Which one shat on their respective series more and had less of an understanding of what made the previous games good?

Which one shat on their respective series more and had less of an understanding of what made the previous games good?

>it's another "everything was just a DaS1 reference" poster

Fallout 4. At least i enjoyed dark souls 3 enough to finish it and buy its dlc. I got brainwashed into buying fallout 4 and dropped it faster than i dropped skyrim, which i only played for maybe a week and a half

dark souls 3 is the worst offender.
>Rolling isn't punished hard enough
>all builds play the same or are useless
>world is a big hallway
>pvp is way too balanced in favour of the invadee
>bosses are giant health sponges

Dark Souls 2

Anyone who answers DaS3 is a contrarian faggot.

well, it was

I've never played Dark Souls 3, but Fallout 4 was just a cash-grab. It felt like Bethesda didn't even try, they just shat something out because they knew their fans would eat it up regardless of how bad it was. It was so bad that it managed to make even Fallout 3 look good by comparison. I'm not sure how Dark Souls 3 could be worse than that.

>A sequel shouldn't refer to the first offering in a series.

Sure it should. Not as much as this game did, though.

all builds are not the same, but pretty spot on

>Hey miyazaki, great game and all, but what about all the improvements dark souls 2 made?
>u want moar dark souls 2?? Ok!!! *adds earthen peak and similar ds2 pandering into the game for pretty much no reason*
>That's not what I meant, i meant like bonfire ascetics, proper dual wielding, herbs, spices, any of tha-
>FUK U, U WANT DUAL WIELD?? U BWOCK WIF STWAYT SWORD (or choose from our fine selection of miyazaki approved™ paired weapons™)

the fucking voiced protag and dialogue wheel alone should be more than enough for everyone to agree fallout 4

Dual-wielding every weapon would not have worked with Weapon Arts.

Bosses aren't health sponges, you seem too stupid to make a good build desu

>no guard break
>no unique riposte for different weapons
>no unique backstabs for different weapons
>no great lance
>no spin up for parry, encouraging parry spam
>repetitive covenants that do literally the same thing
>no stamina management
>no roll catches
what the fuck ds3

if anything the bosses take way too much dmg

just a strength build and any greatsword and you take 1/10 of the bosses health with every swing, and being able to crit and parry bosses is OP as fuck

Explain how without resorting to green-text hyberbole.

It would have worked fucking wonderfully. Unique weapon combos (like pontiff's two swords) could have unique animations and attacks and it's own weapon art. But we're stuck with every mace having an instant poise button, every straight sword having stance, and similar copy/paste garbage.

What's wrong with the voice?

That's the one thing in the game I'd point as a callback to the first game that's not explained, relevant to the plot, or anything outside of a "happy coincidence".
Anything else is exactly what you would expect out of a sequel meant to offer conclusion to an established setting.

In fact, to put that game in the same category as Fallout 4 almost makes it sound like shitposting.

>Unique weapon combos with unique animations and attacks and it's own weapon art
How would that be functionally any different from the paired weapons we have now.

Not to mention they all have some weakness to a specific dmg type and there are infusions for all of them. It's really a walk in the park unless you're a sperg going head trough wall

I like both fallout 4 and dark souls 3. Some of the criticisms i have seen in this thread are valid but most are cherry picking and ignore the gaping flaws in the previous entries.

Sup Forums is just full of contrarians who hate on anything fun and popular.

Dark Souls III was still a Dark Souls game.
Fallout 4 isn't even an RPG anymore.

Dark Souls III didn't even "shit" on it's series. It's a sound albeit very safe entry.

Because you could have unique weapon combinations/WA's like we have now AND the ability to also use whichever two weapons you want in tandem with each other (within reason). You know, how dark souls 2 did it?

And fuck, even if powerstancing couldn't be a thing and absolutely couldn't work with weapon arts (which it would with minor tweaking), at least let us have the full moveset of the offhand weapon, and not just this garbage "block and light attack only" shit we have in Das3.

Arguably, Fallout 4 shits the bed more, because Miyazaki gets super lazy and doesn't care when he has to make sequels he himself has no wish of making. He's at his best when doing what he REALLY wants, like Bloodborne.

