>Bungie leaks saying "game now in soft maintenance till a fall 2018 brand reboot"
So it's over, basically?
>Bungie leaks saying "game now in soft maintenance till a fall 2018 brand reboot"
So it's over, basically?
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who even cares at this point, destiny was always a mistake.
>fuck over the playerbase on more than one occasion
>continue to lie even after saying they've gone back and fixed past mistakes
>now plan to fuck over the playerbase again with a reboot
You would think people would have learned after the first Destiny that Bungie+Activision was a match made in hell, but nope.
>brand reboot
Press S
>they left Microsoft so they could have more control over their ip
is the game supposed to have a high playerbase at all times? it's just like a themepark MMO. once you done the content, there's no reason to play it again.
>>Bungie leaks saying "game now in soft maintenance till a fall 2018 brand reboot"
Fake and gay
>give control to activision instead
they just wanted more money
So fucking sad. Destiny 1 age of triumphs was good and its still good. People are still playing. its crazy how they went from that to fucking destiny 2. Also can't believe they're already making 3 or whatever.
It felt good to watch all of those “you trolls will complain about anything” fags from D1 roll over and admit they backed the wrong goldstein.
>leave MS
>sign on with Activision
How could they not know?
nu bungie isn’t even the same people it’s just the same name
it’s a husk if what it used to be
It doesn't matter how many times they fuck up and fuck over their player base.
As long as Whales continue to be the absolutely worthless human beings they are, they'll continue to do these practices because there's always some fucking sub human who will buy it.
>Fuck up Destiny 1s release by reworking the whole game from the ground up a few months before release
>Fix it up over 3 years
>Destiny 2 is about to release
>Say fuck it and rework the game from the ground up again a few months before release
Everage Bungie Dev at the moment
Drop a GOTY edition with all the dlc for less than $50 and I'll jump on. I'm not getting the base edition when I know you'll spend the next year fucking me over unless reddit gets mad.
They don't wanna thats fine too Defiance 2050 will be out by this summer anyway.
>Soft Reboot.
That better not mean they're dumping all the lore in favor of the "QUIPY QUPY QUIP XD XD XD I LOVE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! XDDDD" Shit those cunts they have writing now are peddling.
Never played Destiny. Redpill me on this debacle. How did 2 shit the bed so hard?
as far as games activision is literally worse than EA, IMO. EA closes developers which is impossible to ignore but EA's subsidiaries release far more interesting games than Activision's before they do that
>>Bungie leaks saying "game now in soft maintenance till a fall 2018 brand reboot"
Source? Hopefully we get a direction on where the story is going instead of all these side stories the game has gotten since day fucking 1
Those are just Trials of the Nine numbers tho, right? I mean not everyone (possibly not even the majority) play that given how hard it is.
I guess we never really had accurate numbers but I'm guessing more people were playing D1 at the time in its lifecycle that D2 is now. First one also had a major resurgence with the Taken King but I think people might be sick of Bungie's shit at this point or they just moved on to other games. Streaming is a fairly good representation of that. I think even The Division now has more people streaming.
They shouldn't have thrown all the existing content away. I can't imagine it'd be that hard to port it all so unless hard drive space is the main issue I don't think they have an excuse not to do it at this point.
Joe Staten is gone so with every new release his mark on the series fades a bit more so what does it really matter now? They killed the golden goose and now they don't know what the fuck to do.
>make the exact same mistakes again
Why are they so incompetent?
It undoubtedly means they’re going to push it even farther towards being halo 2.0. I read around launch the game was still too RPG for their liking and they’re by all accounts incapable of making a good decision at this point.
Doesn’t really matter what they do with the story as they’re already shitting all over what good lore there was.
Destiny 2 just reworked everything that made the first game fun and turned it into shit. I mean Destiny on release had few things to do but at the end of its life it became a pretty great game. I imagine that bungie just hired new people and started from 0 for destiny 2.
If that is true then bungie is fucked. No one is going to buy a fucking reboot when the playerbase is this mad. This will be andromeda levels of bad.
name one lie in the video game industry that is bigger than destiny
you can't
what the fuck is this game man
They repeated the same mistakes from 1 and reworked the game just before release leaving you with some stale barebones game and now they try to damage control and fix stuff they fuck up even more.
