Dark souls is har-

>Dark souls is har-

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>get a black knight sword from the first knight
>just stash it in the bottomless box and use something more fun

What a terrible design decision it was to let players get this absurdly op weapon so early. I wonder just how many people playing blind had their game pretty much ruined by it.

>32 strength to use

Yeah I'm never going to use that unless I specifically spec for it

>level dumping
too bad nobody plays these games online anymore...

Souls are only as hard as you want them to be. Otherwise you can literally grind and do what you want.

was a neat drop for my claymore run, since maxing it out early is easy and even though it has worse scaling the damage is better at lower STR/DEX levels

>dark souls is ha-

>implying that more damage makes the game easier
you just think that it's an easy weapon because you kill things faster, enemies still have the same moves as if you were using a straight sword.
it's a placebo, the game isn't hard, it's the normalfags that overhyped and made you believe that souls games are hard. bloodborne can be challenging but the souls games really aren't anything out of the ordinary.

obviously a very good weapon but being a halberd it has a limited move-set. the great club is better in the long run if you're going for a strength build, and it can be buffed unlike the BKH.

>dark souls is h-

It's actually a fantastic design decision to have a chance to randomly get a super strong weapon because it helps build up the "story" around the game when that first person goes "holy shit I found this awesome weapon", and it makes replaying the game more interesting if you happen to stumble into it

dark souls 1 was in a lot of ways the 3D successor to symphony of the night konami kept failing to make, and its very similar to how in that game you could just stumble into amazing end game weapons if you got super lucky

Level dumping for a pve item was supposed to make the game harder for you but people just pull teh plug when the meanie red man invades. Hopefully darksouls remastered fixes this bullshit.

so 16 str required to wield it proeprly

>Love the look and moveset
>Can't use it because it's so overpowered it ruins the game
Fuck man.

>fantastic design decision to have a chance to randomly get a super strong weapon
No it's not. It randomly can make your playthrough a cakewalk, and there's no way to know if the game is supposed to be this dissapointlingly easy on your first playthrough.

You need to work on your math. It's 22str to 2-hand.

>australian internet
no PvP for me.

don't upgrade it to max

>"I never win in Dark Souls 3 pvp at a---"

When I played DS I got the BK sword from the first black knight and also ended up sequence breaking somewhat significantly because I started with the master key. They didn't ruin my game, in fact being able to accidentally play the game in such a unique way makes DS1 my favorite of all the Souls games.

Yes, it is hard, regardless of *what* weapon you use. It literally, literally, took me 100+ tries to kill him,

>Gee, why did I get this weapon from that one enemy that's way bigger numbers than anything else I'm finding? I guess this game just sucks.

if you actually care about making the game hard you just don't use it, meanwhile people who suck at the game might get a leg up and feel more attached to the game because instead of "well this game is just easy" it's "wow this game was so hard until I got this, awesome" it's all very endorphin triggering

the black knight sword can make it easier too, and can be obtained much earlier and has lower stat requirements. it's luck of the draw, and for new players the black knights will be some of the toughest enemies they encounter, they can be harder than some bosses if you don't know how to fight them.

Does anyone have the ds1 build roulette picture?

Stop attempting to derail this thread.

I literally just want the pic to use for the remake, but okay.

here you go :)


is "straight" swords the biggest misnomer in video games?

Thanks user

But the sword is straight

It only requires 16 to use properly. Why would you ever use a halberd with one hand? And yeah all of the Black Knight weapons are super good in all of the games; I'd specifically always rush in one in DS2 for twink builds.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Yes, i often lose sleep over whether straight swords are actually straight lol

>It only requires 22*

Is this a new Keyblade design?

I beat that faggot on my 3rd try on my first runthrough
Just plunge from the stairs nigga

>dark souls is a good g-

>love halberds
>especially love it when games let you, the individual, and not RTS unit use the halberd
>unwittingly play on easy mode

That's just how great halberds are.

>no more babby handholding co-op
Just as the Souls games were intended.

>dark souls has good level des-

Blighttown is ludo.