Fallout 4 was just more Todd being Todd. Dark Souls 3 is just an automatically produced game at the request of Bamco and the contract they had with Fromsoft, so it naturally lacked the passion from the development side. It's still a good sendoff for the series though, not awful or unplayable in any way.

Then you missed the siegmyer reference. oh and the dusk reference. oh, and the logan reference. oh, and the demon's souls ending reference. it goes on and on, but these are "remember this thing" moments in the game that don't add anything to the story, nor do they comment on what they're referencing to.

So the rpg aspects are what make it a fallout game, not the post apocalyptic setting and shared universe. Game series are never allowed to change genres and must always stay the same. Gotcha

"Fallout would still be fallout without power armor and nuka cola, but it wouldn't be fallout if i couldn't tell a person to fuck off in 20 different ways."

thats 100% inaccurate.

>So the rpg aspects are what make it a fallout game,


Imagine being this wrong
>calls others spergs
>rages in all caps
This is like saying that underrail is a fallout game instead of an immitation. This is how retarded your argument is. It has nothing to do with the fallout universe, but because it imitates the first 2 games its now a fallout game.

Margarine is now butter. Blush is now a real human emotion and not just makeup.

Why is Sup Forums so full of morons

what was the demon's souls ending reference? i haven't played it yet.

Why are you trying to compare such radically different games you fuckstick?

>It's a "We conveniently forget the faults of the prior games in the series in an attempt to put the other games on a pedestal episode"

Wauv, it's like we have this thread every day.
Dark Souls II sucks dick btw, and Fallout hasn't been good since the originals.

Sup Forums will suck off any rpg obsidian releases because of blind fanboyism ignoring the fact that they are total sjw's

>yuria knockoff
>tower of latria with screamers
>Siegmeyer's long lost cousin
>anor londo retake for a quick fanwank session
>everything about Aldritch
>maiden in black knockoff who also had the doll's gesture reactions for some bizarre reason

For real nigga. There's probably a bunch of other shit i'm forgetting.

Fallout 4 with its dogshit world building
>trivializes the plot of it's prior game by the same company since a meat popsicle can just build a water purifier after reading Better Homes and Garden
>Even though settlers and communities in FO and FO2 were able to build well-constructed, fully-fledged cities, apparently the only building materials in FO4 are 2x4s and corrugated metal sheets
>Bethesda has no idea how to convey post-apocalypse other than trash everywhere, literally fucking everywhere because no one has thought to maybe clean up in 200+ years
>Not a single person in all of new-Boston has thought to gather all of the pre-war preserved books and construct an archive. You just turn them into the library for bottlecaps.
>The only scholastic organization is the Institute, that wants to make sentient robot slaves even though Mr. Handy's already exists.

>the siegmyer reference
It's a character from Catarina. The Kingdom of Catarina. Whose signature armor is an established fact in canon. It's expected from another knight of the kingdom to wear the same outfit, this is far from the egregious fan pandering you people seem intent on always accusing the game of.
>Logan reference
Yeah, a boss in the game wears a big hat, and it's said to be inspired by Logan. Also some of his research on Seath's crystalmancy comes up again. That's the real extent of it.
What Demon's Souls reference though? Nothing comes to mind immediately, please clarify.

Having a voice in combination with the lack of dialogue options (read: choice) strays further away from the role playing aspect of the game. Couple that with excessive amounts of unkillable npcs and being able to do every build on a single character and you've got a really shit version of a so-called fallout game. There are no interesting, unique quests or areas. The closest it got was the dead miners or whatever underground where you can find that sword or dagger or whatever the fuck. Everything else was carried by the gunplay. Having to find some dumb baby I don't care about is little concern to me and it wouldn't let me break away off that path.
>power armor
what kind of baby ass shit is this

""""""fall*ut 3"""""""

Alright so I replayed Dark Souls 1 and 2, and just started my second playthrough of 3 yesterday. I find it really hard to judge them on the first playthrough but second the additional perspective helps. My problem is, despite moderately liking it on a first playthrough (with a stregnth 2handed machete build), I'm doing a dex build to vary it up and fucking hate it. Like there is not a single great boss in DS2's base game, and most of the levels are boring trash, and it has a slew of technical issues, but at least the core gameplay is good, at least they had a good basis to fuck up the content from.