>1 Step forward
>2 Steps back
The Destiny 1 live team was completely separate from the Destiny 2 dev team
All the competend people in charge left and now its just people the meme people in charge. They turned into Bioware.
I don't even believe they can give away free shit to try and appease anyone. Buying d2 deluxe bundle was a horrible mistake I made. I learned my lesson though. Never again.
D2 was like literal D1 leftovers they figured they could rework and see what retards would still buy it.
> of those retards
The first game had retarded large player base. The second game changed too much and their core players reverted to 1 or to other games.
You act like this isnt Bungies own fault.
>release it on steam with 50% discount
>sell a million copies in 24 hours
if they're actually struggling for money, they know what they have to do
Me too man. Feels really fucking bad.
They fired all of their talent during 1’s development and have been gliding on their work ever since. For 2, the downies tried making some big decisions and it turned out about as well as any game made by people who literally eat shit for breakfast.
I guess the goal was to make it more balanced and competitive and they pretty much refocused the core gunplay in favor of that even tho it's a loot shooter.
The story in D1 was a mess but people loved the lore. Due to suits meddling with the story a year before D1 came out the main story guy Joe Staten left Bungie. Since the story got a lot of criticism they wanted to fix that but they massively overcorrected and now it's infested with Marvel-like jokes at every fucking corner. Most of the shit you do in D2 in terms of story missions is just filler to fly you to all the areas you can play in. For the main plot you only would only really need 3 or 4 story missions which in total probably take about an hour or less to complete. It could have easily just been an expansion to D1 but they didn't because it would sell better this way. The problem is new people didn't stay and veterans don't like it and mostly left so now barely anyone plays it anymore and the stories they choose to tell aren't compelling anyway.
TL;DR: They're running a 100$+ game as if it were a F2P game and people rightly don't like it.
destiny 2's story pissed me off desu
it felt like they ignored everything good about Destiny 1's lore (the mystery, the subtleties, the sense that you might be a bit in over your head) in favor of making some generic garbage where you're the ONLY GUARDIAN LEFT AND YOU HAVE TO SAVE EVERYONE FROM THE EMPIRE (even though you can see other empowered guardians all the fucking time as you're going through campaign because this is an MMO)
like the thing about Destiny 1's initial campaign is that it was shit and inconsequential, but it also lets you kind of look past it as an introduction in the grand scheme of things. Now that's shit when you buy the game full price and play through it expecting a full package like I did, but it also means that you don't have to constantly be reminded of it because again, it was fairly inconsequential at the end of the day next to the cool shit like dealing with the Hive and Oryx later.
Destiny 2's plot is too fucking important for how underwhelming it is to ignore. Ghaul is boring and I hate how you're ~the last guardian~ but ghaul kills fucking thousands and you're forced to rebuild the city, so it's not like they can just choose to ignore Destiny 2 in the expansion where you're back to doing cool shit like hunting hive gods and dealing with vex fuckery with the truly important actions reserved for raids.
My friend told me that doesn't make any sense, that anything is better than Destiny 1's campaign but I think that nothing is better than something detrimental desu
Destiny was a neat concept of a game with the Raids being something special and after 3 years of fixing up the game, building the lore and world turning a mediocre game into something great. They went and fucked it all up with Destiny 2 by making it a lootbox mania, ruining the lore and characters.
The only saving grace of D2 is the lore of the Leviathan raid and the Emperor.
I miss playing those raids lads they were so much fun minus Crota fuck Crota's End
I think that's slightly unfair to say but the story/narrative department has really gone to shit after Joe left and the execs are determined to squeeze every single dollar they can out of their playerbase which ironically made it smallest it's ever been probably. I guess they already made the bulk of their money with game sales but we'll see how many returning customers they'll have after fucking up twice in a row. Coasting on the reputation of Halo is not good enough anymore.
>when you burn the goodwill of 11.05 million people
They spend three fucking years fixing D1, only to ignore everything they’d worked on for the sequel. I have zero sympathy for these chuckle fucks. They honestly deserve to go bankrupt for that shit. Its so fucking stupid it’s unbelivable.
