
pure bait for subscribers

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literally fucking who?

>verify a source for a potential leak LIVE ON STREAM FOR HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO SEE
>blame the people who were watching said stream for spreading that information
is he retarded?

This, epistle 3 was the confirmed end of Half-Life, the /dsg/ threads were the memorial. Just let it die in peace user

maybe autistic, he's not mentally challenged.

Take your e-celeb dicksucking back to r*ddit


I wish someone had the fucking vod


Enter plisss!

N3V3R 3V3R

As much as i want to belive that HL3 real, i hardly doubt it would ever see the light of day. considering that Epistle 3 basically set the last nail in the coffin, my guess is that its just for the HLVR thing. But we can always dream.

It's also illegal in most states to record someone without them knowing. So if this guy just phoned in and didn't know he was being recorded there could be some serious legal issues.

That being said, it's probably fake news


Just give me artifact and make it work for mobile too.

The main guy behind HL left valve a few years ago and put out the ending to the series but hid it as a short story with different named characters.
I don't know why people still care about HL3. It's just a meme now.

The "main guy behind HL" still owns Valve.

hes talking about laidlaw not gaben

I know, and he's wrong in thinking that a writer is "the main guy" behind a fucking FPS series.

Laidlaw also could have just had his story tossed out after it was clear an episode 3 wasnt going to happen, instead being turning into a full sequel. He left valve over 2 years ago as well.

Writers are not the "main guy" in any video game, retard