Well Sup Forums you were right. This game is fucking terrible. Empty open world, trash combat, runs like shit...

Well Sup Forums you were right. This game is fucking terrible. Empty open world, trash combat, runs like shit. It doesnt even feel like an FF game. Im sorry to have doubted you guys.

Other urls found in this thread:


is he for real? considering buying it.

nier automata is the true FF15


better stop right there

Yes it is. Do not put money in this game or you'll seriously regret it.

I wish i was kidding. I wanted Sup Forums to be wrong, but for once they were right. Its just not good in any aspect except the music and the graphics. Thats all i can give it.

Final Fantasy Thread.

>Your favourite Final Fantasy
>Your most hated Final Fantasy
>Your husbando
>Your waifu
>Would u fug a Chocobo

you guys are fucking trolling right? no redeeming factor? I'd love to get immersed into this, but I need to writing to be somewhat good.

>consider buying it

Im 100% serious. I love this series to death and have dumped countless hours into every one of the games. But this is not a final fantasy game aside from the name and the typical things you see like recurring characters and enemy types.

I enjoyed it immensely. Never ask for adivce on Sup Forums, you'll get shitposters, contrarians, and guys who strictly play JRPGs shitting on everything else

In my honest opinion I am having a lot of fun so far. 2 hours in, doing hunts and quests. I can imagine the overworld getting a bit boring in a while because it's just dusty wasteland. Bro banter is top notch.

It's...hard to justify. The game was so bad at launch they've spent over a year fixing it. The devs are now asking players what they want fixed first. To add insult to injury, paid DLC will continue into 2019.

I got conned into the Deluxe Edition at launch and I am half as let down as I was with MGSV, and that crushed all hope I had for game hype. I wanted SE to do a game right for the first time in years. I did. But it just didn't happen.

>FF X-2
>would fugg a mog

I'm like 6 hours in and it's already getting stale, wouldn't really recommend

>but I need to writing to be somewhat good.

well you're screwed

>Your favourite Final Fantasy
6 and 9.
>Your most hated Final Fantasy
15 and 10. Mainly because they're the most overrated ones.
>Your husbando
Gladio and Steiner.
>Your waifu
>Would u fug a Chocobo
No unless that chocobo woman from 13-2 counts.

but with MGS V the ending was stale as fuck and we never got any extra jam to digest it cause they fired the cook. if squeenix is fixing their shit then good on them. I also understand why you feel like you got coined, in your situation.

cut me some slack will you?

Have Final Fantasy threads devolved to Monster Hunter-tier threads where OP complains and shits on the game/franchise and then people just... start talking about the game/franchise?

>Not Ignis

Are you gay?

It's not bad.
Pretty comfy in some places too

yes. that's what people do here. they talk about games and franchises.

Game is so boring and repetitive. The map is completely barren. The only city on it is tiny too. Nothing like I imagined.

Big muscly dudes make me want to get big and muscly too.
No homo....haha...

do it fag

Does the full game run worse than the demo? Because the demo and the cracked version of the game both run very very well even on mediocre at best cards like my 970 and hundreds of posts all say the same thing. The cracked version doesn't have the DLC and new stuff added though, the full release that came out today has over 3000 additional files so it's possible it runs worse but i find it hard to believe it can go from running great to running like complete shit just like that, i'm more than willing to bet that 'running like shit' is a gross exaggeration.

>but I need to writing to be somewhat good
I'm sorry, user.
The director even tried to salvage it by saying that "oh the narrative only followed Noctis" but there were multiple cuts to other shots which only entice how this game was hastily put together in all aspects

I've been unpacking it for a year so I can't give an opinion yet. What's the point of offering pre-loading if it ends up taking longer than a person just downloading it the the day it comes out?

RPGs where you can't go inside buildings and shop keepers are only outside in shitty stalls are always complete trash. I don't see how anyone is still surprised by this.

It's the first noticeable thing and a major sign they cut corners every step of the way. It's honestly surprising. FF VII, VIII, and IX had every single building's interior fully fleshed out and hand drawn. It's even easier and less work to do in a 3D game where you can just move models/geometry around, but they didn't even bother. How fucking lazy.

Is this game terrible or terrible in comparison to other FFs? Because quite a few FFs had pretty bad stories and quite a few had meh combat. Is it really so bad that it breaks that low standard?

>Your favourite Final Fantasy
Probably VI or IX
>Your most hated Final Fantasy
XIII. What a mistake. XII was also weak
>Your husbando
Ignis, ez
>Your waifu
Lightning, Tifa or Rikku. I'm boring, entry-tier. Sorry
>Would u fug a Chocobo
I'm with
If she counts, I'm all in

More people need to find out just how bad this game is. Open-world doesn't fix anything.