Got to 335 on all characters last week. Gensym Knight Armor is the best armor. Also never done the raid, raid lair or nightfall. Now that the timer is gone I will solo the nightfall but the raid and raid lair don't look interesting. Not really interested in a raid with one boss. King's fall and VoG were great raids. Never did WoTM as I got the dlc later. Going back to D1 to get all my characters to 400.
I liked Ghaul as a villain but I feel like Cabal should not be on the same powerlevel as the Vex or the Hive. The Fallen are clearly the lowest on the totem pole but I think the Cabal should be between the fallen and the Hive/Vex, not higher than both. I think with a slightly tweaked plot and minus the filler shit it could have been an amazing expansion.
The Leviathan is pretty cool but honestly I feel like the raid should be less difficult or difficult in a different way. I really miss actually playing with friends. While the old raids were a mixed bag for some I loved all of them and they never felt like a chore to do unlike this one. I think most of my friends quit not because it was too hard but because they just got bored which didn't happen for 3 or whatever years with the Vault of Glass.
The same fucking weapons when d2 released are still in the top 5. Goddamn you suck bungie.
Leviathan is on the same level as Kings Fall in that its hard only because you get punished pretty severely if you don't understand the mechanics. Where as Vault of Glass and Wrath of the Machine aren't as mechanic heavy and allow more leeway with load outs and play style also helps the area's in each encounter is in is pretty spacey in VoG and WotM
The new raids are ok with friends but a fucking nightmare with a random group.
I guess. KF was the least liked by my friends but I enjoyed it a lot. Although doing anything but running on Oryx was kind of underwhelming. That said I think the amount of communication required to succeed ruined a lot of the encounters for my group.
>game now in soft maintenance till a fall 2018 brand reboot
Don't even think a FF14 type reboot can save the game. At least revert the weapon system.
>Easier to do more patches in new engine
>1 minor weapon update
This is what baffles me the most. There has been only one PvP sandbox update since the launch of the game, and the game has even less stuff to do than the first one. It's hard to grasp that you can fuck up something like this
Come the fuck on dude, you need a full party to queue for that. The vast majority of players do not play in groups of four friends.
I am so glad the autistic fanbase after the Taken King shut down all criticism and called anyone who said this series had issues was toxic and entitled. You cancerous fucks killed this series congrats.
they will get me back if it goes full third person the way it was originally supposed to
third person sucks tho
This would easily be the biggest AAA bust if Andromeda didn't come out the same year.
soft maintenance is def happening at some point, but probably after the next expansion pack. that said, i have no hope for the expansion pack bringing anyone back because it's probably already content locked and just as spare as curse of osiris was.
I am so glad this series is dead. You ask a Destiny fan why the game was good the answer will be
>"I put 1000 hours in it"
>No I didn't ask you how many hours you played I asked why is it good
>"I put 1000 hours in it"
>"No I don't give a fuck the hours you put in. I like Mario because it's a challenging 3d platformer with lots of puzzles and collecting. The hours I played is irrelevant to that this is why I like it. Why do you like Destiny"
>"I put 1000 hours in it"
>brand reboot
Destiny BR incoming
>A decade ago Bungie was one of the biggest names in mainstream vidya.
>Now they're on the fast track to becoming even more irrelevant in the public's eye than they were before Halo became their meal ticket.
durandal is still best boy
honestly the shooting/abilities in the first game were fun and they let exotics be fun. there's very few things like a gjallarhorn in shooters. despite the content drought of y1 and the fucked up story, the moment to moment gameplay was still enjoyable enough that you could drop into a mars patrol or a couple of rumble matches and have a good time. d2 killed that.
