Play F/GO.
Play F/GO
el gacha despreciable...
Become a luckshitter.
Post your best rolls.
>Having E Rank luck
Reminder thate these two are saints.
Fap to FGO.
>exploitable gacha shit
I bet some of you actually put money into this shit.
Reminder that Jannu Alter is coming in just a few weeks, and you will NOT roll her.
Lewd Nursery is surprisingly cute. Please don't do this to me user, I want her to remain a daughterfu in my mind.
Speak for yourself.
You get to fight Dantes in the final challenge quest right? I want to punch this fucking emo edgelord in the face, holy shit. He shouldn't be too hard as a boss, god knows as a servant he's awful.
This is probably my best roll overall. It's not REALLY that great but my luck tends to spread out over several rolls rather than getting gangbusters on a single one.
This is back during launch.
I dunno man, that seems like a good roll to me.
>tfw karna is coming home tomorrow night
Good news user, you get to do so in an hour from now
>Jalter and Byrn
When did Nursery ever have that version of her book? Was it secretly in the background this whole time?
When will FGO acknowledge Altera x Helena?
what is the appeal of gambling simulators with low rates like FGO?
For FGO, a lot of the characters are ones people are already familiar with from other Fate series. They want to get their favourites. Otherwise its purely based on waifu/husbando stuff, or gameplay/meta faggotry. It also helps that you don't need good servants to get through most content, you can get through a surprisingly huge chunk with just trash servants. Which means that the occasional roll will usually give you SOMETHING good enough to get through the game, even if its not the featured 5 star or whatever.