>sells more than BOTW
>is vastly better than BOTW
>no one talks about it
I knew this board had shit taste, but damn....
>sells more than BOTW
>is vastly better than BOTW
>no one talks about it
I knew this board had shit taste, but damn....
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit waifu.
>wahhhh, the girl isn't fapbait!!!!!
7/10 game at best
No, it's not even at 2/3 the sales of BOTW. Retard.
Except you're wrong. BOTW was sold to stores, not to actual customers.
BOTW is still selling well.
What about HZD?
Again, selling to stores, not customers. It's literally sitting on shelves.
Stay delusional
HZD will be the most mediocre game I never bothered to finish
kill yourself retard. Look at the fucking stats on vgchartz.
>being this in denial of reality
>>sells more than BOTW
User base of 70million vs a brand new console
>>is vastly better than BOTW
>>no one talks about it
Can you guess why?
U wot.
You do know that sales figures put out by companies are based all on the same metrics out of necessity for sake of investment right?
The amount sold to stores will always exceed the amount actually sold which is why the sold to stores amount is the one companies brag about to attract investors.
Because it's shit and BotW is good?
I see more copies of horizon on shelves, and since we ate going by anecdotal evidence I guess pie is better than cake
Selling well in Spain too.
but not in Italy.
I sincerely enjoyed hzd
Aloy is built for sex.
>slash price to bargain bin levels before one full year on the market
>still barely manage to keep up with Zelda which is still $60
You must be so proud
Agreed, fuck Sup Forums. If MZD had the stealth mechanics of MGSV, it‘d be a near 10 instead of 9-9.5
It's okay to like mediocre things.
They're both pretty bad tbqh
Aloy is not ugly, also take into account that she‘s not wearing makeup either. If they slimmed her head a bit, she would be a solid 7.
But MGSV had the worst stealth mechanics in MGS
>sells more than BOTW
Played both, botw was better.
Came into HZD expecting cool robot dinosaur story but the first 3 hours is
>btw robot dinosaurs
Memes aside HZD is still a great game
>sells more than BOTW
Objectively wrong
>is vastly better than BOTW
Also wrong
>no one talks about it
Until salty faggots like you bring it up
>Can't ride a shield like surfboard
>Is vastly better than BOTW
It's funny how much retards rip on BOTW for having AssCreed towers and yet give HZD a pass for being AssCreed but with robot dinos, a retarded YA novel-tier story, and a protagonist with a potato-shaped head.
Assassin's Creed Origins is better
>needing amiibos to beat the game
Not even most vidya purchases happen from there.
Who gives a shit. Its official.
Horizon sold 7.6m and Zelda shipped 6.9m
If it had the stealth and AI of MGSV it‘d be perfect.
Why are you lying
Aloyfu is great.
we only talk about BOTW here because of how utterly boring it was.
>zelda shipped 6.9m
in 9 months. not a full year
get a load of this guy ahahahaha everyone point and laugh
It's an ok game really, serviceable if predictable story, solid gameplay.
DLC was miles better than the main game.
It did what it had to do, now it has to improve upon it (Mainly everything Melee related, condense all arrows into one bow, weapon variety, etc.)
It left its mark and MHW is still promoting it since launch.
Its not the new hotness, but its not bad for the new kid on the block.
No. Zelda SOLD about 7 Million on Switch and about another million on Wii U.
Those are the numbers that Nintendo gave to their shareholders. If they lied about sales to their shareholders there'd be serious grounds for legal action.
Also you haven't addressed the point about HZD being bargain bin price for quite some time since its release.
Who /homolove/ here
I haven't even played BotW and I think Horizon was a pretty poor game.
I don't like given I don't like ubi-clones and quit playing after like seven hours. I just got tired of only being able to climb on the yellow marked ledges, the poor combat, and I didn't care for the characters at all.
Except for the parts of the game where she's whiney
First of all, selling more doesn't mean its a better game.
And lastly you have to remember that switch players only really have BOTW to talk about. PS4 players are drowning in great games right now.
Because Horizon Zero Awards is literally a shitty Ubisoft-like game with robot dinosaurs and a shitty protagonist.
So you must be the one person in existence who has never complained about anything. She is far from whiny you contrarian faggot
>PS4 players are drowning in great games right now.
imagine being THIS deluded
>savage tribal girl
>zero body hair
>And lastly you have to remember that switch players only really have BOTW to talk about. PS4 players are drowning in great games right now.
You have that in reverse. Switch players still have Splatoom, Mario Odyssey, Mario + Rabbids, and even Kirby coming coming out in a few weeks.
ever since this game went on sale for 20$ there's like 5 threads a day about it
Jesus, she's fucking ugly
>Not whiney
>Run and push square and she'll complain about her knees... despite most of her outfits having alloyed ablative metal kneepads with kinetic padding on the inside
>Drop a foot
>She complains about the fall
>Run down an incline
>She whines about going down too quickly
Not to mention she constantly bitches about "muh mommy" - something Sylens should have handled Jay and Silent Bob style: "You were cloned from Elizabeth. THAT MEANS YOU'RE HER TWIN SISTER, NOT HER DAUGHTER, YOU! STUPID! FUCK!"