>bloodborne is harder than the souls games
Bloodborne is easier, the rally system, increased Iframes, and plentiful healing saw to that. The only thing you can't do is cower behind a shield, which was always the unoptimal playstyle.

it is hard. Try beating ds1 at sl5 with no pyromancy, ds2 level 30 no magic, and ds3 sl 25~ with only +2 weapons.

>equips warpick
>turns on poise
Nothing personnel, host

>32 strength is high

u gay m8

First half descent of Blighttown is really good. It is actually quite impossible not to backtrack your way and find yourself. Also, torches light the ladders. Once you figure that out, you can get all the items there with no worries.

>perfectly times r1s with a longsword to just outspace you with every swing


>Haha no bro you can skip Bad FramerateVille, you just suck XD git gud

How the fuck. Just run up the stairs, kill the dogs, and drop attack the goaty cunt.

>equips yhorms in offhand

>power stances caestus in offhand and punches your shit in


Now come on that isn't even any good.

what's the name of dis butter cutter?

you dont understand how many fights Ive won with with perfectly timed caestus weapon arts. Everyone thinks the caestus is for parrying but I just punch peoples shit in

You're winning against people who are just bad, if they keep attacking into your INFINITE POISE instead of getting free damage then just waiting you out, you're playing an idiot.

Just letting you know that I know what this is and think it's funny

you trade one-two yhorm hits for 2 power stanced attacks, it doesnt matter your skill level your not gonna instantly react after being mid swing of an r1. I literally have thousands of fights in the arena.

t. tryhard fag

It's not random if you have 10 humanity.

No, I trade a yhorm hit for free damage and you play catchup while I wait out the glowy poise of faithfulness. You can't start up the poise and attack before I get out of my attack frames man.

tfw ds2 and ds3 are pale spin offs of the superior ds1

k-kono tchikara!!

Little baby bitch, keep your spells and dex shit on the playground.

if I can outrange a ugs with a longsword by swinging 1/10th of a second right after they start up, I think I can poise quick enough. I aint no shitter mate. I have foughten god like ultra great weapon users and still consistently do it.

How about you stop being a complaining, whiny faggot and play a game with plenty of variety in its design more than once? Bitches like you are why companies shoehorn every possible outcome and ability in one playthrough. Kill yourself.

>one area ruins the game
you are weak if that 2 minute jaunt is enough to ruin your enjoyement of a good game.

No, you actually just can't poise quickly enough, and even if you theoretically did manage to start up poise because I swung my offhand yhorms while you were at breathing distance, which is some poor planning on my part instead of just using the main hand weapon to ward you off, the most you'd get is a hit or two from the four hit fist combo before I roll out because poise, which is likely an almost even trade. I don't know what kind of shitters you've been playing, but yhorm's offhand meta is designed specifically around defeating spacing masters. I think MAYBE the gargoyle flame spear can outspace it, if that.

>tfw I natually gravitated towards the claymore because of its balance between speed and damage
>Becomes my trusty companion throughout the entire game

The nerf they gave it in DS2 was unforgivable.

Maybe they were shitters, once you hit gold theres no other indication of skill. I got to the point were the only thing that I couldnt beat were slightly laggy washing pole and garg flame spear users unless I mirror matched them.

There was one nerf in particular to the claymore that made me drop it.
No sheathe.
And the removal of the spatulate swellings on the hilt.

I'm surprised you aren't seeing more pontiff's metamancers, shit the Washing Pole hasn't been commonly used since they turned on poise properly. Even with all that pressure the nerfs rendered rulling-neutral trades undesirable.

I havent played for about a year. After beating the last dlc at sl25~+2 weapons I took a long break. The last patch I recall were nerfing the twin meat carvers and adjusting more poise values for ugs type weapons

I'm currently doing NG+5 with a 120 capped character just to get more slabs to put more weapons to use, I like invading despite the fact that DS3 invading hates you. It's nice having so many dried tongues that you drop them in the host world when they die.

rofl i know right what a silly question xd