Annnnnnnnnnnnd it's 75% off

Annnnnnnnnnnnd it's 75% off.
Reminder: Don't support Squeenix's port jewery.

Other urls found in this thread:

what kind of idiot would buy any version of this instead of emulating it


Can we not inject racism into everything, please?

get off Sup Forums

>muh sekrit club
You're not cooler for being edgy.

Laptopfag here; what's a good SNES emulator for this game?

didn't even know this was on steam.
whats with the negative reviews, price, bad port?


Anything but ZSNES


since your a laptopfag, snes9x.
higan is better but it will probably melt your cpu.

It's a fucking awful port.

its the mobile version with the touch stuff still intact along with the mobile interface lol

>slash the price instead of fixing the problem
the japanese are really upping their comedy

Didn't they just update/patch this?

its a meme, you fuckin queermo


>Can we
No. But will we? Also no.

>port of a fucking mobile port
why is squenix so fucking bad at ports

1. Can you even form a coherent sentence without racism?

2. Why the hell are you buying the literal worst version of the game when SNES is so easily emulated and the DS version is out there to buy.

fuck off with your racist bullshit

Fuck off, Uncle Steve.

Nobody's buying it you dong, that's the point.

fake news


Go back.


Fuck off retard redditor


they're going all out today, lads. Make sure you don't (you) them


If you lack a spine, twitter and tumblr are options

>false comradery
Back to r*ddit

Some idiots really do buy these shitty ports and their excuse is ''it's chrono trigger''. It doesn't matter if the port is absolute shit or not, they just buy it because it's their favorite game. They might never even pick it up, they just want to have it in the library.

>Emulate their ports.
>Have a better quality product.

>Anything but ZSNES

Why the hate for Zsnes?

>some retards are wasting their time trying to fix this awful port
Why would anyone do such thing? Just let it die and not turn it into Bethesda 2.0

It's full price here. Fuck regional pricing jewery.

it's just a meme

I finally get a chance to use this image

Inferior emulation when compared to snes9x and higan by a very, very wide margin. But people still shill that shitpile because muh snowy background nostalgia.


>this thread
More like Chrono TRIGGERED

It's full price everywhere. This is just OP being OP again

Don't touch any of their snes and psx era ports either, though not as bad as chrono trigger, they're also pretty damn awful.

Snes9X. If your laptop isn't a fucking piece of shit, then Higan, or the bsnes core through multi system emulators.

Muh Steam/Gaben fags

Many years ago I had to switch from snes9x to ZSNES because snes9x could not handle Megaman X2 and X3 but ZSNES could. It's not just your snowy background meme or whatever, I had to switch to it. And I ultimately never looked back because it's faster and easier to use.

should be free
i mean what the fuck the game is 25 fucking years old

>tone policing

FF V and VI are pretty dogshit. Peoole should just play the SNES version of V with the GBA Script and 6 with the extended Woolsey Script. 3 and 4 are DS ports or some shit.

>9x can't handle X series

In what fucking world?

Read nigger. I said it was many years ago, earlier versions of 9x could not handle X2 and X3.


STFU retarded faggot nigger kike zipperhead reddit

>Not playing the GBA version with the SNES music patch

I would buy a proper PC port of Valkyrie Profile or God Hand in a heartbeat because emulation for both platforms is very imperfect and I want to replay them.
I don't see the point of buying a PC port of Chrono Trigger when you can emulate perfectly the original SNES game.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is apparently getting a PC port.
And judging from the fact that it's by tri-Ace, which previously did a great PC port of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, and the fact that it's not getting a simultaneous iPhone port.
At the very least, it's going to get less backlash than the other PC ports by Square Enix.

Finally a way to play it without having to either
a) emulate it
b) buy an overpriced physical copy
c) play it on a handheld, also see b

I recall reading that they redubbed it or something, which I am not cool with.
The original is kind of cheesy, but I liked it a lot.