No game will ever be as bad as XIII, I can assure you. It's mostly just consolecucks assblasted that they got raped for one whole year with DLC. Literally fucking betatesters. If you've never played XV before and you got a decent rig, go for it.

>runs like shit
Calculator faggots always talk shit about modern games.

I've only put in like 3 hours so my opinion doesn't mean much yet, but so far I enjoy it. Don't base your decision on a board's opinion whose judgement of games can depend on whether or not it has attractive waifus.

>SE game in which they aren't pubs
>not unoptimized garbage


That's the feeling I'm getting here. Early adopters are upset because they got fucked over. That's understandable, but that doesn't mean the game is bad now. It's just another example of it being a game that was better to wait on before buying.

What was the problem with XIII again? I would like to know how anyone can possibly think FF XV is better than XIII.

The two biggest problems with XIII I've heard is it being linear and the "auto" combat, but FF XV has the same problems except it's even worse. FF XV is linear as fuck if you take out the side "fetch" quests (the game would be better without them), and the combat is more "auto" than XIII. At least in XIII you had to manage paradigms. FF XV is literally just a single button with occasional blocks/parries/whatever-the-fuck they called it. The story in XIII doesn't make much sense, but neither does the story in FF XV. At least in XIII they give you those journal entries that at least try and fill in the gaps. FFXV didn't even bother with that.

I really don't have any clue how anyone can think FF XV is better. It's worse in basically every single way. I'm not saying FFXIII is good, but it's still miles ahead of XV.

The game was out for like 3 hours.
So take his opinion whit a grain of salt.

i loved playing the game right up until altissia. you spend the whole first half of the game thinking it's only going to get bigger, and then it fucking strings you along for another 10 hours or so and ends.

none of the content they have added is anywhere near enough to help it. i will not be buying the game again or buying any DLC unless by some miracle they manage to make a whole second explorable continent and open up access to more cities with their own sidequests. no amount of combat tweaks and extra bosses can fix the fundamental problem that the exploration and story are entirely alienated from one another.

Other players have already confirmed that the Royal Edition miraculously makes the game even worse, so stop with the beta testing faggotry already.

I can get this game running at almost constant 60 with a shitty i5 3350p and a 970 with everything on average. You don't need a very powerful machine to run this, it's a very good port

How so?

I have an i7 and a 970 i should be able to run this game at least at a decent framerate.

>i loved playing the game right up until altissia. you spend the whole first half of the game thinking it's only going to get bigger
That's how I felt playing XII

What did they mean by this?


It needs more party members. whatever happened to the days when you had a big diverse cast of misfits and outcasts? That's what final fantasy is about.

>What's the problem with XIII
The whole l'cie, fate, and isolation theme they went for meant that NPCs, towns, anything that involves interacting with people outside of the party is gone. Yes you had moments like Nautilus, but you could not interact with anyone and yes you had L'cie missions but that was interacting with rocks for a small paragraph of text.

I'm not acting like XV or any FF had amazing side quests or NPC interaction, but at least in comparison to XIII, you usually had quite a bit of side content to engage in.

The combat of XIII is good. Auto combat will get you killed if you're actually doing everything in the game and it's certainly better than XV. That said, XV at least offered content beyond the main story even if most it isn't very noteworthy. XIII was trying so hard to tell it's story, that it cut out most of the gameplay in sticking to its message.

I've been doing Weight of the World non stop as my car music

>Your favourite Final Fantasy
>Your most hated Final Fantasy
>Your husbando
>Your waifu
>Would u fug a Chocobo

Just download the demo they released and see for yourself.

New story cutscenes do little to expand/fill in the scant narrative, and to add insult to injury they look like absolute crap. More much-needed screen time for Ardyn and Luna that only ends up being wasted.
Potential for new lore was completely abandoned when adding the old kings as bosses, the fights themselves not even remotely challenging or interesting, just standard XV fare.
And in general it just runs like shit graphic and performance-wise. XV already had a bucketful of problems, but the updates are basically the equivalent of pissing on a turd instead of fixing the already-present issues.

XIV 1.0 was a better game than XV.

>a reply exactly one minute after OP
>clearly bait to keep the shitpost going
>Sup Forums falls for it

You are all stupid as fuck.

That is what an open world is. A big open map of nothing. Why are you surprised. BOTW had big open nothing and everyone circle jerks it daily.

FFXV weapon in nier automata, nier songs in FFXV
it's just a crossover

>finally change the settings and manage to make the game run at stable 60FPS and looking decent
>out of fucking nowhere it crashes at random

Fuck I'm so close. It was running ever better than the demo too.

