Terrible campaign

>terrible campaign
>terrible levels
>terrible story
>terrible characters
>"A Spartan will Rise" was a lie
>nothing but cockteases
>terrible multiplayer
>terrible gameplay
>terrible weapons
>terrible vehicles
>terrible maps
>terrible ranking system
>muted color palette
>sub 20 fps
>cheap motion blur
>grounded and realistic style
>no Master Chief
>breaks canon to exist
>Firefight is arcade BS
>Cortana and Pillar of Autumn forced in the game
>nobody from Halo CE-3 worked on it
>Marty cared but nobody else who worked on the game did
>not an adaptation of Halo: The Fall of Reach
>was made as a testing bed for Destiny
Halo: Reach is the worst Halo game in the series.

Prove me wrong.
You can't

You're right, people only defend Reach because it was their first halo game.

It's not the worst so long as Halo 4 exists.

Don't forget the engine which was designed to prototype destiny

Halo 4 has a better campaign and story.


This too

Halo Reach was the best in the series and only people who can't play around armor lock or muh lore autists disagree
I played them all in order of release date and Reach is still my favorite

>not an adaptation of Halo: The Fall of Reach
Seriously, by doing this you can have the POA, Cortana and Chief and have it make sense, as well as give us room to understand Fred, Kelly and Linda.

I forgot
>only sold 7 million compared to Halo 2's 8.46 million, Halo 3's 14.5 million, and Halo 4's 14 million

>Halo: Reach is the worst Halo game in the series.
If by Halo game you mean Bungie's games then sure. I'd gladly play Reach over Halo 4/5 any day.


Yeah well that's just like your opinion man.

Guess that means destiny is the best game ever

Nope entire series

Well ive identified you as a faggot
Reach was the best in the series
Stay mad cunts

The only thing bad about Reach was the shitty map pool.


Notice how Reachfags can only ever rank it as the best. Never second or third, or something semi reasonable. This is because it was their first and the only one they have familiarity with.

>tell Reach fans to prove me wrong
>no one can

The music and customization were fun, but the campaign had the uninspired copy pasta level design we have come to expect from Bungie before they became Bungle.

Custom games were fun as hell though.

3 was the best.
2 kinda sucked.
I never played Combat Evolved.
I remember liking Reach but I guess my opinion must be wrong.

Started with the Halo CE back during release. Reach is definitely the worst Bungie era Halo game but that does not make it a bad game. In fact, it doesn't even make it mediocre. It was a good game and just because it wasn't as good as the original trilogy does not make it a bad game.

Who are these savants that deem everything that isn't as a good as a small handful of games shit.

I liked the visual direction, I liked the multiplayer because it felt like it was a progression from 3's mutliplayer but it added some new features which mixed up the formula.

It was the last halo game I really considered a legitimate halo game, and frankly I didn't care for the direction the halo series or Bungie took after that. Which seemed good because Bungie made destiny that looks good but has crap gameplay, and 343 werren't so much a successor to Bungie because they wanted to take a series that had came to a natural conclusion in a weird, fanfiction-esque direction.

Halo 4 has one of the best campaigns of the franchise (retarded Ur Didact boss battle aside) with a terrific ending, which was completely undermined by Halo 5's nonsense.

However, the version of Halo 4 that was in development before they shoved all the UNSC and Covenant stuff in to appease fanboys, could have been the best Halo game.

>reach is terrible because it's not halo 2/3 again
You babbies are and always have been retarded.

Literally Reach was no ones first Halo

You're dumb

Reach had a great single player, multiplayer was the best since 3 before 343 and mexico took over and fire fight was alright

343 caved into the fanboys and rowed back in their best ideas, sadly.
Pretty clear from the concept art trailer that they wanted Halo 4 to go in a new direction...but then they chickened out or were pressured by MS.

I mean you kind of just listed every element of the game and put the word "bad" in front.


>Everything is bad because I said so, I don't need to have any actual points

Multiplayer was good, campaign was such a cocktease though you're right


Explain how the multiplayer is good.

It's fun, not the best, but better than halo 2

I feel the only thing Reach has over Halo 2 is weighty animations. Everything in 2 feels like it's made of some cheap plastic.

>multiplayer was good
Shit ranking system
Bloom rng
40 playlists of garbage because the devs didn't get the hint AA was trash

It was insufferable, snipers playlist was the only acceptable option. And even that ended up being plagued by AA and pistol sidearms

>notice how people who prefer halo reach prefer it also strawman
wow user you are really smart!

