rockstar btfo, this is now
FarCry 5 DLC
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But does it still trigger Sup Forums?
Go ask them if you're curious.
everything does
No one cares shill
You're really dumb enough to believe this? Ouch
ip count didnt go up when this guy posted for the record
aren't you shilling this gay ass image by spamming it in every thread you come across
ip count still didnt go up
Are you really asking if he's selling a picture?
yeah because I posted before here
you don't have to be selling something to be a shill
It only ever pissed the retards on Sup Forums off, Sup Forums never gave a fuck. We're at the point where Sup Forums is shittier and more easily offended than fucking Sup Forums, let that sink in.
>you don't have to be selling something to be a shill
Kid, that is exactly what a shill is. You have no idea what you're talking about.
thank you for proving you don't know what 'shill' means
I mean I guess this is cool? Still not going to buy this shit cause the gameplay still looks identical to Farcry 3
I'd love to hear what you think it means. Go ahead, this will be good.
go ahead and read that second part
If it's a lot like Blood Dragon I might be interested in it, hell I think Blood Dragon is the only Far Cry I've played.
>a megamillionaire who makes more money as a shill for corporate products than he does for playing basketball
Nothing to do with money, that's interesting.
now you're mistaking one example for the definition. you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.
It's your source, but now you're complaining about what it plainly says?
I'm pointing out that you selectively ignore anything that plainly disproves your claim, even when it literally sits one line above what you choose to see.
Well Sup Forums got mad a girl had sex and then gamergate happened
Considering that recent GameStop video it's going to trigger the fuck out of tumblr
>you selectively ignore anything that plainly disproves your claim
I'm not the one complaining about what your source says, though. You even told me to read the second part. You led me right to it, but no no, not THAT second part, right?
I'm still on the fence about it. Looks decent, but it's going to be one of those games I play for an hour and put down since it's the same fucking game as the last one and the one before that.
Then why would you be on the fence? Don't buy it. You already have it twice over.
this and if you do get it i garantuee it’ll be the same thing
>Season pass dlc
>Literally every piece of DLC looks complete already
Are you admitting that your argument now hinges on you being unable to tell the difference between a definition and one example sentence?
I'm admitting that you shit your pants trying to prove that you know what you're talking about and are mad that your own post proves me right. If you don't like what the dictionary says, that's on you.
Because I'm a sucker for games with cults in them. Shits my achilles heel. Amazing to watch how one guy can convince people to follow and do what they are told to do.
I know, it's fucked.
If I'm the one who shit my pants, why are you the one refusing to acknowledge the definition?
do you, but it's ubishit. it's going to be the same game as 3 and 4 with a new skin. i doubt there's going to be much depth to the story, or explanation in his brainwashing or philosophy
What do these screens accomplish? We know damn well there's Viral Marketers, it's a no-brainer when our only way of verification is playing "GUESS THE SIGNS". This isn't a Hidden Fortress of well respected individuals, this is a message board for video games and easy pickings for a Corporation's PR Team.
Stop posting this shit, you aren't redpilling anyone about some secret conspiracy, this is common knowledge.
>why are you the one refusing to acknowledge the definition?
More of your classic reading? Arguing that I've done something that never happened? Better luck next time. Change those shorts.
Can you stop shilling this shit already?
I'm gonna call you a paranoid retard and oh shit the IP count just went up
Yeah this is my issue. I mean I suppose it could of been done by other studios while the main game was being done but if it was done by the same one...kind of feels greasy. I mean it looks neat and cool to see they're having fun with the themes, but fuck. Turn around on DLC is too damn quick.
i thought the narrator was alex jones for a second there
You are right and I honestly can't off the top of my head think of a cult done right game that doesn't involve some type of retarded worshiping old gods/black magic.
You should be aware by now that your prior posts, in which you repeatedly refused to acknowledge the definition, are there for everyone to see, yes? You know you're wrong which is why you stick to the semantic argument of "but you didn't tell me to read it in plain enough terms, not my fault I'm dumb". I declare you a conspiracy shill and a nigger.
Not anymore after the gamespot video
ubisoft is /ourguys/ until the next assassins creed game comes out
What gamespot vid?
Skip to 3:40 for the good part
im almost certain there are a second species of animal that look exactly like humans but are extremely retarded
>main game is "Fuck white people"
>killing Koreans in DLC
>>main game is "Fuck white people"
But there have always been black members of the crazy cult going by the earliest trailer
>Look based black guys!
Based senate candidate.
dude... wouldn't it be EPIC if we added ZOMBIES and WAR and ALIENS LMAO!! :DDDD It looks like it was made for sub-50 IQ american man children and it doesn't surprise me Sup Forums is lapping it up
>3 standalone games and an old game
Why is this even a season pass? They aren't even selling content for the base game.