3 just seems completely broken and shit, it plays more like dynasty warriors, just spamming buttons with no way for enemies to punish anything. It has to be HARD of course so enemies have 8-hit combos that can kill you from full hp if you don't spam dodge hard enough but...

I don't think the enemy design is nearly as good as 1, where every enemy seemed to have a solution, a way to beat them that you could figure out - it wasn't balanced, and was broken very easily by circle strafing, using a shield well, and with big weapons every encounter was more or less the same (hit them before they hit you, then hit them again during stagger), but it was still compelling and interesting. I don't actually enjoy the combat here no matter how smooth it feels, and with so many more enemies in the levels I feel like the level design is impossible to enjoy because of it. I can't go 5 feet before I have to fight another Lothric Knight where there's a 50% chance he's going to block and if he doesn't he just dies to my spam, if he does he manages to delay that spam by a few seconds. I've not gotten too far and I liked a fair few bosses on my first playthrough, but it's shocking. I thought the rolling and such just made the game imbalanced for PvP and lowered build variety, and the linearity of course hampers replayability, but this is far beyond that. How do I enjoy this?

More like
>It's a "We conveniently forget the few things the prior games in the series did right in an attempt to distance ourselves away from bad press and reviews and casualize the game to make more money" episode

Underrail is a hell of a lot more a Fallout game than Fallout 4 is.
Your arguing aesthetic over mechanical and technical design, which is what makes me think you're the retard.

Your own argument boils down to, that Fallout 5 could be a Mario-inspired 2D platformer, and it would still be a Fallout GAME, despite having nary a similarity to the rest of the series besides power armors and dog companions ala Yoshi you can ride.

Indeed, why is Sup Forums filled with morons.

>Whose signature armor is an established fact in canon.
They could wear the same armor from the kingdom and not literally be the same character down to the face.

>Underrail is a hell of a lot more a Fallout game than Fallout 4 is.
Im not going to read any other word in your post now that you have admitted to literally being retarded. A game series is NOT defined by its combat and game mechanics alone because, and get this, many games have VERY SIMILAR combat and gameplay.

This is like saying that pokemon, yo kai watch and any other game where you collect monsters or w/e to battle them are the same series. Your autism is truly truly astounding

Persona is just Pokemon but if the main characters weren't all truants.

Fight me.

I was mainly concerned with Dark Souls III,
Fallout 4 is shit, but I also hope no one forgets it isn't the first time the Fallout series had a blunder. Holy shit Fallout Brotherhood was even worse.

>this is far from the egregious fan pandering you people seem intent on always accusing the game of

His character is literally exactly the same. Not to mention this presents a weird scenario where we're to believe Catarina has somehow survived completely unfazed for thousands of years and that they're still using the exact same armour design to this day.

A straight up DEX high speed build is actually probably the ONE playstyle I haven't tried in 3, so it's perfectly possible that I'd agree with everythign you're saying if you're were to try it, but my experience with the game really hasn't been like yours. Sadly they set out to make the game more Bloodborne-y and fast-paced as a matter of policy, but with the exception of THOSE GODDAMN GHRU FACE RAPISTS I still feel like enemies have to be "solved" for you to progress to a similar extent than in the first game. Though it's been a little while and my memory on the game is starting to go, and I'm holding off until the remaster comes up to play through the trilogy in one sitting again.

I'd really chalk that to From's development laziness, considering you're never supposed to see their faces, what with the huge onion helmet and whatnot. Also they're really not the same character, Siegmeyer is a complete idiot, Siegward is downright heroic and... only slightly idiotic.

at least it was a spinoff and not a continuation of the series

>the shared universe
Shared in the sense that they barely fit together, and if taken seriously retroactively destroys most of what made Fallout interesting. If it at least had decent RPG elements it could be maybe partially forgiven.