How do you guys work up the passion to hate it so much?
I didn't think it was great but it wasn't terrible or anything.

because 10 years of development and scrapping the much more interesting looking VS XIII

>Makotofag being a fence sitter

whats fucking new


Are you actually me?

>How do you guys work up the passion to hate it so much

Its fucking Sup Forums. This place is full of retarded basement dwellers who doesnt do anything else in life besides browsing Sup Forums everyday and masturbating.
I wish I was joking.

>retard with a toaster
>retard that set TRAM to HIGHEST

>How do you guys work up the passion to hate it so much?

Watch these, and then look at the final game.

As much as I liked the game, OP isn't wrong on this one.

>retarded basement dwellers who doesnt do
Nice grammar, third-worlder.


>for 3 hours

The entire game has been available for free on PC since Friday, do not spend a fucking dime on this piece of shit at the very least pirate it so you can try how shitty it is for yourself before deleting it.

since i control your money, can you get me some games?

>people explain why they didn't like the game
>fanbase just has a whinge about Sup Forums being meanies, and can't even defend the game

Every single fucking thread.

I would have preferred it if the main protagonist's entourage aka. party members were females instead of a sausage fest. Fucking Squeenix, haven't you played Skyrim??? 90% of the follower mods are fucking females. THERE'S A FUCKING REASON WHY THERE ARE A FUCKTON OF FEMALE FOLLOWER MODS FOR THIS WRPG


shame its just as shit as xv then

What exactly about this game is supposed to be good?

>Combat sucks so it falls flat as an action game
>Story sucks and the characters are flat outside of Ignis so it falls flat as an RPG
>World is boring, majority of the sidequests are just fetch quests so it falls flat as an open world fuck around game
>They're still not done releasing DLC over a year later

If it didn't have the FF name propping it up the reception would be even more mixed than it already is.

Versus XIII never even looked like a playable game.

It was a series of tech demo trailers with cool animations that eventually got turned into link strikes and were never going to be anything more than that.

Your imagination made that game what it was. It never existed.

They already did a full female party for X-2 and everyone shitted on it.

meh, people would be saying the same thing if it was versus

I played it on PS4 at launch and got the platinum.

The world is empty with the same gas station repeated over and over again. There's only 1 city you can visit freely and the other is a bunch of loading screens. The game is very inconsistent....Noctis dad dies off screen and when Noctis reads about it on the newspaper he isn't sad for more than 1 minute before Prompto ask him to make cool photos/selfies or visit the chocobos for fun.

The empire we were teased by for 10 years totally disapears offscreen and you only get some hints of what happent. Luna is not even a character having less than 5 minutes of screentime, most of the game is starting something and never ending it
>We need the 12 royal weapons
>Ok we have 4? We don't need them anymore, we need all the summons
>Ok we don't need the summons anymore,, let's just attack the empire

>Versus XIII never even looked like a playable game.

What did you honestly mean by this.


This was before the flashy animations too, it just looked like a modern day Final Fantasy with KH combat, and everyone was excited for it.

Was that because of the full female party though?

>>Your most hated Final Fantasy
>>Your husbando
>>Your waifu
Rikku made me feel weird as a young lad.
>>Would u fug a Chocobo
No, fuck off furry.

Can an r9 280x even run it? Its one above minimum.

I also dont know if I have windows 7 SP1 or not.

automata was solid though

I lost interest in FF altogether after playing the abomination that was 13, just playing devil's advocate giving perspective on why people were so let down

Forgot favorite. Hard to pick, really liked IX but played XI and XIV for thousands of hours by now.

I don't like the new Comrades content.

That's because they removed best girl Lulu from the game and replaced her with a flat as a board Paine.

I liked it.

Sup Forums expectations were way to fucking high from a development hell game and also assblasted that it wasn’t Versus despite the developers themselves stating it was a shit show.

But it isn’t anything spectacular either. Enjoyed it from start to finish and know it’s glaring flaws (fuck chapter 13) but it was an enjoyable experience.

Miss me yet?

What's wrong with Life is Strange?

It's sitting in my Steam library, what do I do

Jesus, even Ariana is there, this game was practically finished before they decided to hold it back for "MUH PS4" and looks like it runs miles better than the "Finished" product.

>Versus XIII never even looked like a playable game.
The 2011 trailer is basically current xv (now that character switching was put back in) with the kh combat and usable mechs

oh jesus who

Fuck off shill.

>and looks like it runs miles better than the "Finished" product.
It also looks significantly worse.

>Lulu in a variety of frilly outfits

Why must we be robbed?


>now that character switching was put back in
Played the demo for 2 hours. How do you switch?

>Your favourite Final Fantasy
>Your most hated Final Fantasy
>Your husbando
>Your waifu
>Would u fug a Chocobo


Considering this was 2010ish this look fine for an open world game.