conclusion never

thanks EA

Haha so when are they going to make the third game guys?

What part of it was not concluded? They explained what the necromorphs are and where they come from and everything about the markers

What? They did do a conclusion, kinda
They made an error by including the 1 sec clip of Isaac speaking at the end of 3.

I never played part 3 is there anything redeemable in it?

Do you really want a conclusion after that phoned in dlc ending and THE MOONS ARE EVIL shit? I guarantee the next game would have been full blown CoD with shit like HOLD THE LINE WHILE I HACK THIS DOOR.


3 is alright, better in Coop because there is an hallucination system where a player can see stuff that does not exist to the other player like monsters.

3 is a military shooter mostly, so, just expect that more than an horror game.

Co op where different players see and hear different things, to give the "dude are you crazy" effect

dead space 1 is free on origin, inb4 my botnet

The moon was not evil. The moon was just corpses.

old mining suit and carvers suit
zero g was alright too

What part of planet sized necromorphs is not awesome

The DLC seemed like a fuck you to EA if anything, it irreversibly fucks the story so they can't go back and they were only given the go ahead to make one more story DLC after Dead Space 3's launch sale.

The scale of dead space was getting far too big for its britches. I don't think people would be wanting to fight literal armies of necromorphs in epic d-day style battles. At that point it just doesn't feel like its origins anymore. I feel like necros are only good on a smaller scale.

>I don't think people would be wanting to fight literal armies of necromorphs in epic d-day style battles

Yeah but, the games are over, the story is complete, so that's not going to happen

This. As long as DS3 is canon this series must stay dead at all costs.

I unironically liked the Moon DLC. The enemies were spooky and unique.


>Lovecraftian horror ending where everything is fucked
>Not a conclusion
What is wrong with you people?


How did dead space do stomping so well?


when is the next half in the baaaag

The next time a movie comes out

what if... isaac from dead space and isaac from binding of isaac are the same isaac?



Dead Space 3 never happened. He lived a happy fulfilled life with Ellie after 2. The End.

Stop staring at me!


What Dead Space 3?

I think that guy's lost it man

It's not even a real conclusion and we are missing so many answers from
The story.

What part of "Lovecraftian horror ending" do you not understand? Please, read a book.



The Hivemind is probably one of the best final bosses of all time

the moon was not evil, the moons are what happen when the "make us whole" thing finishes

If only humans had ships to crack planet sized objects

Dead Space 3 was great. You're all mistaken. The characters were shit but everything else was kino
>that gun customization
>the ice planet
>the regenerators
People have never been more wrong about a videogame

How is the Dead Space series? I heard 1 kind of sucks but 2 is the best in the series while 3 sucks complete shit.

1 is good, 2 is more shooty and "modern", 3 goes full retard with the "modern" stuff. 1 is free on origin right now if you want to try it.

>1 kind of sucks
who told you that?
1 is excellent, a little slow maybe, but excellent nonetheless

1 is also free on igg-games too.

Nah, it was shit. Extraction is the true Dead Space 3

>no horror
>more action
>human soldiers as enemies
>bad story and blatant plot-holes
>m i c r o - t r a n s a c t i o n s
>instead of Dead Space 3 we got Gears of Lost Planet 3

you're literally the minority. you will not change anyone's mind by saying "but it's good, ur wrong".

Because they designed the sound muffled, which makes sense when you are in this chunky space suit, a lot of the movement and character sound design were done very well.

1 is good, 2 is less of a horror and more of a TPS but still good.
I think the biggest issue you will find is getting 1 looking good, I heard it had problems. I would also search around for a 1.0 exe for Dead Space 2 to get the release experience, free from the free dlc.

What's wrong with the DLC?

1 and 2 are amazing, go play them now.

Stay far away from 3 unless you really want to know how bad the game really is.

Dead Space 2 still has the best voice acting I've ever experienced. Characters talk over the end of each other's sentences, and will sometimes do that confused second stutter pause when people are trying to figure our who talks next.

whoops, meant for:

The PC version has all the DLC weapons and armor unlocked from the beginning so as soon as you open the store you get a fuckton of items.

Clutters your first workbench with weapons you shouldn't be able to get yet. I don't know if it was changed but you're also able to use every platform's armour dlc (xbox, ps3)
Still surprising to this day an EA backed game did not double down on dlc shittery.

There were still creepy moments
There were some human enemies, but that was like 5% of the game ffs
I played this game to the end without ever touching MTs.

Physics in 1 flip the fuck out if you don't cap the framerate and the mouse has really severe lag without a mod to fix it.

When Avengers Infinity War comes out

>like 5% of the game
this is a flat out lie.
>There were still creepy moments
this is also a lie. never got scared once or even had a sense of fear. everything was so goddamn predictable and not challenging. it was fucking boring.
>without ever touching MTs.
they didn't belong to begin with. microtransactions never belong in a single-player game for any reason, ever.

>t irreversibly fucks the story so they can't go back
You seem to think that this would end up being a problem for EA, not the devs. You really don't know EA's MO if you think something so rudimentary would stop them from violating the IP further

>conclusion never
The series should have ended on Dead Space 2, with Isaac dying alone aboard the Sprawl (and I say this with no bias one way or the other towards DS3) because at that point his redemption arc was done.

Prove me wrong.

Isaac deserves a happy ending with his girlfriend.

>That meaty ass pulse rifle sound
Best weaponfu

>I heard 1 kind of sucks
Clean the wax out of your ears, jabroni. 1 is great. I would say that 2 is the better game in almost all regards that matter, usually people who harp on its changes and sperg out about 1 are contrarian fedora tippers.


1 is fucking amazing. 2 is great too but in a different way, much shorter but a hell of a ride. For 3 watch MandaloreGaming or Mark brown's video to tell you everything you need to know

>2 is more shooty and "modern",

where are these fucking retarded mememasters coming from who are acting like the original dead space is some hardcore survival horror game? its a fucking action game with the same blue line pointer as the other games, the only difference is that its not as polished and good as the sequel

I kinda enjoyed Dead Space 2's multiplayer. I always wanted a co-op Dead Space game that was similar to Left 4 Dead.

1 is good.
2 is a massive gameplay improvement, so its great.
3 is too much gameplay improvement, so the story and horror suffers a bit.

The environments, lighting and armour designs were total sex in this game.
Just look at that.
Sound was great too.


hey how come when I enable vsync in DS1 the framerate seems to go down to 30FPS?

>usually people who harp on its changes and sperg out about 1 are contrarian fedora tippers.
Nah, but i'll give you that 1 got a little repetetive in the end.

a better question is When is the next best of the worst

force vsync through your video card control shit.

Why does 3 look like total shit? is it because of the PC port? The only thing that looks good is the inventory HUD because they took it from the first two games

A part of me thinks that Isaac was supposed to die at the end of 2, him just sitting there all exhausted while everything around him is crumbling down. The music also doesn't help. I feel like the idea of him dying got scrapped just so the guys could make another game with Isaac.

this made me so fucking nervous it wasn't even funny

the first one was clunky as fuck, whether you liked it or not it did change the feeling of the game.

yes, clunky as fuck in a way that has nothing to do with quality design seeing as how the clunkiness of 1 is all shitty delay in things like picking up items or interacting with objects or the unresponsive and unsatisfying stomps/melee that feels unnecessarily tanky and inwards