>Ion Maiden
>Amid evil
Real fps games are back on the menu boys
none of that limp dicked cinematic experience bullshit
Ion Maiden
Other urls found in this thread:
>nu-doom wad you pay money for
>girl protag
Of course
You have to go back
>nu-doom wad
Are you being stupid or what? Build engine handles a lot differently.
>early access
yeah no thanks
What are the differences between Build and a modern Doom source port? Legitimate question.
tried Ion Maiden couple of hours ago having a fucking blast. Especially like the feature of being able to go for head shots
Duke has rooms over rooms. Everything else has pretty much caught up.
GZdoom can have rooms over rooms. Try playing Wolfendoom: Blade of Agony. Fucking fantastic game.
>Real fps games
you mean shitty imitations that don't do anything new or interesting and are even lower quality than free mods.
Build can layer sectors and move sectors to simulate geometry changes (big explosions opening up new passages etc)
surface level they just look similar
>Never have motion sickness problems from playing FPS
>Mfw playing Ion Maiden on the lowest settings with constant framedrop for 2+ hours
Was thinking everyone just did seamless teleports. I couldn't remember if Simons Destiny did it or not.
I'll check it out, though.
>shitty imitations
good imitations and i'll take that over the new wolfenstein and Doom garbage id is trying to peddle
wtf is wrong with your rig man? are you running a AMD or something? Played hours, everything was smooth
you're trying to hard friend
kind of surprising given duke had working mirrors as a big feature.
software lags real bad
opengl with palette emulation and vsync off works well but it still gets a bunch of lag spikes around autosave points
It's because the 3rd person sprite isn't finished apparently
there is no player sprite
Ion Maiden is fucking awesome I played through it all last night. The first game with the Bombshell character was obviously trash but holy shit was this a surprise. I hope the full game is harder and has more enemies to take full advantage of it since the hardest mode as of now it's just like a normal hard. Won't waste time with details you either know what this is or you are some faggot who never played a real FPS like all the faggot "journalists" who don't know how to aim and circle strafe so they stand still behind cover like retards.
Fuck anyone not supporting this game.
got 15 out of 20 secrets so far. good game
It's not surprising at all. The mirrors are not working since they never created a sprite for the main character.. It's not a technical issue.
>clean up on isle 4
About ten are impossible to find.
haha, my man. you're right about the hardest mode not being very hard. I hope they fix that.
yeah, I found a couple that are some real dick spots behind random posters
Please tell me you don't play with the fucking filter on Sup Forums !
It's a Hellraiser reference.
the newest wolfenstien game aside, TNO and bad blood were both great games.
You could always play those plenty of free fan TCs for the games that were made back in that era.
yeah but then you can't let everyone on steam know how much of a hardcore gamer you are
2 became cool to hate because of the pandering but it is in fact just more of the same garbage they gave you in TNO/TOB.
that's what I thought but I wasn't sure.
Yeah. The bed is where Julia resurrects and the wooden pillar is that gore pillar thing that appears in multiple movies.
Huh, I don't remember the gore pillar at all, but I sort of figured it might be a Hellraiser reference because of the multiple hanging chains with hooks on them. But yeah, the bloody mattress in your pic makes it even clearer.
Any other references that you noticed? SHw says 'Laputan machine' which is a Deus Ex reference. Condom machines say 'Who wants some Wang?, a Shadow Warrior reference. She says 'Dodge this' which is obviously a Matrix reference of Trinity. What else?
>run to one end of map
>pick up key
>run to other end of map
>end level
Doom clones died for a reason.
all shit
There's a Duke Nukem costume in a shop.
But this is a Duke Nukem clone
oh yeah, didn't notice that
would you rather be locked in a room and forced to watch unskippable cutscenes or tag along behind some npc waiting for a chance to actually play the game instead?
She say something when she see it. Don't remember what.
>>Ion Maiden
>>Amid evil
Looks like shit
>Where's that big head of yours?