>make game where not-Christians were the enemy
>The New Colossus fails spectacularly and the sound it made rattling it's cage has already served you a warning that you're next
>immediately start backtracking to save face
>"N-no you guys, the game is about killing CULTISTS not Christians! Totally different!"
>forced to "diversify" the enemy roster since most early trailers had you shooting only white people and you were called out on it
>forced to make your protag a "fellow Conservative" just to make your bias less obvious
>their SJW overlords hate it because it's too "alt-right"
>the audience they desperately pandered to still hates it because it's yet another fucking Far Cry 3 copypaste job
>white people are actually this insecure
Fuck off Ubishit
It was always a doomsday cult.
my fucking sides
Not according to game journalists. They'd have you believe the game was anti-Drumpf.
>DLC's look way better than the base game
This is how you sell season pass. I'll probably get it year or so later when complete edition is on sale
Rather pay 60 for a FC3 and Blood Dragon hd remake or whatever. At least it wasn't a fuck white people game. TWO SCOOPS!
Where were you when Ubisoft embraced white nationalism, race realism, national socialism and the far right?
looks good, day 1 pirate
>since most early trailers had you shooting only white people
There were black people in the early trailers you dumbdumb
>what are they trying to say with the character
I don't care about the character in question but his question is retarded. Does every character in game has to have a message or some moral story, why can't he be in game because just imagined it so? Fucking libtards
I didn't see anyone saying that
I'm still not buying it. Also I'm getting tired of the constant shilling of this game.
At a first look this seems like cool season pass content.
But then I realized I'd have to buy a 60 dollar game I have no interest in and then a season pass for 3 pieces of content that look as fun as Blood Dragon was. If they had a standalone pack I'd probably get that.
I don't think any of this really happened
It's a game about michaelbaysplosions, they're going right for the stereotypes rather than trying to pass it off as a smart story-driven game. Love it or hate it, at least they're not pretentious. Still won't buy that because I already played a far cry before and they're extremely redundant.
literally /our/ gayme
>mfw 3, 4, and 5 are all the same game
>mfw I enjoyed playing through them anyway because I like shootin' dudes in games that have a ton of guns
>mfw my expectations are low so if anything about FC5 is stands out I'll be happy
>mfw I realize I'm at work and have no mfw images on my phone
You didn't look hard enough.
What else would they add, my Euroshit friend? The Waco Chronicles?
Make it standalone like Blood Dragon and I'll consider buying it
Fucking vietnam.
>That one horrifying level in SWAT 4
>3 faggots and a token nigger talking about video games like they're historical masterpieces
who the fuck watches these videos
Everything is fucking political, retard. Deal with it.
Fucking finally proper city building instead of just stacking houses
>the like ratio is positive
gaming is fucked
Its like the lootboxes distracted people from previous evils.
Far Cry 5 would have been in development long before Trump even gained any momentum in 2016.
The U.S. has had a lot of insane cults usually involved in religion in one way or another, Peoples Temple, Children of God, Heaven's Gate etc.
It's an interesting setting for a game to take place in honestly.
Did you miss the part when they said it's all free?
Arcade and Live Events are free, not the Space/Vietnam/Zombies/Far Cry 3 stuff
I merely hope that there will be a point in the game where the cultists drink the kool-aid
You're right, I misunderstood that part of the video.
>Far Cry 3 Classic Edition
What makes the Classic Edition any different from any other version?
updated for consoles
seconding, any info on that?
Dropped so hard I'm not going to put in the effort to fucking make a joke over it. Closest would be buying it on sale and then pirating that Vietnam DLC.
>assets from Far Cry 4, Primal, Watch Dogs, AC Black Flag and Unity
I can't imagine sailing around a sunken city on a Black Flag boat while people are driving monster trucks over jumps
>He's an asshole
>But he's also a quest giver
>He can't be both
How easy is it to be one of these hack fucking
game journalists?
I don't care about zombies or memenam but the Mars one got me interested tbqh, mostly because I can be Doomguy.
step one
live in an ivory tower in a gated community
step two
vote democrat
step three
pay 100k to go to an overpriced Californian university
step four
get a "journalism" degree
that should be about it
nobody was pissed off, it was Ubisoft marketers pretending to be Sup Forums being pissed off
gamergate wasn't about that, that was a planted distraction meant to hurt the image of the movement
ok, but can I just skip a majority of that and just go to community college?
I hope the Vietnam DLC has It Ain't Me.
Not Fortunate Son, the actual song called It Ain't Me, by Selena Gomez. I think it would be funny.