Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a good ga-

>Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a good ga-
RPG Codex BTFOing Larianiggers everywhere far and wide

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But don't worry, Larianiggers, in 27 days, the savior will come.


No one hates RPG's more than RPGCodex.

>Hates Pillars of Diversity
>Hates Divinity: Original Cringe 2
>Hates Underfail
Is he /our guy/?

I haven't played the game so he might be right on all accounts but the writing is bad so I want to disagree.

Fucking cancer.

>RPG Codex
sounds like contrarian NMAfags to me

>RPG Codex BTFOing Larianiggers everywhere far and wide

RPG Codex voted DOS2 their GOTY by a wide margin and if anything Roxor is the minority opinion

hard to argue with some of that criticism though, I dont mind the armor system but the initiative is really fucking stupid

It's not really a BTFO when the site voted the game for GOTY and just one angry faggot wrote a shit review for it. And the review is pretty shit. For example:

>Sadly, Larian’s response to criticism regarding character building was making the system even more shallow and uninteresting than it was in the first game.
Races and the tag system makes it more complex, not more shallow. But he mentions "attributes and abilities" right after that, so clearly he cares more about the numbers and considers those "character building" rather than the actual roleplayability...

>Tell me, why would you raise One-handed, when the ability Warfare gives +5% damage with all physical attacks, and also governs warrior-type skills?
Because 10 is the cap and if you use one-handed weapons and like playing offensively, you'll want to raise both Warfare and One-Handed. Same with the Huntsman / Ranged complaint. This guy's complaints make no sense.

>Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about the multiplayer and the net code. This might be just me, and who knows, maybe it’s not even valid anymore, but back when I played, DOS2 was very unstable in coop. It would often happen that my coop bro would get kicked on connection, and the kicking would persist until both of us restarted the game. And given that loading times can get obnoxiously long down the line, this was never a fun thing to do.
In my 113 hour campaign with my friend we never had an issue and I've never seen anyone in any threads or other forums mention this.

>Next up, we have the voiceovers. Everything in the game, from dialogues to narration, is voiced, and most of this voice acting is unnecessary.
What a fucking tool this idiot is.



Aren't those the fuckers who give it a GOTY award?


So this is the level of Obsidian fanbase.

Holy shit, he annihilated the game. Ruthless.

>The majority of people decide something's level of quality
>Skills that only serve for stacking with others are a good design decision
>It didn't happen to me, so it's irrelevant
>I love wasted budget that limits writing
This is your mind on Larian. Stay away, kids

>annihilated the game
>literally gets shit wrong
He says Finesse gives +5% ranged damage per point, when it also adds to Dodge. Then he says there's no way to evade hits in the game, despite the Dodge mechanic. Stupid shit like this is sprinkled throughout the review.

But he's obviously autistic when he writes shit like this:

>I don’t think it’s fair to complain or go too deep into the story itself here, because it’s near-identical to every other Larian game in existence. That is, your character, a Special Person, turns out to be an Even Specialer Person, and embarks on an Epic Quest to change the Fate of the Known World™©®.

>One is the alarming ubiquity of all manner of sexual content. It’s like every second character just can’t wait to pinch, lick, kiss, smell, caress or have other questionable interactions with your protagonist, or describe said interactions with other people, to the point that it makes you imagine the writer as some sort of overly excited dog trying to hump your leg all the time.
Literally making shit up.

>Although liking the writer to a dog might be risky given the second, much more disturbing deviation, which is the rampant animal abuse in this game. I swear there is not a single animal in DOS2 that wouldn’t be subjected to torture, torment, mutation or madness, and probably half of those either die after your conversation with them concludes, or beg to be mercy killed.

>DOS2 is no stranger to fake choices in dialogues, although it takes that to the next level by also putting in fake skill checks. There are numerous occasions on which you’ll run into “persuasion checks” that lead to the same outcomes no matter whether they are passed or failed, and that outcome is typically someone trying to clobber you.
Patently false.

He may have a few good points but he is clearly an autist, and autism is what ruins RPGs.

Kill yourself

>But the casuals liked it
>Didn't happen to me
Holy fucking CRINGE

>The majority of people decide something's level of quality
This comment has nothing to do with the first point in that post.

>Skills that only serve for stacking with others are a good design decision
Missing the point, which is that he is wrong to assert that certain skills have no use.

>It didn't happen to me, so it's irrelevant
It didn't happen to the majority of people, so it's pretty irrelevant. When he throws shit like this into the review, it's clear what his intentions are.

>I love wasted budget that limits writing
His comment that the voice actors sounded "bored" is retarded and literally what an autist who can't read emotional tone might think. Nothing was wasted, the voice acting is wonderful and appreciated.

Darth Roxor is the only person whose reviews I almost always read. I don't always agree with him, but at least his autism is entertaining.

>Someone on the internet also thinks the game i dont like but evrione else does is bad and because they ether made a video about it or wrote a wall of text it must mean its true.

So if i can find someone to make a video or write a wall of text on how you are a fagot op than that would mean that you are now officially a fagot?

If a flat earther linked you to articles and videos about how the earth is flat would that mean the earth is now flat.