>Don't answer that / Never mind (one of those two)
oh she does, just tried it. She says "Where's that big head of yours? Don't answer."
I'd rather the design of Perfect Dark/Goldeneye/Timesplitters be used.
>any of that trash measuring up to a new build engine game from 3D Realms
>>Ion Maiden
The only good ones on that list.
You haven't played it
What's wrong with Amid Evil?
Better than modern fps', worse than classic fps'.
Is poopy UwU
He's salty because he never got a key.
It's out on early access on monday
>What's wrong with Amid Evil?
Made by the trash people behind Bombshell and ROTT in NZ. Unbelievably shit devs involved and tying it to Hexen is coonery buffoonery
Just pirate the gog preview level, retard.
It's gonna come out within 6 months or so.
It's actually the Build engine that did seamless teleports, not real room-over-room.
this is what I did and now i'm going to buy it when it comes out proper like
>tying it to Hexen
Did they say that or are you just assuming that given the theme of the game? Because from what I've seen it's closer to Heretic than Hexen.
>seamless teleports
I don't really know the terms but is that when you walk past a certain point in a level and are ported somewhere else but not actually walking into a teleporter in-game?
Ion Maiden is quality! It truly plays like a great lost advanced Build game.
This is the most kosher thread I've ever seen. Of course this game is in early access, too. Pay to be a beta tester.
Dave Oshry might very well be the ugliest person in the world.
Shit's uncanny yo
I dont know why but I fucking hate that man
>What's wrong with Amid Evil?
It looks ugly. Like an UE4 FPS kit demo
Why the fuck Ion Maiden lags so hard? My rig isn't stellar but it's able to run douk megaton and shadow warrior something edition perfectly fine, but on very first level of maiden I can't look to the left of elevator without fps plummeting through the floor.
>Who wants some Wang? Shadow Warrior is the most funny build engine of the bunch
>Build Engine games are a thing again.
Fuck, the timeline is finally reverting to the proper one.
I was getting scared with shit like "Hunt the Freeman", which literally is the modern day equivalent of one of those "Buy in Walmart/Find on Demo Disk" Quake/Doom Wads. (Like that horrible fucking Xmen or NAM game.)
I am ashamed to say I've only played Duke and Doom. Is there a good list of games/wads to play in this genre? All I can think of is Blood, Heretic, and Shadow Warrior.
im looking for some good duke custom maps
ive played a lot of doom, some of quake, and a couple blood ones but none of doom
I've played a lot of Duke and Blood but never Shadow Warrior so I got it today to give it a go. It was free so why not.
You gonna love the nade launcher. Get ready because alot of enemies use explosive weapons and they hurt alot
Besides what you listed
>Quake 1 and 2
>Unreal 1
>Turok 1 and 2
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Yeah, I as playing it a bit while I was setting it up, and I noticed there was some goons with rocket launchers killing me pretty fast and this was the first level. I like that grenade launcher, you're right. And the fact that there is turrets is pretty cool. I think I got it to the point where I can play it now, Bmouse going, key binds adjusted.
>nostalgia bait garbage
>"real fps"
Real fps were back long ago thanks to Doom 2016, if you are a hipster who can only enjoy old games it's your problem.
Because you're a fuckin hipster with irrelavnt opinions, this shitty nostalgia bait games have no impact on the industry and are just made cheaply to please small crowds.
All of these look fucking terrible.
any heretic/hexen
plenty of other games but they just arent as good unless youre playing for nostalgia
>Besides what you listed
That's a proper A+ list.
That's the whole point and appeal of this shitty "Just like muh childhood shooters" outdated imitations.
Legit list, no one should play nostalgia bait if you haven't played this actual classics first.
>Doom 2016
I tip my fedora to you. I, too, only play games with an ironic style of graphics and pay to become a beta testers.
You're both faggots. D44M is fantastic but it's not classic in any sense of the word.
*slowly pulls hand away from my katana's sheath and reaches my hand upwards*
*tips fedora*
You tell them.