Pro Tip: Fuck You, you can't
Pro Tip: Fuck You, you can't
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when your hardest difficult is the only difficult that the game is worth playing on it makes you wonder what the point of the other difficulties is.
On novice enemies are fucking bullet sponges to the max
Stalker is a barely functional turd, slapped together by 80iq polish niggers who were way in over there heads. It's barely playable without mods and it's cult following is a dark stain on the gaming community.
The only good difficulty setting is having no difficulty settings
what was the original of this image?
>Stalker is a barely functional turd...barely playable without mods
I agree. Atmosphere is probably the only thing it gets right in vanilla.
something about traps being gay
>It's barely playable without mods
I have NEVER understood this sentiment. All three of them are perfectly playable in vanilla. I swear this phrase is just uttered because people have heard it said before
>it's cult
It's "its" in this context
its cult following
Stalker is one of the only games where you basically need mods to get the best experience possible. I can't think of many besides other eurotrash, and Bethesda games.
Nice b8 user, very gr8
Doesn't stalker have some wierd shit with the difficulty, where a certain % of shots (yours and enemy) just disappear?
>we're reaching a point where people on Sup Forums no longer likes the stalker series or haven't played it at all for that matter
>we're reaching a point where people on Sup Forums no longer have a hivemind
Fixed it for you
That's a world that I don't want to live in
your dad is a dark stain on your genetics
Nigga, not only I was able to beat vanilla stalker S.O.C without mods, but I did it fine without the big post release patches (because one was making the savegame non-compatible and I wasn't willing to restart everything). It was playble. Loading time were shit, you had CTD every now and then, but otherwise it was perfectly fine. Standard Bethesda releases were 10 time worse. You're just a whiny bitch that actually never played vanilla.
The only mods ever necessary in a game are mods to prevent bugs/have higher resolutions/stable framerate 60fps at least.
How can one person be so retarded and yet able to use a computer? Call the scooby gang, we have a real mystery, here.
Mega Man 10
is stalker even trying l-lmao
dude named steven crowder goes to colleges and sets up a booth with stuff like "there is no male privledge, change my mind"
Hes pretty based and goes into these things to actually debate and he gets a lot of trigglypuffs too.
the truth desu watch Sup Forums get triggered over it
I bought the game back in high school when it came out and was posting about the game here all the way back then. All the years talking about the game, the mods, stories and adventures of being in the Zone. It's all left on /sg/ now. I feel like /vg/ cut some important cultural landmarks out of Sup Forums, people being unfamiliar with something like STALKER here just seems utterly alien to me. It was one of those games where everyone here had played it, everyone had a fun story about it, and everyone liked it. Like Deus Ex. Or VtMB.
Literally the only person trying
Thief is the only game to do difficulty settings right. (they shouldn’t exist at all though)
Guess you’re memeing though, I vaguely remember Stalker having a broken difficulty setting that made it harder that it should have been.
Halo CE had better balance (as in the best) for its 2 higher difficulty settings then any other FPS.
>the lower your difficulty the more of your bullets just disappear into the void when you shoot them
Yeah... really great game...
And we all know why this keeps happening.
Unnecessary attention from the mainstream media and other shitholes keeps making newfags pour into here by the dozens and nobody tells them to lurk anymore, so they can just run rampant and push their shit opinions as facts here.
Dark times ahead.
>slav shit
>STALKER is good you just need these mods
>bugs and glitches out the ass
>difficulties are out of wack
>*dies from something random* DAMM THE ZONE SCARY
>please buy and play all 3 STALKER games
STALKER is the skyrim/fallout 3 of slavic games
Sup Forums has become e-celebrity news, b8 posting, weeaboo games, and what vidya woman have the biggest tits.
Sup Forums has really become shit after /vg/ was introduced.
The lower you set the difficulty, the harder the game got. It was pretty cheeki breeki.