I am by NO MEANS a Nintendo fanboy...

I am by NO MEANS a Nintendo fanboy, (I believe the PS1 and PS2 were both far better than their Nintendo counterparts and I can admit when Nintendo fucks up completely like with the Wii U) but I firmly believe that the Switch version of Dark Souls Remastered will sell the most, be the most popular and have the most active multiplayer out of all game versions.

>Switch owners have been doing a great job at supporting the (admittedly few) AAA games that the console has received so far. Demand for XC2 and BOTW have exceeded our wildest expectations. Dark Souls certainly fits in this category.

>The online service will be free for the first 5 months after the games release which will allow the game's unique multiplayer system to spread out and be experienced among Nintendo fans.

>You will also have a lot of Dark Souls veterans opting for the Switch version to play Dark Souls on the go.

Give me ONE good reason to believe that the PS4 version of DaS Remastered will sell more than the Switch version.

the PS4 is the PS2 of its time, a garbage system for watching movies and playing normalfag games

Is it really worth having this argument?

You're probably right, dude.

Switch truly has no games.

Still deciding if I want it on Switch for novelty, or PC so I can coop with friends.

give me one good reason to get DaS Remastered on steam, that's the real argument

PS2 still had a ton of interesting exclusives, PS4 has a good 20 exclusives. You wouldn't see 90% of the PS2's exclusives if they were made today instead.

You are correct, everyone else already played but nintenbros so it will obviously sell the most there.
Not rocket science.

The Switch will be completely hacked by then. Everyone will have infinite health and stamina.


It may not have the highest player count at any given time but it'll have the most consistent player base for the longest period of time.

You can still find people to play the original game with on Steam while I'd wager its a ghost town on PS3/360 at this point.

>Switch truly has no games.


>PS4 has a good 20 exclusives
Lol, no

Didn't play Demons Souls, but hasn't co op historically been sort of fucked and inconvenient? Will it be possible to just run through the campaign with friends?

>not including Bloodborne

>wanting to replay ds1 AGAIN
no thanks, my backlog is fucking huge already, i'll gladly skip replaying ds1 for the 4th time

It has over 400 now.

Just some of them are digital only, some of them are multiplats, and most are released by indies.

Which of course equates to not being games at all.

>reading comprehension


I actually agree with about everything you said said after the ps2 weak fan boy rant, but a majority of the people don't give a fuck about those specific and probably will buy the ps4 version anyway.

My neighbor literally bought a new xbox to play mh worlds because of the fucking controller whereas the next day I find out online about a new adapter for the ps4 to connect the Xbox controller.

All of our neighbors have a ps4 including me and are playing mh worlds together except him.

The faggot literally regreted it when I told him and keeps telling me his Xbox won't let him play online since he bought it.

To be fair I will get the switch version, as I mentioned, I agree with your opinion. I'd like to pop that shit anywhere.

1st year only.

Get on switch for launch and buy it on pc when it goes on sale. Thats what im planning to do anyway

I think you're missing OP's point.

The Switch version will sell the most because many Nintendo players will be playing it for the first time.

Amazon showed it outselling the PS4 version (with Xbox trailing far behind) for a while on the top sellers list, so you're probably right. Same thing happened with that Shining Force game.

>4th time
So, you've barely touched it, then?

Ever since Bloodborne, each game has had password matchmaking for coop. It's not quite joining a party and then you don't having to worry about anything, but it basically means guaranteeing seeing a friend's summon sign. Buddy and I are going through DaS3 right now and it's fun as hell.

Of course it will sell the most. People wanna play on the go. But it will be the worst version of all the 3. I bet that blight town will run worse than it did on ps3 and 360.

i've made 1 playthrough when it came out, and then after a couple of years i made ng, ng+ and ng+6 all bosses runs i used cheat engine to skip the intermediate cycles.

i also farmed all the items and got all the achievements. there is literally nothing else to do unless you are an autist who like speedrunning/level1 runs/etc

so yeah, unless there is new content it would be just a waste of time for me anyway

I can't wait for SL1 invasions

>Give me ONE good reason to believe that the PS4 version of DaS Remastered will sell more than the Switch version.

-There are almost 80m PS4 sold worldwide while there are less than 15m Switch sold worldwide.