Just because more than one person shares an opinion on a thing doesn't mean its now fact.

>The majority of people decide something's level of quality
>Skills that only serve for stacking with others are a good design decision
>Reviews need to be a democracy, if the majority of people didn't experience the exact same issue, then the reviewer can't bring it up
>I love wasted budget that limits writing

Completely unable to argue with the perfectly valid and intelligent criticisms leveled against his shit game, the Larianigger decides to hold his hands against his ears and cry loudly

>RPG Codex
literally who?

Also this review reads like a feature length Sup Forums shitpost. Nothing to see here, move along.

I beat your the kiddinityfag who always talks shit about Divinity in pillars threads.

RPG Codex has a sub-forum dedicated to supporting Donald Trump with a thread about him with 3272 as well as a thread making fun of SJWs with 967 pages
They're based and no amount of crying from you redditors will change this fact

RPG Codex has a sub-forum dedicated to supporting Donald Trump with a thread about him with 3272 pages as well as a thread making fun of SJWs with 967 pages
They're based and no amount of crying from you redditors will change this fact



Thank god your shit ability at making bets isn't comparative to your tremendous ability to deflect criticism.

nice try but you can't pull a fast one on me you fucking Sup Forums cross-poster

Not surprised the Sup Forums boogeyman would be brought up by a Larianigger

>is the only person in this thread who brings up politics

>gets called out on it


neck yourself nigger

If RPGCodex shat on OS2, then it took Pillars of Eternity out back and drowned it in the septic tank.

>RPG Codex has a sub-forum dedicated to supporting Donald Trump
> from you redditors
But Donald supporters are mainly from r/the_donald
How' s that?

How is Pillars anyways? I need a fix.

>Everything in the game, from dialogues to narration, is voiced, and most of this voice acting is unnecessary.
>None of the VO stands out, and the actors just sound kind of bored
>the music is elevator-music tier
this review is 100% fake and gay

Honestly pretty great.

They are pretty based, considering Sacred82 is tearing Roxor a new one in the forum:


>larianiggers will defend this

I was a Kickstarter backer and was massively disappointed.

The epitome of mediocrity. The game doesn't do much good or bad, it just "is".

even if you disagree with what their reviews say, RPG Codex (and GameBanshee) are two of the only websites who actually do in depth game reviews by people who actually played and finished the game they played

which makes me wish that both sites would review games outside of the WRPG/CRPG genre

I still don't understand what's wrong with this.

Literally who?

I don't think Roxor finished DOS2 tho.

No, he isn't. He's butthurt as fuck and even he is admitting the many flaws of Divinity: Original Sin 2

>Ignorant losers and underachievers angry with the world

Skipped to the bottom and saw
>Almost everything about it is a clear step down from Original Sin 1
and knew instantly that this was written by a retard, a shitposter, or a shitposting retard.

Trash combat, boring characters, story that goes nowhere, just a forgettable, mediocre kickstarter failuire.

>even he is admitting the many flaws of Divinity: Original Sin 2
No one thinks the game is perfect, but his criticism is 100% more on course with the actual flaws the game has. He's completely spot on when he implies that Roxor just wants to play "fantasy chess" rather than an RPG simulation. And every one of his points about the review is correct.

PoE's gameplay was designed by someone who understands very well what fun is, and hates it with the entirety of his rotten soul.

My only problem with this review is that it's way too late.
Entertaining to read and viciously accurate. Good shit all around.

>Third, we’ve already established that numbers get bloated a lot in DOS2, and armour is the chief source of this. With no real resistances to be found, the only remaining power progression is in terms of pure damage and pure health. As you get farther and farther into the game, combined HP from health and armour can reach tens of thousands. You’d think something like this would warrant the introduction of damage abilities based on percentages, and yet there are none in this game. Everything that matters is the bloating of the most basic things – health, damage and healing.
Jesus. You guys actually like this game?

t. darth roxor

Not only do they like it, Larianiggers defend these horrible decisions that plague it.

>viciously accurate
but it's the stormtrooper of reviews

>pillars is shit
>original sin is shit

What are some actually GOOD rpgs this year and last?


>RPGcodex getting triggered at a popular game
stop the fucking presses
They're generally pretty spot on when it comes to more obscure shit but their need to rebel against anything vaguely popular in the genre outweighs all.


That makes them less cringe... how? They're somehow worse than this fucking place.

from the review and the comments it seems like people who hate this game either didn't get past act 1 or didn't play on tactician difficulty

Kingdom Come Deliverance

If you don't like either you just don't like RPGs

>I have no other words to describe this other than that it’s pure distilled stupidity. You will run into numerous occasions where finishing off an enemy is a bad idea, because in that way you will empower its stronger ally that is further down the initiative queue. Instead you are better off either ignoring them, or leaving them stunned as “initiative block decoys”. Before killing anything in DOS2 during harder fights, you always have to check the initiative queue and consider whether you will not be sabotaging your own planned courses of action for subsequent turns that way.

>literally "I have to think so it's bad"

Great review. Right on point.


>You’d think something like this would warrant the introduction of damage abilities based on percentages, and yet there are none in this game.
Why would that warrant it?

