Devil May Cry 1 HD is finally up on Twitch Prime. Currently downloading it. What are the chances Capcom somehow fucked up the PC version?
Devil May Cry 1 HD is finally up on Twitch Prime. Currently downloading it...
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it's incredibly lazy.
these are all the settings, there's artifacts on the subtitles
Thats a bummer.
Are these even worth going back and playing after 4, DmC, and Bayonetta? They seem quite dated.
I mean, were you expecting much more settings for a game that everyone should be able to max?
I already have the PS3 collection. Why would I need it again?
3 and 1 are still great. 2 is still just the one people play when they want to be reminded why all the others except DmC are better.
Not bait at all. I've never played the first 3 before, but so far 1 seems not fluid or very fun.
Sup Forums Makes me feel old every day even though I'm only 23
just something more than resolution and "anti-aliasing: yes/no"
I can't decide if I would rather play DmC or 2 honestly. Leaning towards DmC.
Nice bait. No one likes Bayonetta.
pirating desu
just bought nier automata and planning on buying kirby
too many fucking games coming out
I like it
>"Even compared to the first DMC, which is the worst in the trilogy"
You trust this guy's opinions? And I don't even like Bayonetta.
Do we know if this is just for this version of DMC1 or is this what settings we'll have for the whole HD collection?
It's a girl you dolt.
And if you read the article it's pretty obvious she's referring to 1, 3, and 4, while refusing to acknowledge that 2 exists.
Why do people hate 2? Gameplay reasons? Story?
It's Superman 64 tier broken. I'm not even joking.
Those couple initial of idiotic statements made me quit reading.
Installing it. Remind me, is there a way to unlock DMD from the start in DMC1? Its been years
wut. bayo never went full lesbo
>He doesn't know about her and Jeanne
what was wrong with supes 64 anyways?
back as a kid when i played it i remember not knowing how the fuck to move superman. He was up in the air and all i could do was move him up and down vertically and change his pov but i could not figure out how the fuck to make him move horizontally
Like a month ago I saw some guy referring to games released in 2010 and 11 as older games he doesn't tend to play.
More Lady porn please Pixiv.
>twitch launcher
yeah no thanks. I can't just plug in my ps4 controller and use it right away with any launcher other than steam.
Literally everything. The game was unplayable. And even if it weren't, there was nothing Superman about it. The entire game was just flying through hoops like some shitty neverending tutorial.
So how does this work? Do you lose access to the game after Twitch Prime trial runs out?
I'm older than you kiddo. 28. I just never had a PS2.
>144hz display
>game is super fast
what a great fucking HD port
>no option to limit fps
>no resolution above 1080p
holy shit i wouldn't even play this for free
This might not be a bad thing since DMC1 lacked a turbo mode.
didn't they say that the PC version was gonna support 4K?
>no one from the first game was involved in the production
>Kamiya didn't even know it was being made until he bumped into the guy translating the design doc
>Dante hardly talks
>weapons are all just variants of sword
>Shittiest enemies
>Guns are your best bet for damage
Like granted the game added some things that would persist throughout the series but holy fuck it's pretty bad
as someone who played them 2 years ago, no they are not. they are good games but outdated, you are better off waiting for bayo 3
If a game's good it's always worth going back to m8.
>Are these even worth going back and playing
>no they are not. they are good games
they were good for their time, not anymore though
No it isn't. 2's biggest problem is that it's just fucking boring. The environments and enemy designs are incredibly uninspired unless evil tanks are your thing. Honestly I wish it was Superman 64 tier broken at least then there'd be something noteworthy about it.
enemy design was always bad in dmc though
DMC3 is still great. DMC1 is dated as fuck though
DMC1 had better enemies than any of the other DMCs by a tremendous margin
Please don't tell me you're saying this after playing them for the first time 2 years ago.
DMC 1 is a little dated yeah but that's because it's a prototype for the series. Rough around the edges and before they really realized what exactly they wanted to do with the game, but still I would say worth playing for its boss fights, enemies, overall level design, and surprising combo and juggling potential.
DMC1 remains the only good game in the series.
Look at this Kamiya-fag
if the port of this is shitty what's the point in waiting for full release with DMC3 then? It most likely also will be a shitty port and we already have a shitty dmc 3 on pc. I guess this is only worth something for console fags
That's one of the reasons I keep going back to play DMC1 more than the others. It has plenty of moves and options in combat with all the abilities from the Devil Arms, and if you know what you're doing most enemies have ways to pull off stylish moves too like hitting fireballs back at Phantom, jumping on the Shadow's spear attack, getting critical hits on the Sin Scissors, etc.
I think a lot of people consider DMC1 dated just because they don't have as many special moves, they want to be like DMC3 instead of just learning how it works as its own separate game.
Friendly reminder that the 'combofags', as you Kamiyafags like to call it, are the ones that kept that fucking franchise afloat for the last decade.
DMC1 is my favorite but I still think 3 is pretty good. First half of 4 is good too.
>combofags responsible for FUCKYOU may Cry
I guess the game's logic is tied to the framerate.
>They didn't put in a way to exit the game
Good job Capcom.
I never played DMC3, but I started DMC1 a few days ago and I can't over the fixed camera and the enemies. I hope the harder difficulties have more engaging enemies.
3 and 1 are fantastic. 4 is horrible boring, boring, boring trash I don't care what anyone says
>hd remaster
don't get your hopes up too high
i hope you set up your life to have a job that actually pays okay and one time. maybe an accountant or some thing like that.
REmake's remaster was fantastic though.
Probably designed so you had to leave through Steam Big Picture then the Twitch deal happened and forgot to change it
The camera complaint is one that I won't ever really argue against, I guess I've gotten used to it so it never seems that bad but still causes issues sometimes. On harder difficulties the enemies are more aggressive and get their own Devil Trigger, plus you fight the harder ones sooner.
Why are dmc 3 and 1 such master pieces?
Aside from the lack of options and fps bug is it a decent port? No obvious technical problems?
I might just get this on PS4
>its probably the fps
I can't believe they went to the trouble of implementing DMC1 turbo mode.
You just need to cap the FPS, I guess they didn't add that in though but you can fix it by enabling vsync for now. Same thing happened to me when I tried System Shock 2 for the first time and I finished the game like that because it wasn't fast enough to obviously be an issue
Cool. I want more fights like the armored knight and less with demon beasts.
>only 23
Dude your life is basically over.
>twitch garbage
torrent when?
>Tfw 22 years old
>Have to move into a shitty apartment for the sake of attending school in a different city, barely afford it.
>Friends have moved on, none of us keep contact with each other at all anymore. Haven't spoken in half-a-year.
>Thinking about the old times constantly.
>New friends are lame, and pretty sure they don't like me that much anyway, but at least they wanna play vidya.
>Haven't had a girlfriend since I was 17
>Insecure deep down, but never let it interfere 90% of the time.
>Gotten chubby.
>Still struggling with my OCD, going to see a psychologist every week, nothing seems to help, might have to have some Fluoxetine prescribed, but fearing the side-effects.
>Barely play vidya anymore, but make the most of it when I can.
>Every day feels like I'm wasting my time, not doing as much as I could do.
Everyone else is probably struggling just as bad as I am and with similar problems, but frankly after I turned 18 everything has been going down hill.