>Not to mention this presents a weird scenario where we're to believe Catarina has somehow survived completely unfazed for thousands of years and that they're still using the exact same armour design to this day.
I suppose their knights are just THAT good. Also they're not unique in that regard, though Astora has fallen to ruin and Thorolund/Carim have been facing some unrest, Vinheim seems to still be going strong and under the control of the Dragon School, and the Great Swamp is still more or less the same, a garbage land filled with garbage people.

braise le sunnn xDDDD

I actually remember people on Sup Forums giving DaS2 shit for having this statue in it yet no one bats an eyelid when it's in 3.

fallout. dark souls 3 improved everything except lore.
You really have to be a contrarian dickwad to claim otherwise.

I didn't say it was literally a Fallout game, or that the aesthetic and game world weren't also important, you obtuse mongoloid, I'm saying that it is secondary to the ACTUAL GAME.
An aesthetic doesn't mean shit if your game betrays everything that makes it what it is.

You seriously might as well accept Fallout Brotherhood being part of the series canon at this point, despite it's designs, tone, characters, gameplay, faction alignments, etc. being NOTHING like the actual game that inspired it.
It being an RPG in *that* setting is more important than having the name Fallout.
You can't fucking dispute this.

There's a lot of that.
>das2 re-uses a boss and some assets
>das3 re-uses multiple entire areas, assets, and enemies
>Wow what a cool throwback!

this is why I was delighted with the DLC bossfights and want to murder anyone who criticizes them, specially midir.

Im the sort who likes to kill Yhorn without the cheat sword.

I think part of the hard-on obsidian comes from their willingness to take more risks in design. Tends to create games that are fun but sometimes tricky to get into, which appeals to Sup Forums because they love feeling superior about having a more eclectic taste than everyone else

Yes, because smacking at the hand of a boss with like 3 moves for an hour is just so fun.

A sequel should build on the previous games, not rehash (or outright copy) past visuals, plots, locations, and characters.

Fallout 4 by a light year. Setting the "average" stat to 1 is a fucking roleplaying travesty. Fallout 4 is literally just a fallout theme park

Fallout 4 was so bad it ended up worse than F3. DS3 was still better than DS2 by a big margin. I think F4 easily takes the cake here


also forgot to add
>always teleport away from hub

Fallout 4 without a doubt. Todd and Bethesda give such little shit about the series lore, they don't care about consistency, they don't care about staying faithful to existing material. They don't even give a shit about making a good game, because mods will fix them.

>He can't fucking dispute it.

Fucking Fallout 4 is a bad Fallout game

Dark Souls 3 is a flawed but still decent Souls game

I'm not sure I follow, user
Are you referring to the Linking of the Flame? The central element of the franchise which is however presented under a wholly different light this time than in the previous game?
Anor Londo? The are that is about 10% of another, wholly original area, whose presence in the story is meant to be a twist showing you how far it has fallen thanks to Aldrich's corrupting influence?
I can't bring myself to say you don't have a point here, but this is not exactly something that you can accuse DS3 of without also accusing DS1. That entire goddamn game is basically From's aggressively attempting to copy as much of DeS into an IP of their own as possible without Sony's entire law department screaming like a banshee.

nice try
>dispute it
I mean you contradicted yourself in the first line, theres no reason to do anything when you get btfo and have to move goalposts to
>well when i said x was y and even doubled down on it again and again i didnt mean LITERALLY gosh how could you think that

You argued that gameplay is what defines a series and makes it part of the same series. There are many series that have games with drastically different gameplay and series who have gameplay similar to others. Your entire argument is destroyed by even a 5 year olds knowledge that different types of games can exist in the same series.


Yeah idk, I'm also trying parrying for the first time in all the games and it's horrible against normal enemies, they have attacks that are nearly instant so you have to parry as soon as they twitch, while others are long and drawn out. I tried it a bit in BB I guess but there it was more spammy even so idk, it feels cheap against bosses and too risky otherwise. In my first playthrough some of the most fun I had was just getting a greatshield and ignoring the spam roll gameplay and turning it into Stamina Management Sim 3, maybe I should just do a greatshield build but I don't want to just abandon my current one.

