>walks at you
>walks at you
>stuns you
this enemy is so fucking cancerous to fight, it literally just walks and damages you, its like im playing super mario where touching an enemy kills you
>walks at you
>walks at you
>stuns you
this enemy is so fucking cancerous to fight, it literally just walks and damages you, its like im playing super mario where touching an enemy kills you
>flashpod it out of the sky
>have it run in to a trap or explosive barrel when it starts aggressively walking
Rathian and Rathalos are shit fights in general but you can prep for them and deal with it easily.
*aggressively walks on you*
Pink Rath was my favourite hunt in MH4U and it can’t be that fucking hard on babby mode MHW. Play defensive and FIGHT DIRTY and you’ll knock that fucking fruit bat out of the sky
Rathalos doesn't do the aggressive walking attack like the rathian does so it doesn't really piss me off as much
Rathboy likes to just do a total 'nah fuck this' and flies off before I can even put my fucking weapon away though, so he's a cunt. Also Azure Rathalos arena is a fucking drag, especially when your co-op friend stops playing early so you're trying to solo it.
This implies you haven't played world.
>tfw pink rathian is the only thing that can kill me endgame because I don't bring potions to hunts anymore
the poison is basically a one hit kill on me
I agree that it's dumb for monsters to charge at something already directly in their face but it's not that hard to avoid either. Just say a bit to the left of Pink Rathian's face and she can't hit you with anything.
In every monster hunter I've played I feel like pink Rathian was the first true gatekeeper, The air sideflip that goes around shields is a great touch.
But why
*walks disrespectfully towards you*
immunizers are better, except in the singular instance where there is poison
>first time hunting Nergigante
>do well against him, managed to cut the tail and break both horns
>he runs and sleeps
>I pop down 2 mega barrels next to his head and unleash a full charge 1 GS attack
>"Oh he didn't die from that, well he's probably weak enough for me to go offensive and kill quickly"
>nigga goes fucking super saiyan, flying all over the damn place and dunking my ass into the ground
The first 90% was warm-up. The last 10% is the real fight.
Rathian is more like a doorstopper. Diablos is the first casual filter
Yeah but is your pouch full as well?
>walks at you
>walks at you
>stuns you
Oh wait you aren't even supposed to fight it that way, it's a meme fight in first place
Don't let him crawl away and go to sleep. Do anything you can to stop him from sleeping, because once he wakes up, it's a guranteed dive bomb, and then he goes fucking bezerk and becomes way harder to deal with
Don’t get up immediately if you’re knocked into her path and you’ll be safe from her follow-up charging attack.
i only carry charms, immunizers, and maybe traps/flash pods
> Also Azure Rathalos arena is a fucking drag, especially when your co-op friend stops playing early so you're trying to solo it.
Yup. They're tuned for 2 players and have the HP and tolerances for it. Still hilarious to get a friend and double-hammer that one though.
>*doesnt walk at you*
>*stays out of your way*
>*shoots bomb rocks at other monsters for you*
>*eats rocks*
Fair enough.
black diablos is the least fun fight in monster hunter world
prove me wrong
I just realized that anything that isn't dragon themed is actually fun to fight. Odoggo and tobii kadachi are probably the most fun fights
Dodogama hates me, always sniping me for no reason when other creatures are clawing it's fat rocky butthole.
Kushala Daora without rocksteady mantle or elderseal
*mic drop*
>its like im playing super mario where touching an enemy kills you
Dodo how the fuck are you posting online with those obese fingers
>Want to make the Arena LS so I need Rathalos coins.
>Go into the Azure Rath quest.
Genuinely love the raptors, they're goofy fucks. Pukei-Pukei has a fucking great dynamic to his fights too, which there was a much stronger variant with different gimmicks.
*equips tobi bow*
*stunlock it to death*
heh....nothing personel kiddo......
HG Earplugs with Kush's anti-wind set bonus and the obligatory flash bombs make Kushala the second easiest elder dragon. You don't even need either of those memes.
Get some Sonic Pods user.
begone redditlet
and thats fun?
>walking in rotten vale collecting nodes
>get one shot by vape beam out of nowhere
what the fuck
That's right, I don't play garbage games.
but to have the kush armor set you need to kill kush several times, what will you do before this?
I want a pet dodongo!
Be just slightly annoyed for a few times it takes to kill him before you start steamrolling him like every other monster?
*has an insane health pool*
It's also worth mentioning that Kush's set bonus doesn't negate his aura knockback effects, so it's just useless in general. You just pick and choose his pieces for Handicraft or Evasion mix sets.
never said Kush isn't easy, just really annoying until you get the broken shit to negate what it does.
it's worse than Ratahlos world tour with the keep away shit because it's still right there.
>second easiest
Who's easiest? They've all been pretty easy so it'd be interesting to see which people find easiest.
I want to believe you, I really do.
>They chose this boring fuck instead of bringing back Agnaktor
>people still get bodied by this shit after a decade
How pathetic!
You have a join request
>24 minute Tzi-Tzi arena fight using the hunting horn
who is in the wrong here?
>literally dies instantly when it sees you have a stack of flashbugs in your bag
Jesus christ easiest monsters in the game due to the most exploitable weakness imaginable
easy elder list:
1. Vaal Hazak
3.Kushala Daora
5. Kirin
you don't count you waste of time tier
1. Zorah
2. Xeno'jiiva
>dung is the most precious resource in the entire game
I really can't defend this.