-Non nintendo games sell like shit on Nintendo consoles

Of the remastered versions? Yes, given how it's the first time the Nintendo audience will play it, while PC, Xbox and Playstation owners already played it years ago.
Of all the versions? Not a chance for the reasons above listed.

You make valid points but I have a weird feeling that multiplayer will be horribly handicapped and/or launched with the paid service. I’ve been hurt too many times before to buy this on Switch.

I'm expecting the PSN experience to be very run-of-the-mill, but likewise I also feel the Switch userbase will be newer and more prone to shenanigans.

There's 5x as many PS4s as Switches

>there is literally nothing else to do unless you are an autist who like speedrunning/level1 runs/etc
So, anyone who keeps playing games simply because they enjoy playing them and doesn't see them as a checklist of tasks that must be completed is an autist?

I've done dozens and dozens of runs and builds. I keep playing it because its fun to try new builds. I don't even have all the cheevos, I'm sure there are people here who have thousands of hours in the game.

I'm doing a run with the Bonewheel Shield right now, gimmicky/novelty builds are great. The game has tons and tons of replay value, how you progress is directly tied to what kind of character you're making. Since the first half of the game is so open and interconnected you can go anywhere as you please and collect what you need for your build while also changing up how you progress so its not identical every time.

The only people who spend hundreds of hours replaying this series are super-autismos who think "beating the game with a spear" is an entirely different experience from "beating the game with a straight sword" or ultra-autismos who PvP instead of playing real multiplayer games.

This is especially true for DaS1, where you'd have to be masochistic to want to experience the second half again.

While these are true statements, the attach rate for BB and DS3 is pretty bad, and preorders for the Switch version are at the very least on-par with those for PS4.

I think the portability will matter a lot more for this game than it did for the other Switch ports. I myself will be getting it for Switch first just because its portable. I'll be able to easily take it and play it at a friends house or whatever, I won't be stuck at my PC all the time if I want to play it now, though I do plan to also get it for PC at some point.

SotFS and DS3 ports when?

Most switch owners only have it to play Nintendo games

Stop with the shitty remasters and REMAKE Demon's Souls already.

You two seem like you would make great friends.

>-There are almost 80m PS4 sold worldwide while there are less than 15m Switch sold worldwide.

And they've already been able to play several Dark Souls games this whole time. It won't be novel to them.

>-Non nintendo games sell like shit on Nintendo consoles

Objectively untrue.

yes, congratulations, you are an autist

>Objectively untrue.

Compare the sales of Doom and FIFA on Switch with those on other platforms.

There is no non-nintendo game that has broken the 800k sales yet on switch.

my point was that of those 600 hours, 400 could've been used to play other games you never experienced before, even other soulsbornes, instead of replaying the same thing over and over

>You're autistic for not treating the game like a regimented checklist that holds no value after every box has been meticulously checked
user, I...I don't know how to break it to you, but you may have autism.

Yet many publishers are reporting that they are very happy with Switch sales.

Even EA are saying FIFA has sold well enough that they will continue support.

So "shit" seems like an overstatement.

>oh shit, I'm losing an argument, how am I gonna weasel my way out of this one?
>I got it!
>yes! Epic win

You sound like an autistic motherfucker to put 600 on this barely decent game.

And thank god we're capable of doing so. I can't imagine sitting alone playing so many video games to the point where throwing another hundred hours at DaS1 seems like an attractive idea.

Why do you assume I don't play or try new things?

>Yet many publishers are reporting that they are very happy with Switch sales.
Yes, because they expect to sell low numbers.

If they sold like that on other platforms it would be considered a failure.

No, playing games just because they're just fun is pretty normie-core.

i'm assuming that you've experienced 400 hours less new things because of your autism

Because you apparently thought "I should put another 400 hours into Dark Souls" over "I should try 10 or 20 new games".

>30FPS on Switch
>only 720p in handheld mode

dark souls is the most normie game buddy

>Nintendo fans refused to buy Dark Souls for 9 years because it was "mature gamer shit"
>now they praise it because it's coming to the Switch

>buying mh world

you are the casuals killing gaming

You should probably not make such assumptions, it makes you look ignorant and petty.

Many are reporting better sales on Switch than other platforms though.

Exactly, only autists play it just to get all the achievements and proceed complain about how others continue to enjoy the game because they can't see it as anything but a checklist due to their autism.

