Bought FFXIV complete from the steam sale. I'll start playing it next week after turning in my bachelor's thesis...

Bought FFXIV complete from the steam sale. I'll start playing it next week after turning in my bachelor's thesis. What am I in for?

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you fucked up buying it on steam

a return
on both your thesis and the game

Yeah I remember hearing something about the steam one being worse. But it was cheaper and I'm a poor student.

Casual garbage that keeps producing less and less content with every new expansion despite getting more and more popular. The game is also barely functional thanks to the server software being clearly ridicilously poorly designed and the client being held back by limitations imposed upon it by having to provide legacy support for Playstation 3 hardware.

It's fun if you just casually play through the story and levelling experience, but do not ever bother with the non-faceroll content in the game because it is absolutely worthless.

They dropped PS3 support recently didn’t they?

No it's not worse, steam is actually better since you can pay with steam itself for the subscription.
It's about you can only buy expansions on the same platform you bought the game on, so if you bought base on steam you can't buy an expansion physically for example.


>you can pay with steam itself for the subscription

Playing through it and doing mostly solo content was pretty much my plan. I can't bother back to organized raids and stuff, I got enough of that during early WoW.

Yeah I remembered it right then, not sure about the subscription with steam part.

Sweet, I need some fun after burning myself out on my studies.

Forgot to add that once you hit level cap and catch up with the story, the only content in the game will be logging in for weeklies, which you can cap in one day of grinding or 3-4 days of running one dungeon per day, so you really shouldn't bother paying your sub once you run out of story content.

It was only for the new expansions, was it not? PS3 players can still play the base game and Heavensward, which means that the game fundamentally has to support PS3.

Steam wallet I guess

I might try to grind the dailies and endgame solo content for a while if there's some rewards that I might want. Probably won't do that for long but I'll give them a shot at least.
I also have a few friends who play so at least I don't have to resort to some /vg/ circlejerk guild or whatever they are for social interaction.

Avoid /xivg/ at all costs.
Actually, go check it out and see why.

The best presentation out of any MMO still alive.

I still can't believe its acceptable to have subscription based games in this day and age that you have to rebuy every other year plus microtransaction.
How the fuck is this allowed

stop playing cat and make a lizard


Yeah I've found that almost every game that I like has a shitty /vg/ community. Then again, all of them probably are.

Just don't give them your money and you'll be fine. Just enjoy your favourite video games and I hope you find some happiness in them.

Cats are cute though. I'm going to spend a shitton of time on glamours.

I've always done Bismark as a Tank & DPS, so I never learned when to throw up the barrier. With how quick things are unsynced, when's the right time?

Don't really have to bother when unsynched, but it's when bismarck drops away from the platform.

7 more days until we get disappointed again. Are you ready lads?

Just wait until you try gathering and crafting and you'll want to kill yourself.

I appreciate it, just never really paid attention to the timing. Just a "Oh, suddenly the barrier's up." Type of thing.

remove c@
remove lizard
remove potato
remove bara

Anyone else really appreciate the Ananta Finale? Where it's just you and your friends having a dinner?

on the one hand i sorta agree that subscription mmos are dumb, especially because square enix puts none of that money back into the game and operates it on a shoestring budget
but on the other hand it keeps retards out, FFXIV has easily the best community in an MMO i've ever experienced (although to be fair I've only played a dozen MMORPGs)
as for expansions being full price i imagine square enix wouldn't make them in the first place if they couldn't charge a big fee upfront for it

remove elves as well
eorzea for the master race

I hope it's like how Diadem 2.0 was on launch day

But all the time.

If you want to do raiding stuff you don't actually need to join a static, as long as you're actively joining progression parties via the in-game party finder and keeping ahead of the tide of really shit players, there is a good number of competent folks that use PF to progress. It won't be as fast as a static and you don't have that nice experience of raiding with a group of friends, but it's at least possible to beat shit that way.

You mhiggers need to be removed too

I'm a super casual shitter whose difficulty limit is extreme trials and I'm really excited to have more casual content. Eureka could literally be POTD 2.0 or something equally banal and I'd still be happy about it. I just want some shit to grind that isn't Savage raids or something

Next Beast Tribe is the Fish fucks, right? We gonna get a 4th? The Lupin?

>they don't play a highlander

Next beast tribe is Goblins. Screencap this.

Female Highlanders are 100% guaranteed to be closeted dudes tbqh


Memequeen futa lovers that are just too macho to be a good cuddle.

>playing highlanders


That's femroes, apex memefutashit

>lizards and cats played by trannies
>highlanders played by cool dudes
I can accept that

>not wanting to play a male ()
Men of no taste, I see.

Yeah but highlanders are just memefutashit lite

If there is actual content released reguarly to keep you playing I can see it working. Xiv is a joke in that regard.

>Sup Forums filtered my Venus symbol

Is FFXIV any good on PS4

t. el probreza de la brasil

Highlanders have always been another flavor of femroes.

