Jap devs believe bodybuilding is the complete opposite of masculinity

>jap devs believe bodybuilding is the complete opposite of masculinity

Actually, they think its gay.
Mostly because the people who do it focus so much on the male form.

because japanese "men" have no self confidence and are weak wristed little faggots

>Country with such low birth rates calling anything else gay

Oh lawdy

Well, /fit/ is full of gay dudes.

From what I understand, until the late-90s, it was still very much considered a gay hobby. i always equate Japanese sensitivities to early-80s America. Body-building is gay and everybody smokes. Oh, and women are only really good for two things.


What's their reasoning for the feminine appearance being cool? Is it like the hair bands in the 80s?

You got me mad now!

Maybe that's why their women prefers anything but asian males.

coming from a country where the male population get bald too soon due to high stress and cuckoldry.i'm not surprised.

I hate how Japan considers a man who's the very definition of masculine i.e muscular, hardened in appearance and grown as to somehow be gayer than an effeminate prettyboy twink. Japan is Greece levels of backwards when it comes to perception of masculinity. In ancient Greece it was actually considered more masculine and less gay to suck dick than to eat pussy. Japan's nearing those same levels of absurdity with their obsession with prettyboys over actual men.

Chicks don't normally dig mountains of muscles. That's why it's gay.



This is why women suck.

>it was still very much considered a gay hobby

This is true. There weren't bodybuilding magazines before, just gay muscle mags.

Meanwhile, the sexiest man on Earth.
Stop listening to what women say they want and observe what they respond to.

International wrestling festival will never be the same.

>we live in a world where a self absorbed prick like him is alive but the muscled angel is taken from us

Worst. Timeline. Ever.

You got me sad now

Yeah, that's why asian countries aren't overpopulated

Yeah people like Gackt, G-Dragon and all those korean idols groups really don't have any female fans.
God, you're retarded, aren't you?

Actually, Japanese women who like masculine men consider people like Toshiro Mifune or Yukio Mishima the epitome of masculinity, ripped - strong silent types, not huge roided fags who spend their days looking at their own pecs.

He does shit for others all the time. Charity and the like, Your meme gay faggot (that you don't even properly remember) did pretty much NOTHING for anyone.


look, a monster!

Actually, Blake Shelton is the sexiest man alive of 2017 according to People.
The Rock is a gay icon.

He's constantly doing shit be it movies, wrestling events, charities, and other shit.

Dude has a great work ethic.

>faggots on Sup Forums debating on what women find attractive

The lack of self awareness is fucking hilarious you crazy cunts.

Honestly Gackt is probably more alpha than the Rock and Billy put together, the guy manages to outdo Hamada as an asshole yet still puts out an aura of friendliness.
>dinner is on me this time?
>fug that let’s compete for it!
>I lost? Alright we’re going to cheapo korean bbq
>put in a bowl of chili and extra chili sauce making it mouth-blisteringly hot
>”let’s see who can eat more!”
Fucking hilarious

He's #litty though

Girls are sexy, therefore you have to dress like a girl to BE sexy!

lol no woman under the age of 40 wants to fuck the rock

Our future president

If fucking only. Seriously what kind of timeline is this and I think I'm into it.

Say that to Japan.

>He's constantly doing shit
>be it movies
agreed his movies are shit

sounds like we got an #outoftouch critic here
everyone i know thinks the rock is #raunchy and #litty, so why are you so mad?

wasnt a problem until the American-written constitution changed the nature of work in Japan.

the only reason to be a bodybuilder is if you're a football player or a heavyweight boxer. This is far more attractive.

You are so wrong.

lol what the fuck is wrong with japs

Where did you find this picture of my dad?

well yeah bodybuilding is a huge red flag that says, "wow I'm a huge prancing gay fairy."

>He will never wake up ever again

If /fit/ is any indications then they are right. Bodybuilding is the perfect way to become gay. And lose your qt gf to a dyke

>its americas fault!
Every time

Can you image if, like, Vince McMahon ran for president and he had to wrestle Trump again for it?

Last time I went there I saw a bunch of dudes commentating on each other's asses. That's when I knew that the board wasn't for me.

Is this one of "those" threads?

>knowing who any of those are

Have you been on /fit/. Any man who is overly masculine or feminine are always a fag.

Ehh I'll say no but would be nice

If you're hot like a women it means you're confident enough in your own masculinity to be hot like a women.

I sure hope so.


Majority of the fan Base are homosexuals, same as the majority of the fanbase of female fitness models are straight men.

Bodybuilding is gay as fuck.

So guys can't compliment each other?

tall strong women are the best though


No bro that's gay

Well bodybuilders are fucking gay

cmon son anyone with even a modicum of sense can see that bodybuilding is extremely fuxking gay. based japs have it nailed on, it is homosexual af

It's very vain. Caring that much about your appearance is considered feminine. In most cultures. Probably not in western cosmopolitan ones, though. But I wouldn't know. I live in a working-class community. The only people with muscles here are workers.

this guy got partially paralyzed for 6 months

wake up aniki ;_;