The whole entirety of the english language and the best the creator of this graphic could come up with is "MMO-tier," whatever the fuck that means.

>Complaining about invasion difficultly in a game about overcoming difficulty.

Invasions are great your'e just trash kiddo

Not him, but because MMOs have been saturated by shit loads of korean and chink games, the designs of monsters have become incredibly generic.

How are mummy, flexile sentry and dullahan medusa bad? It's a shit pic anyway but at least I can agree that the rest of them are uninspired or poor quality.

Why are half of the enemies in Dark Souls 3 "unused bloodborne asset" tier?



>nice try
You know the rules.
Post mamaries.

The most fun I've had out of this game [out of ANY Souls game, in fact] was making a faith build centered almost exclusively around Lighting Staking everything to oblivion, with some gnawing on the side for the one or two occasions where range is necessary. The cast animation and the ned for close positioning pretty much ensured that EVERY boss battle was a dance of perfect timing against whatever it was I was fighting. I haven't taken that character to Ringed City though, I assume fighting Midir like that would be nearly impossible.

That's in stark contrast to my faith playthrough of DaS2 which I outright dropped because it was unsatisfying in every conceivable way

i have before. if you look up xv kun lore and look up the time time someone posted tits just to prove how retarded he was im sure you can find them. dont really feel like getting banned again.

>sunlight altar is in every game
>giants even though ds2's giants are original and they literally just went back to the ds1 design in ds3
>alonne archers aren't any worse than "anor londo archers 2", and at least alonne knights are original and aren't /actually/ just silver knights again
Pretty shit image, honestly.


That sounds cool. My first DS2 playthrough was faith, but it was more paladin with some heals and lightning buffs on the side, not relying much on lightning.

After this build, however it goes, I'll probably do a randomizer build before trying to play the game normally again.

I liked das 3 more than 2

>ds1 never re used enemies
This i really low tier b8. hell half of the stuff from 1 is from DeS and kingsfield

>goes to a dragon aerie
>there's dragons
>enemy called persuer
>he persues you

>B-But das1 n-never re used anything!! *beats a sea of capra and taurus demons before fighting the 3rd asylum demon in a row*
>B-But das3 did it the best!! *fights a horde of undead settlement enemies in jailer clothes and kills the 1000th thrall*

>nice try

[Question mark]

>You argued that gameplay is what defines...
>I mean you contradicted yourself in the first line, theres no reason to do anything when you get btfo and have to move goalposts to

OOOOH Would you look at that! What a convenient interpretation of something I've never said or argued!

Where. Show me.

I've at no point deviated from my sole point of aesthetic being secondary to gameplay.
This is coherent with me saying that I believe Underrail is more of a Fallout game.
It's coherent with me saying "You're arguing aesthetic over mechanical and technical design".

At no point did I say aesthetic was not important at all.

Keep up the obtuseness, Sperginton.

>There are many series that have games with drastically different gameplay and series who have gameplay similar to others. Your entire argument is destroyed by even a 5 year olds knowledge that different types of games can exist in the same series.

Absolutely irrelevant to the point I was making in response to the OP, and irrelevant to the argument we were having.
Fallout 4 is a lesser game by not being an RPG, despite keeping everything from the other Bethesda releases.
The gameplay is still more relevant than what the title screen says.

why does everyone bitch so much about which game is best

fucking christ you retarded little queers shit goddamn

I'll stop bitching when others stop bitching.

>have 41 bosses
>10-15 of them are bland, repeats, or unfinished
>still more bosses left than DS3 has in its entirety

Having some low-effort co-op shit in the DLCs is especially fine because they had so much content for the price anyway and it's completely optional.


big skelly ≠ lots of skelly

>Where. Show me.
Why bother lying when anyone can just scroll up?

Nito is pretty big. Maybe not as large as wolnir but he is pretty big. About as big as smough and manus.

Should've used Dark Souls 2 for that one. DS3 was actually tolerable compared to that fucking mess.

Don't give me this shit, I know you can read.

>10-15 of them are bland, repeats, or unfinished
They're all bland, repeats, or unfinished.
More ≠ Better
Quality > Quantity ever time