They sowed those seeds when they were bragging about the cost of making the games before they even came out. That kind of hubris is sickening when the constantly rising budgets for games is what's causing them to be safe and shitty.
not in this game
what sucks is a 60 degree Fov and those hacks thinking that's in any way acceptable
with the way platforming and mobility works, and those clusterfucky situations you end up in, having 360 degree situational awareness for your character is often much more important than shooting with precision
everyone always switches to a sword outside of engagements because that's the best way to navigate the world,
you are third person on vehicles
when holding items
when in hud worlds
when using heavy weapons
when doing melee
when using abilities
seems like they really want you to be in 3rd person. So why keep you locked in to first person all the time?
make 3rd person the default for when you are running around and hipfiring, and just have it snap to first person for ADS when you need to do precision damage
Why the fuck did they think the shit they pulled with Destiny 2 would work out for them? Their genre is literally getting 2 new games next year, one an old franchise with a dedicated as fuck fanbase and the other is a new one made by EA.
Why alienate the fanbase at such a horrible fucking time?
I am glad. I will say Bungie's lowest point was this past Holiday. The game was plagues with bugs, drama about eververse and the stupid Dawning was being ruined by the unlimited nova bomb glitch. Instead of addressing this they shut down the entire month of December. They are up the shit creek without a paddle they cannot afford luxuries like that anymore.
>"Exotics were fun and creative!"
Not when you look at something like warframe
>What was good about Destiny?
>"Gameplay fun"
>Yes but what was it about it that was fun?
>"Me like gameplay"
>But what about it was good?
>"Fun gameplay fun"
You fucking mongoloids outright refuse to give a straight answer.
>>now plan to fuck over the playerbase again with a reboot
>bought division instead of destiny because no ps4
>friend kept telling me it was foolish because destiny was a better franchise and that the game was a lot more fun
>fast forward to 2018
>destiny dead, destiny 2 dead and the division still holding strong numbers with constant updating
Heard awhile ago, and this is unsubstantiated bullshit so I don't know if it's true, but funny if it is. That Destiny 1 actually had a higher player count a month or two ago.
I mean drops are expected, but I think this is low even by early year 1 standards for the first game.
>release a more polished borderlands
>better pvp content than expected
>coop can be fun or a pure drag
>overall a good entrance to a new franchise
then comes destiny 2
>release a unfinished destiny with the most barebone content for a fps
>almost no end game
>pvp is complete trash
>banked mostly on the dudebros and none of them stayed for long
>hoped putting your garbage on battlenet will grow the PC fanbase
>only divides blizzards already fucked community
>already in bargin bins
>DLC a complete rip off and community managers telling people it is all right things are fine
can't think of a more embarrassing end to a short lived franchise
I didn't even go into detail about the gameplay but that is another serious issue they'll never fix anyway
I got this as an extra with my video card, which thankfully saved me from buying it. Not gonna lie I was pretty hyped for Destiny on the PC, since I'd heard it was basically a modern replacement for old school wow with the raids and such. I also thought the pvp would be cool, and more skill based with mouse and keyboard. But no, the game failed to hook me even long enough to beat the base campaign. The game lacks any sort of strategic thinking, timing, positioning, or map knowledge. It's totally brainless, the multiplayer maps are so simple and uninteresting that I want to yell at the designers. I started playing pubg instead and haven't touched Destiny since. The reason people don't get very excited about western AAA shooters anymore is that there is zero strategic thinking involved, it's the same with open world games, the sad remnants of the rpg genre, and everything really.
>Make a new game instead of a DLC pack to "fix the underlying issues preventing regular content updates"
>Proceed to release fuck all content beyond one map and a paid DLC pack that's also empty as fuck
>Wait, where'd our fanbase go?
I keep thinking about The Division can you solo shit like in Destiny or what? If you can I wouldn't mind buying even if I miss some stuff that require teams.
Welcome to MMOfaggots user.
Whether it's an FPS, action RPG, or beat em up, the faggots that play these games are just addicts in denial.
>Bungie leaks saying "game now in soft maintenance till a fall 2018 brand reboot"
>No source
The problem with making the Cabal the main villain is that they're pretty vanilla. The Hive have their spooky space magic, the Vex have their spooky space time travel, and the Fallen at least have an interesting backstory. The Cabal are pretty much just the Empire from Star Wars, but they're aliens. They're too conventional an enemy to fight.