You aint seen shit yet
Odd, I've never had him push me back since I got it. Then again, he hasn't hit black wind since I got it.
Fair enough.
MHW doesn't have any leviathans at all so I'm not surprised.
Vaal Hazak. Just have to have enough decoration slots to gem in Effluvia resistance and avoid his 2 melee attacks.
And they managed to make him even worse than before.
>hot lava spots are weakzones
>until they harden and you bounce
>or you break the lava off and the weakzone vanishes
I had to hunt that prick for his leg armor, and no matter what weapon I used I had a miserable time. Fuck Lavasioth.
I like wearing your skin!
Once you lop the tail off & negate the poison, Rathian are easy.
Rathalos usually ends up being more of a chore because the cunt either wants to leave the area, or starts hovering the second he recovers from the flash pod.
>switch "axe"
>spend all your time in sword mode
>charge "blade"
>spend all your time in axe mode
I'd argue this time around, Anjanath was the casual filter. He was the first one I carted to, personally, and I know two people who gave up after him. Had to coerce them back in.
Pay the Elder Melder a visit.
>playing both weapons objectively wrong
you know it's going to happen eventually and it's going to be just as annoying as before.
*swims to the otherside of the area during your combo*
To the guy in the last thread who wanted to know my Elementless boost Diablos hammer setup, if you're in here it's -
Diablos shatterer 2 (Elementless boost)
Dragonking eyepatch alpha (weakness exploit jewel)
Diablos mail beta (slider jewel)
Bone vambraces alpha
Nerg coil alpha
Dober greaves alpha
Attack charm 3
Giving the skills
Attack 7
Weakness exploit 3
Slugger 3
Stamina surge 2
Affinity sliding
Non elemental boost
>70 hours in and already done with the game
i cant go back to the handhelds
and the wait for more content is agonizing
>no agnaktor
>no qurupeco
>no zinogre
>no nargacuga
>no zamtrios
>no seregios
Switches to axe, and you won't spend most time in sword mode.
Blade charges phials. Also you really don't spend most of your time in axe mode.
>No nargacuga
This will never not hurt.
>bone vambraces over nerg arms
>MHW doesn't have any leviathans at all so I'm not surprised.
They should've just made a mud R.ludroth then have agnaktor in elders recess. The fish are such boring ass fights
why not get some handicraft? it's quite doable with attack 7 and weakness exploit. blue sharpness is a 1.2 damage modifier and white is 1.32 which results in roughly a 10% real damage increase. you only need 3 points to get some white with the diablos hammer and 4 is enough for some decent use.
I like the mechanics of Vaal Hazak, but it doesnt really get a chance to happen if you are playing well, and you should be learned in the game at that point
>if you are affected by effluvium and it does its "inhale" animation, it will drain your health rapidly as well as pull you towards it
It barely ever happens since effluvium takes a fucking century to build up and it doesnt always do the inhale attack after it triggers, a nulberry easily gets rid of it too.
Wouldn't be so bad if AED didn't force you back into Sword Mode every after use.
Really, they should have removed the forced morphback from AED. Charge Blade needs neither GP counters or Arts/styles, just better handling of its discharge attacks.
t. maining CB since vanilla 4.
>or starts hovering the second he recovers from the flash pod
bird up
Except rathian can still poison you if you cut the tail off because the hitbox still exists.
You seem to manage just fine
I feel like Axe Mode still had a decent amount of usage in 4U on downed monsters or areas that needed consistent damage. The shield buff not being consumed by the Ultra, and the Ultra's phials getting a huge damage buff removed that way of playing.
Hey I never said it was perfect my man, good shout though btw
Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a shot
>dodo apologists are this mad
He's right. You can get poisoned after cutting the tail off
Pretty sure I got tail whipped by a Rathian without a tail last night, and no poison.
>Charge Blade needs neither GP counters or Arts/styles
You dont know anything about CB if you think this way. CB is literally all about countering and then dealing damage and GP lets you do exactly that. I would rather they nerf everything else about CB before they even think about removing GP from CB.
Vaal is easiest by far not counting xeno or Zora, even without having resistance to his debuff. All it takes is nullberries, rest of the fight is just a beat fest.
Not anymore. If you remove the tail you no longer get poisoned.
>try CB
>it's actually takes skill
>try hammer
>literally GRUG SMASH
was i getting memed here?
No one ever said hammer takes skill.
>Something 4 times my size can move my body around again my will someone HELP!
Pretty much. Hammer, Greatsword and Switch axe are all easy to get into. Play charge blade without knowing at least 80% of its mechanics and you're fucked. Even if you know how to play Charge blade, that doesnt mean you're good at guard points.
i dunno some of his attacks do a crap load of damage when hes tempered, attacks that dont seem like they should
I hope you're not implying Charge Blade takes skill. I've never seen such a weapon provide so much for such little it takes to become decent with it. At least Hammer still requires commitment to attacks, not "OH WELL MY UNGA DIDN'T LAND WHERE I WANT AM ABOUT TO GET HIT, TIME TO HIT R2+TRIANGLE FOR A FREE GET OUT OF JAIL CARD"
>People don't do the Rathalos investigation in Ancient Forest where right at the beginning you have him break the dam, then flash bomb him if he's not already on the ground and have him get swept away by the current
Please don't even fucking act like Guard Points are hard, the window for a perfect Guard Point is so fucking big compared to 4U.
>lumping in switch axe with GS and Hammer
It takes skill on par with the GL.
and yet no one uses switch axe comparatively
>I just sit in their threads because I can't think of anything better to do