It's probably going to have dual-audio, considering that Square Enix is embracing dual-audio more and more without fans having to rely on undub hacks.

Also, the original PS1 English dub can probably be modded back in, considering that Final Fantasy IV Remake on PC only had an English dub while fans did an undub mod for that using the Japanese voice files from the iPhone version and it works well not only with the PC version, but also with the iPhone version if you have an IPA of it.
Maybe something similar can be done to it with Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth.

FFXII and FFXV are great imports

>higan is better but it will probably melt your cpu.

>snes emulator
>melting anything

what kind of meme is this

I'm hoping whatever it is they do with it that it'll be great. Valkyrie Profile is one of my favorite games of all time.

>I recall reading that they redubbed it or something, which I am not cool with.
The original is kind of cheesy, but I liked it a lot.
Did they do this with the PSP version or is it being redubbed now? It was a real holy shit moment for me finding out the voice actor for Arngrim and Lezard were the same person.

>don't support this thing

And yet here you are literally advertising their sale for them.

>game finally gets ported to the pc

what did, the pc master race, mean by this?

They did it with the PSP version.
However, mods are possible for those who are nostalgic for the PS1 version.


>75% off

But it's not, though.

This isn't a safe space, faggot.

Did OP think faking that it's on sale would make me buy this shit lol? I already emulated it.

>Game comes out for PC
>Comes out to consoles later
>Runs like dogshit, controls are awful
>Still gets celebrated
At least the PCMRetards have standards

fucking faggot

want to buy*

It runs fine, what are on about?

Zsnes is a wildly inaccurate emulator. Its only saving grace is its ability to run on literally anything and that it will run literally anything.

>buying games I already own physical of
Nice try, rabbi.

I was referring to PUBG as an example of console users getting a PC game, as it's similar to us getting this console game, that has loads of issues from the port

>At least the PCMRetards have standards
lol no they don't. stealing everything is not "standards".

At this price it's much easier to stomach but that still doesn't stop it from being a shit port

SNES, sure, I can see where you're coming from. I think V and VI are alright, but it's hard to argue their superiority except that I like the autosaves after every room+battle. Especially considering some of the bullshit fights.

FF 7, 8 and 9 are great though.

It's not a SNES music patch, but it does make it almost similar to it.

>Valkyrie Profile is one of my favorite games of all time
You're my friend. Let's hope together, for a good port.


Fake and gay OP. You know how to piss off the small amount of dedicated fans who bought your game, despite the issues? Cut the price less than a week after release. They're not that stupid.


>Nintendo : here's an NES & SNES emulator machine with a few games on each.
>it's a hit
>Sega : Here's an "official" emulator for you guys on PC to play a few select games
>no one's complaining much
>Squeenix : here's a butchered classic we didn't bother with removing the touch screen interface when it was released on mobile, all drugged up on filters.
>mostly negative reviews.

all they needed to do was just release an "emulator" solely to play CT. shit couldn't get any easier.

They were afraid people are going to rip the ROM they could otherwise download with a simple Google search.

What wrong with the port? It been porting on Wii and ran fine.

EVERYONE wished it was the wii port, which in turn was the SNES port. it's a mobile port, with touch screen interface still intact.

Hmm if only there was an emulator for the Wii, DS, SNES, and everything else that the game has released on...

this. all of their ports are absolute trash.

why mostly negative?
what's wrong with a SNES game port?

it's not a SNES game port, it's a mobile game port

are you ready for them to do a garbage port of final fantasy tactics

jews are a race now?

also pic related

Dont tell me what to do. Just bought 4 copies for me and my friends the moment i read this.

>peecucks get another shitty port

>the absolute state of PC peasant race

why is this allowed. just complain. they will fix it. square enix is pretty chill

>implying we haven't been emulating the original snes game and all the excellent console ports for decades

none of you faggots are welcome here, get the fuck out

i will agree on running on anything, I fucking remember ZSNES from like... the fucking the late 90s. shit's no joke and still useable