wasnt D3 shit

I can't imagine why a console a little bit more powerful than a ps3/360 would receive a ps3/360 game 6 years after initial launch.

it wasn't shit. just a little meh. too short. too easy. too simplified.

But yeah path of exile is far superior.

Same way 360 got FFXI late in its game cycle. It played like shit for optimization reasons as I'm sure D3 will, and everyone who WANTED to play D3 already has. It won't sell well and people who hate Nintendo have a reason to loom over switch owners.

Lmao you can have it, diaper rash.
You won't find a single person fighting to keep D3

>switch gets another 6 year old game

Oh gee fucking wizz I can’t wait to play yet another port of a game I already played years ago but now on my switch thank you based nintendo your too kind!

i can’t believe I brought this useless piece of junk port machine

how is that nintendo´s fault

Meh. Unless they use this as an excuse to create a better version of the game with more content, there's not much reason to care outside of padding the Seitch's library.

just like they said fifa switch would miserably fail but it turned out a massive success?

>diablo on console
Jesus, enjoy your shitfest


launch plus a few months was shit but then they added some pretty big changes and the game was fairly good.

not sure why blizzard is even bothering if this is true. the game is going to have a shit online community. probably gonna end up being dead after a month.

>playing d3 in 2018
blizz doesn't even support the pc version anymore. why would anyone care?

pretty much this.
this fucking tablet should've come out in 2011

Enough with the ports, I want to play new IPs!

>comparing the literally most normie game to some niche strategy game only nerds play

t. lonely virgins with nobody to play couch co op with

You can have it.

Among the biggest issues were poor atmosphere/art direction, no reason to use most spells, and the random generation was so predictable it may as well not have been random at all.

Was any of that ever fixed? I gave up after about a year or so. And I know art direction sounds petty, but Diablo 1 really sucked you into the game so even though it was small it felt like a place and could keep you playing a ton.

Same for the spells, I used just a handful and was blasting through the modes with no reason to change it up which got really boring. And I never felt like I was in a spooky dungeon. Half the time you are in a desert or some other crap and I nearly always could guess where stuff was going to be.

Did they fix? May reinstall if they did but shit got boring fast which is death for a dungeon crawl.

It's still shit with friends.


>sold only 5% of rest of the sales
How is that a success.

It is, the game is fucked beyond repair, the builds are boring and bland, gear is just a bunch of stat sticks with a couple of modifiers that say "now you have to play using this skill", the story is shit, the atmosphere is shit, the soundtrack is mediocre and the art direction is terrible