>Head canon for what the game sold within the month of release to the end of feburary
Zelda shipped 7.8m between both Wii U and Switch while Horizon didn't just SHIP 7.6m but they sold 7.6m through to costumers.
Take notice that Nintendo uses the wording "Dedicated sales units" instead of sales.
>bargain bin price
Where do you live. They're charging almost full price where I live
The last week sale on psn had horizon at 20$ and the complete edition at 30$.
The gameplay is pretty decent, fighting the dinosaurs can be fun, but almost everything else is really fucking annoying.
The quests are lame, the characters are lame, the story is retarded, the menus are annoying, collecting parts is boring, collecting the herbs for your health is a pointless addition, having to recraft your ammo every 15 seconds is tedious, upgrading your amour and weapons is never exciting, the skill tree is unimaginative and pointless since you can fill it out easily.
Imagining all the time they wasted on all that bullshit and thinking about what they could have done instead makes me sad.
>Zelda shipped 7.8m between both Wii U and Switch
But the nintendo IR slaes specifies units sold through to customers, and BotW is at 6.70 million units.
Horizon has been on sale for half price for at least 6 months. How out of touch are you with the market?
Nope you are lying and you have no proof.
I don't use PSN much.
its western gamer god garbage
Don't mind me! Just the superior PS4 exclusive open world game coming through!
Amazon, too. It isn't just PSN. It was on sale in a lot of outlets.
ubisoft drones
Okay, why is it selling THAT well in France?
>Barely sells more than BOTW while having five times the install base
That's sad.
meant for
According to Nintendo's report, as of January, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild had reached over 7.5 million sell-through as of mid January. Over 6 million on Switch and over 1.5 million on Wii U. This is excluding certain regions in which Nintendo does not have reliable retail data, such as Asia and Latin America. According to Sony's report, Horizon: Zero Dawn sold through over 7.6 million as of mid February. So, neither game has vastly outsold the other in terms of units.
>Implying BotW is only available on the switch
>Implying it is not available on WiiU
If you are gay. But I won't judge.
Can you prove that it isn't the case? You first stated that it wasn't a certain way, so prove it. You asserted proof without even proving anything to begin with.
>Take notice that Nintendo uses the wording "Dedicated sales units" instead of sales.
But they don't?
>dedicated sales units
But they don't? And even if it did, why does that somehow mean shipped and not sold?
Sales to customers on Switch alone right here. This was as of December 31st. It’s probably passed 7 million by now.
why is there a vag shot on the cover? Goddamn japs, now they wonder why the game flopped.
You both conveniently crop out the fact that they call them "Dedicated sales units".
Nice try though.
>But they don't? And even if it did, why does that somehow mean shipped and not sold?
Because they are units dedicated to sales ie. not sold.
Damn, you mad about facts?
You are a fucking retard just looking for something to complain about. Enjoy being alone forever
>sells more than BOTW
The game was released on a dead console(wii U) barely anyone had, and a brand new console that barely anyone had(due to it just having been released at the time)
outselling that is not some great achievement, when your game is on the most popular console of the current gen
>vastly superior
>sold better
Poor retarded OP.
>Splatoon has over 60 percent of the Japanese audience
Holy fuck, that is absurd.
HZD looks better and is on better hardware. I'm so tired of NintendoGAF.
Holy, you must truly be autistic. If not, just a socially stinted fucking idiot.
Do you not know the difference between whining and making commentary? Shit like her saying runing down a slope was easier when she was a kid was just her making commentary about the situation.
Good lord, don‘t reply to me you autistic fuckig retard. You must cut sheet metal for a living or some shit.
>looks better
>better graphics = better game
And I'm sure all of Sup Forums is sick of Sonyfags.
I can't believe someone took the time to make cherrypicked videos like these. Like, they're so dishonest it's cringeworthy
But the game is better.
get this nu-male faggot out of here he isnt helping your argument
>cherry picking
What did they not show?
Grats, for every 1 webm you have, there are 20 more for HZD.
Nintendo's report covers sales to customers here As of January, over 6 million recorded sell through for Breath of the Wild on Switch, over 7.5 million total including Wii U version. The numbers in Nintendo's financial data are referring to sell-in. Retail data is not relevant to Nintendo's finances.
only 20 people in the world bought HZD
>And I'm sure all of Sup Forums is sick of Sonyfags.
yeah im sure they are, since the only goddamn thing they want to talk about ever is nintendo shit.
Nah zelda is overall pretty bad. This is regular gameplay you can experience all throughout the game.