There is something strange going on in the games industry and Bungie and Destiny are at the forefront of it. There is something going on behind the scenes. Bungie, despite hemorrhaging a lot of talent seems unable to make a game anymore. It is speculated that everything in D1 and the DLCs and even D2 was spliced from the original D1 build. If this is true, what the fuck is going on with Bungie? Have they lost the ability to make new content or don't care? All the special events trickle in modes that were in D1. D2 is bringing absolutely nothing new to the table that will make it memorable. Me thinks investors or the people in charge of the money are getting too directly involved in the making of these games. I also think they have way too many mangers and useless staff. I bet ME Chung makes 6 figures just to tell us we are toxic and with hold our voice communication.
you can solo. changes from patches ago made it easy to do.
There isn't even a general on /vg/ anymore lmao
I agree. They have pretty cool lore but the scale of the danger they pose is inappropriate for what they are.
Anyone who bought Destiny 2 was a complete and total retard.
I didn't even buy D1 because I knew it was going to be a mess
Gamers are such idiots who love paying companies to fuck them
NEGATIVE CONTENT, they just removed raids and now all we have are shitty ayy hunts that are all EXACTLY THE SAME but different colors
>creative guns
like what? the melee weapons are sometimes neat and I underline sometimes, but the guns are nothing to write home about, except maybe zenith
sci fi mmos were a mistake, they are devoid of creativity
I miss /dg/....the boypucci, the yellowteacup, the Alpha Team, the pc autists, the bv900 playing the victim, Zippy.....I miss it all.
Did the second game even get DLC? I didn't hear anything about it after it came out and people basically said it was the first game, but with less.
I didn't browse it that closely.
Was there a "let's not have these anymore" discussion or did it just stop and everyone dispersed?
The latter and the discord autists who fucked off to their own circle jerk. Discord ruins generals.
>brand reboot
What does this mean? Wiping the slate clean like 1 + 2 never existed?
Spring, which means late spring to try an fixed an already messy item. Same thing happen with House of Wolves
It's probably bullshit. I don't think they can pivot this much in this short of a time span. There will definitely be a Destiny 3 tho in which they'll yet again try to get new players and probably forget all the lessens they learned in the past however many years it will be and fuck it all up again.
The Division is even more dead than Destiny, genuinely don't know what he's talking about.
but you aim like all the time in destiny and I don't really mind first person platforming or any of that stuff
Had 1400 hours in D1, less than 100 in D2 and I stopped playing months ago. It's over, D2 doesn't have a single redeeming quality for someone who was into D1 from the beginning, nothing's satisying, the content dries up quick, and as it turns out, tuning the pvp for esports when esports couldn't give less of a fuck about Destiny was a shitty idea.
Public events are the most fun part.
>lol nah let's do the opposite and keep gutting rewards
>No dedicated servers
>No private matches
The fact they even though e-sports was a idea is baffling. Even the changes to cooldown and weapons made the game a chore to watch.
The writing was on the wall from the beginning. Anyone that isn't autistic stopped playing within weeks of release, only to come back for new content that only lasted another two weeks at most.
Its really telling when its not fun, even with a full party of friends
>Its really telling when its not fun, even with a full party of friends
That's the saddest part. The most fun I had in D2 with friends was when we were just chilling at the tower and talking. Even the fucking raids are somehow not fun with friends this time around. All... two two of them.
Destiny's one redeeming quality is that it's free advertising for Warframe.
>So it's over, basically?
Destiny one sucked ass and i am not even sure why people played it. 2 looks just as awful.
I got gifited destiny 1 once, played it for 5 hours or so and then i returned it.
It's not incompetence, it's greed.
They literally removed features from D1 so they can reintroduce them in D2 with paid DLC so they can pretend they are adding content to the game.
D2 sold a lot based on people assuming Bungie was going to use logic and BUILD ontop of D1 and not do a fucking U-turn with their content. Once the truth got out the game nosedived with playerbase.
The worst part of this game was the community. I knew this game was going to have issues with the amount of nu soyboys I saw playing it. Listen to the first minute of this video and the "men" who play this game
These faggots would go to the subreddit and call you the worst shit humanly possible if you said the game wasn't perfect.