If you want to play a worse version of second life then go ahead.

Haven't got there yet, I forgot they existed for like 2 weeks

Steam fags will never learn. It's only right they get fucked over, its the price of ignorance/stupidity.

>square enix puts none of that money back into the game
All of 14s profit goes to shit like finishing 15 and Dissidia

>i play video games to erp, I literally cannot get a boner unless im exchanges cringy messages to hairy grown men

They removed PS3 support when Stormblood launched and heavily incentivized PS3 players to upgrade to PS4 at least a good 6 months before Stormblood.

it's the same as the PC version on high settings

Should have bought XI instead

The only thing you'll get out of either these days is a single player experience, and XI still has a better one

>PS3 players can still play the base game and Heavensward
nope, if you launch the PS3 client it tells you the service is discontinued on PS3 and to upgrade to PS4/PC

I bought it a couple of weeks ago and I enjoy being able to roll through all the content without being in a free company(guild) and deal with the cringy weeb playerbase

To bad that didn't help at all since they are still supporting people playing on toaster laptops that are weaker than ps3s

my twin sister and i want to get this game sometime soon. how much is the fee?

But I did all the stories and have no reason to ever do Master Trials.

I'm done with XI.

The devs literally cited "PS4 limitations" to some player questions on a recent live letter

There will always be some excuse

I want to fondle Alisaie's ears.

Oh, alright. I haven't actually played the game for almost two years.

pretty much any MMO that wants to be successful has to support toasters. ffxi could be played on dial-up and pentium 4, WoW could be played on Windows XP, etc.

If you did that, you'll only be disappointed all the more by XIV

>WoW could be played on Windows XP
??? This was normal back then.

>user so autistic he doesn't know where people use a running joke

The quests are so fucking unbelievable boring. The worst fetch quests I have ever seen in a MMO

I like XIV more
XI's story is good though.

you can still play it on Windows XP now, same with FFXIV. they both support DX9 and 32bit

>It's some asshole thinks he's smart and wastes everyone's time by not rolling and passing on the stuff he wants in Sigma.

WoW will stop supporting 32bit next expac tho.

still doesn't stop people playing on private servers or soon official classic wow

Stay out of Aether data center. It's infested with retards and trannies. If I didn't have a large house here, I'd have jumped ship long ago.

Literally every data center

the fetch quests are not that much different from WoW. go kill 6 boars, go talk to this guy, go pick up these items, etc

We have Balmung though. So not only do we get the supreme tranny army, we also get the worst of the RPers.

Is it at SILKY SMOOTH 30fps?

Haven’t played WoW since Cata but I remember them improving the quests a lot after Burning Crusade.
In FFXIV I am only playing main quests and still bombarded with the most boring shit quests

it's 30fps most of the time on regular ps4. you can get 60fps with ps4 pro

in legion the quests are not much different from ffxiv. still killing monsters, still picking up items, still talking to random npcs, the only difference with ffxiv is that you can teleport around while in WoW you have to jog/mount to the destination.

Only in the sense that you will need to buy the expansions on steam and SE store has more frequent discounts. However since it's an MMO you wanna do the expansion content while people are still actually playing so it's not really much of a deal.

Don't post your characters.

Post your retainers.

Especially if you made them look like a character from something else.

Maybe it's because of the movement abilities and the aoe skills you get but those quests seem to flow a lot better? Leaping around as a warrior, pulling a bunch of stuff popping your cooldowns and aoeing it down is nicer than single target tabbing.

WoW has tighter movement so that does play a role, also the game is more toaster friendly than FFXIV so it's much easier to hit 100+ FPS which makes the game feel faster.

>want to play dark knight
>finish main quests and credits roll
>surprise here’s another 100 quests before Heavensward for you!

Yeah but we don't have /vg/
It's a trade off, do you want general cancer or in character cancer

>remove elves
what elves nobody plays as one

except me

I also think it’s because of overall world design.
FFXIV has you zip zapping all over the map and the zones themselves are rather boring with weird monsters randomly placed all over.

>zones themselves are rather boring with weird monsters randomly placed all over.
WoW feels the same way, but at least WoW doesn't split up zones with various loading screens so it doesn't break the pacing.

How weak is your PC if load times are an issue

I have a SSD so load times aren't long, but it still feels awkward to encounter frequent loading screens just to watch a cutscene or go through a door. It's much more seamless in WoW but you can chalk that up to WoW having a lot less things to load in general since it looks like feces visual wise.

pls buyu skip book from cash shop. why buy game with story when you can buy game then buy skip? all proceed help dev team, ok ty prease rook forward to it

>brings you back jet black dye condom

fuck that shit it's trading card time

if you play on console, you're pretty much subjected to bad loading times no matter what. even if you put in a SSD, you're still limited by PS4's SATA 2 Bus speed.

Can I be a qt potato girl and marry a qt cat girl?