>it must be the same people doing both


>played DaS back on PS3
>have switch
>cannot wait to get this on switch day one and invade on undead burg nintenbros who have never played DaS before

it honestly feels so good to be idort

That's not an assumption. Unless you're telling me you play Dark Souls on a subconcious level, you chose to put 400 hours into it instead of trying new things. And that's being generous and saying the first 200 hours are "normal".

switch is locked at 30fps.

dead on arrival.

>implying nintendo babies won't drop the game after they realize it's actually challenging
>implying anyone will be able to experience stable co-op with nintendo's shitty online service
Nice try, soyboy.

There's also the possibility that you ran out of new video games to try, but then you're arguing "I'm not autistic, I only put hundreds of hours into Dark Souls because I've already played most other video games" which is self-defeating.

PS4 version is leading the pack in terms of pre sales.

The PS4 is filled with former PS3/360 players eager to revisit Dark Souls. I think it will sell just fine.

Not saying the Switch version won't sell well, though. I plan on getting it myself since playing it in bed on summer nights sounds pretty appealing.
Is that confirmed? Not that that sounds all that bad to me.

Yes, it IS the same people. You don't get to shitpost for 9 years and then claim innocence when it suits you. Take responsibility.

I doubt Switch owners would worry about a 30fps cap in a 3rd person game.

>This bait

ur right it's moar like 5 good exclusives

no u

>That's not an assumption

>i'm assuming
>Because you apparently thought
These are by definition assumptions.

Just admit you have autism already. Only someone with autism would get this ass-blasted over someone having played a game past where they think it was appropriate to play.

I know that. Especially when they defended 20 FPS in Xenoblade as "artistic" and "bold". And then they went as far as to say that 60 FPS is a scheme by sony to kill video games and all games should run at 30 because it's better for the medium.

Same here. The series is just that fun.

PC + Switch masterrace

30fps is the only thing that matters, most PS4/Xbone owners probably still have 720p/1080i TVs.

>knows nothing by still wants to shitpost

>Buy Switch day this comes out
>Speedrun to Anor Londo, get my silver knight shit
>Invade rafters and beyond with SL40 Twink Silver Knight with greatbow and spear and basically act as a police officer

>Fuel myself on Nintentears for a week straight

>Return system following weekend and continue on PC

This is the plan

It has fewer than 20.

There might be 1 or 2 more than whats listed here and Nioh should be crossed out now that its on Steam.

For comparison, the Xbone has 7.

>switch is locked at 30fps.
Yeah buddy, see you in Blighttown, online.

So if you know that, I hope you realize that this alone won't kill Dark Souls.

Can't return that shit after you've opened and used it unless you buy used at fucking Gamestop.

Knack and Knack 2 count as at least 8 games

This is me, but poison guardian tail in the burg

It'll kill it for anyone who has standards.

That's a lot of effort, user.

Poison twinks who run away are the easiest ones to just ignore and disconnect on, no remorse.

Yeah, indie games that are so shitty that nobody buys except switchlets because they are starved for games.

But you just said that Switch owners don't.

DS1 is god tier


That was another in the reply chain. I feel like it'll sell alot because Switch owners don't have high standards.

what about the order: 1886 that ran at an unironic 15fps because it was more "cinematic" fuck outta here soyny

>Give me ONE good reason to believe that the PS4 version of DaS Remastered will sell more than the Switch version.

Dark Souls Name brand will help it appeal to the PS4's 70-80+ million install base as opposed to the Switch's 10 million active user base.

And who says I'm supporting those hacks at Soyny? They're half the reason for this resurgence of cinematic hallway shooters and walking simulators.

>Half of PS4s games are indie digital-only shit
>They count

>Half of Switch's games are indie digital-only shit
>They don't count



Wasn't the game 30fps on the original platforms of release as well though?

the active PS4 user base is well under 10 million, you are aware most normies (sony's target audience) buy these things to watch twitch and netflix right

So, if the counter specifically says that he's spent 600 hours playing Dark Souls, it isn't reasonable to "assume" that he has played at least 400 hours that could've been better spent playing other games? Are you such an autist that you can't see how his opinion is perfectly legitimate and his "assumptions" closer to fact than anything else?

I mean, play 1000 hours for all I care, but don't get so mad over someone having a perfectly acceptable opinion of how anyone should manage his time when playing games