There are also damage abilities based on percentages, or that play around with percentages. Death Wish grants a damage bonus equal to the percentage of lost health. Equalise adds up all health and armor percentages of characters in a target area and redistributes them equally. Forced Exchange exchanges your health percentage with a target character's (an insanely fun skill to use that I beat the final boss with literally a turn away from seeing game over). Most damages are also based on multiple stats and are not as two-dimensional as he makes it sound.

Guy doesn't seem to know what he's on about, really.

I got through most of Act II (which I basically did in reverse by skipping the town and cheesing the battle at the gallows, and cheesing the battle past the gallows even harder) and dropped it. The gameplay was mostly boring, but some of the battles were fun because I was completely underleveled and had to figure out how to exploit the system and AI to get past them. Then when I visited the town, some asshole guard tried arresting one of my party members, which led to a battle that resulted in everyone in the town square getting slaughtered, including the nice older couple that I just had a picnic with. Apparently everyone is a lawfag and will fight to the death on behalf of the police. Idiots. What got me was that nobody else in the town cared that I just wiped half of it out, including the other guards. The game world had no reactivity, which wound up completely breaking my interest in the game.

First sensible point whole thread.

Both points that were already brought up in the review.


But the review wasn't in this thread, dumdum.

Darth Roxor's reviews are always very accurate and cause a lot of butthurt.
ELEX is indeed the best RPG of 2016.

>Sawyer hates casters: the game
No thanks

the two things you listed are still at the beginning of act 2. you did nothing in reverse

>everyone in the town square getting slaughtered
I'm not sure why this would happen to you, in my game no civilian joined in. NPCs hid behind stalls and were shaking in fear while we fought. Unless you are mistaking the Silent Watchers to be civilians.

What Sup Forums thinks of Malady?

Tired of characters like her.

oh so they're retards supporting someone who is breaking all of his election promises
why did you think this would support your argument lol

No lizard ladies no buy

I have an irrational love for her. Her lines, the delivery, and shittalking was the best. Her whole thing being "Yeah there's a lot of demon assholes running around, but I'm your demon" was great.

They tease so much with her and her plotline but nope ^^

>writing was pretty sensual
>get to fugg and fluff with your chosen waifu
>but you have to suffer through the narrator reading the sexy shit out loud

It's the price we all must pay for waifufaggotry

I agree with the vast majority of what he wrote. No idea how Larian fucked it up so bad. Looking forward to Pillars of Eternity 2.

I can't fucking stand how "based" got corrupted by autistic alt-right redditers. 99% of these dudes never heard the word based before GamerGate. You're so based being a neo nazi soooo positive and caring and not crying over what other people think

>misreads stats, writes some of them off entirely
>doesn't care about abilities or how they interact
>doesn't care about sneaking or telekinesis
>doesn't appear to know skill crafting exists, complains about multiclassing not being 'cool' or whatever
>thinks os1 combat didn't need changing, later admits the entire game was just spamming disables, then says that the same shit existing at all in os2 is a bad thing
>ignores that weapons bloat at the same pace as health/armor
>ignores skills that deal in percentages or plant debuffs that bypass armor, except for the spider polymorph thing which he oddly includes to prove himself wrong
>manages to get initiative completely wrong, not sure how he managed it but there it is
>pays no attention to the writing and then calls it bad when he doesn't understand what's going on at all (e.g. "why didn't the prisoners just swim out of fort joy" when they make it abundantly clear that the water is infested with voidlings and shit and the only thing directly outside fort joy is a fucking swamp)
>is so bad at the game that he thinks persuasion is a trick (this goes all the way back to him writing off major stats)

this whole shit piece could be summarized as "I played the game in the dumbest fathomable manner and it was dumb, therefore the game is bad", his only valid complaints are that stats balloon toward the end (an end which he admits he never actually saw, and based on what I'm reading he probably never made it through act 2, so he probably just got this shit from someone else) and that the ai needs work

I find this game hard. I really like it, but im so sick of getting ganked

>>ignores that weapons bloat at the same pace as health/armor
He didn't. He mentioned how you're expected to buy gear every new level up. It's ridiculous.

>except for the spider polymorph thing which he oddly includes to prove himself wrong
Mentioning an incredibly rare edge-case doesn't nullify the whole point, you retard.

>manages to get initiative completely wrong, not sure how he managed it but there it is
He's not wrong about it being Me-You-Me-You, it's a shit system that is way worse than the first one for no good reason.

Shit game.

The comparisons to Doom crack me up. Clever dude. He's right, too.

>needing to buy anything that isn't a skillbook
you have got to be kitten me

>incredibly rare edge-case
there are multiple abilities that do this though, and yes it absolutely does when he literally says that no abilities bypass armor

Here is a non-shit review, very short but happens to capture the essence of the game astoundingly better:


>93 / 22 / 43 / 3
the amount of samefagging is stellar here

>"In case it wasn't obvious by now, I've never finished the game."

Doesn't make his critic any less valid

Yes it does considering he makes assumptions about the endgame while blatantly lying about parts of the game and making factually wrong statements.

us oldfags huh *holds up spork*