Come on OP
It's not that bad desu

typical reddit opinion from the redditfrog

it was my first halo tough
i did play the first one with friends, but reach was the first i techically owned

>Shit ranking system
Unironically better than the one in Halo 3. Only dumb kids who needed to flaunt the e-peen disliked it.

Reach had no skill-based matchmaking.

It did though. They just didn't show you the number.

Aye laddie say that to me face I'm kevinladscott and I'll fook ur face right nice I will

It didn't. The entire game was social.

It's an objective truth. Hell, posting a brainlet wojack proves you're underage, it's not hard to go from there to know Reach was you first Halo.

Halo 4 isn't nearly as awful as people saybut I wouldn't at all say that it has one of the best campaigns in the series, it's campaign is a fair step down from every prior gamee except CE, and even then that's only because CE is so old and has some issues due to it's age

All Halo games are good. Period.

Oh now i'm underage too, wow that's some good arguments

Bungie said repeatedly that it did. You are purely incorrect. The idea that it didn't was completely fabricated by thirteen year olds who couldn't comprehend "BUT I DON'T HAVE A NUMBER HOW CAN THERE BE SKILL BASED MATCHMAKING????"

Why are you so mad? Mom making you good to bed early tonight?

>Bungie said repeatedly that it did.
And they were lying. I played Reach for most of its lifespan, and the matchmaking was a joke. Constantly matching with low-level players with awful stats to match. I'm not the only one with that experience, the matchmaking in Reach was a joke.


OP, why would you make such a wordy post when your entire point could be summed up in three sentences
>I'm bad at accommodating the DMR's bloom in my shots
>I stand right in front of Armor Locked enemies and get my shields discharged every time
>I stood in front of Sword Base's upper elevator and got grenades to the face every time

wow you got me, damn I guess Halo Reach isn't the best anymore, you successfully dethroned it

>lol they were just lying, they clearly didn't implement this system they have already developped and had no reason not to reimplement, then lie to everybody for years
>the proof is that I said so

You repeat the same sentences/word choices a lot in your posts. Only underage teens do this because they have a very small lexicon. You had Halo 4 as your first Halo game, didn't you?

I think I've played the game enough to know what I'm talking about.

I agree, and Forge World was complete ass. All gray blocks is fucking boring.

And it never was. Glad you've accepted reality.

>I hate Halo Reach
>but god dammit I'll play it regardless because I am a lunatic incapable of having my behaviors reflect my beliefs.

bad bait
stay mad retard

Oh it still is I just thought I'd let you feel good about yourself.

Your mother will be very happy you're playing nice. Maybe she'll buy your xbox gold next month?

>hurr how do you know you hate it if you don't play it
>durr how could you hate it if you played enough to make an opinion
It was a fun game with friends. I don't hate all of it, but it had some downright retarded design decisions.
I wouldn't have enjoyed it nearly as much if I had to sweat it out every match with some of its trash gimmicks.

stop replying to me please, you really are pathetic and i dont want the other anons seeing you around me

Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 3
Halo CE SPV3
Halo Reach
Halo 2
Halo 3 ODST
Halo 5 Forge
Spartan Assault
Halo Zero
Halo 4
Halo Wars

Halo Reach already gets +5 bonus points for not having any Flood whatsoever in the campaign. It had a complete and satisfying story unlike Halo 2, more customizeable Firefight options than ODST, and had the best (but overused) Forge world. Also Spartan IIIs. RIP Kurt. (Rock in peace, because Spartans never die)

Don't worry user, your parents still think you're cool.

Reach Firefight's customization was just a bandaid. You couldn't recreate what ODST had and the maps were all worse.

too bad your parents don't think you're cool

Why were there brutes on Reach?

for fun enemy variety and to slap the faces of spergs who got upset by it

Halo 4 is reach done right

I liked it because it was the end of an era. Sure it wasnt the classic halo, but it was something new to end it all for bungie. Still better than the last few halo games that we've gotten
>all my halo 3 friends played reach for the first 2 years after it came out
>clan got smaller and smaller
>everyone stopped playing
>still remember our last online game
>this was almost 4 years ago
>theyre not dead, just missing in action

Not sure but I'm happy they put them in. Always wanted to fight against Brutes AND Elites for once in a Halo game. You were always fighting either or. Made sense storywise and gameplay wise, but it was always something I wanted. I'll take Brutes over Prometheans.

Reach's firefight maps were so shitty, only ever played it for the challenges.

can we admit that reach had the best ranking system? fuck the past games and me not getting any exp even when I would carry my trash teammates

After playing Reach, I wanted the Flood back, Reach's Covenant sucked.

I asked the same question, I also asked this question about Drones as well.