggot spec
>Playing the one of the faggiest races in the game
>Attentionwhoring on Sup Forums
Damn, you GAY.
I want to impregnate a Gnome
Stay away from the voodoo
You come get the voodoo
What are good methods to rush through Draenor leveling other than the bonus objective spots?
The Horde's only Horde by name now. Nothing 'noble savage' about it anymore nor does has it been good in the past decade. Enjoy your hundreds of thousands of shitty, short elves.
Yes, I still fucking love Arms, even if warrior's become boring to play otherwise.
>mad your healers are dead
More like furry warrior