why is it Arcanine
What is the peak Pokémon design?
I want Arcanine to knot me!
Get the fuck outta here
>it's a dog
literally my moms tiger-dog
this is what a REAL pokemon looks like
>anime trash
Everything strong about mewtwo's design, thrown into the trash.
All wrong
OP is a pretty cool guy.
>Small fluffy dog evolves into big fluffy dog
I don't know, user.
My own nomination is biased since it has been my favorite pokemon for 20 years, but regardless.
Step aside
you guys all have good taste
What does he say again?
All of the slowpeople are legitimately great pokemon designs.
>uhhhhh it has hands that pinch like a scissor
>lets name it scizor???
bottom of the barrel, sorry kiddo
my taste > your tastes
If this digimon was "peak" how did I manage to fix him so easily?
Scyther was truly peak pokemon design.
It evolved from Scyther, the name is perfect.
honestly how big would his knot be?
You're welcome.
>it's literally a golden retriever
nigga the fuck kind of shitty bait is this
Personally I think each gen has at least one high point, design wise.
Gen 1's was Kabutops.
The most recent gen's was Golisopod.
These 3 have the best designs. Simple but with shit loads of personal. They aged like fine wine.
>God-tier HP, Speed and Attack
Arcanine a best
I think you just like shellfish monstrosities. Very few people will agree with you. Also that shit is way too over designed to be considered top tier. He's awesome looking but nowhere near top tier in design.
>Best looking dog.
>It's literally a cat with a dog head.
Defend this
You are such a retard. Holy shit Arcanine a shit in competitive you brainlet.
I disagree, it's got a simple, well done color scheme and is no more complex than Kabutops either, which had considerably more shell detailing on the body.
I don't think you know what "overdesigned" means. If you want overdesigned, go look at Hoopa Unbound.
Regardless, I doubt I'd agree with you on what you consider a good design.
>its too detailed, that's bad
I'd give that award to Nidoqueen.
I always thought it looked more tiger and lion like. It barely looks like a dog.
It's cool looking but it's not a dog.
Is it still a legendary or was that retconned? I only played gbc pokemon and the anime was too gay for me.
please have sex
My post is this
>tfw autistically bred for shiny golisopod in premium ball
Feels good
>Nigga you're posting on Sup Forums. You haven't seen a cunt since your mother.
ZAP motherfucker
Nidoking, Nidoqueen, kangaskhan, slowbro, rhydon are all top tier as fuck
Depends what you consider "legendary."
It's pokedex entry calls it a "legendary" Pokemon for being revered in certain parts of the world, but it was never a "legendary Pokemon."
Peak of Pokemon design is when Fairy was introduced.
I love me some Slowbro. He was a total bro in Yellow.
You what, there's not a single person I've met who doesn't think Golisopod is cool as fuck
Well I guess you like fat, dino shaped (although slowbro is sort of like a bear) bipeds. They all share a similar body type.
I do like all of them though, particularly Slowbro, so I was wrong there. Good taste on those. I prefer Rhyhorn to Rhydon though, the plating is much more preferable than the rounded, smoother body of Rhydon.
r8 my taste
He's to this day my favorite pokemon. And ever since he learned slack off I put him in every fucking team.
Back to /vp/ you disgusting furfags
Machop in the Gameboy games makes me chuckle internally when i see it, so that's my nomination
I'm doing it but with a Heavy Ball. The bumps on the ball satisfy my balltism in regards to Golisopod's shell ridges.
Me on bottom
Should we tell him?
Oh, I thought it was a mistake on their part. What kind of retards would worship a cat dog thing instead of other cool looking pokemon?
Good picks
Not bad
Rest is garbage
get out
there'd better be a generator because ain't nobody gonna make this from scratch
I can understand that balltism. Godspeed.
Rhyhorn is a close second.
It's anal so it's honorary gay.
I'm gay but I like the gif nonetheless. WIsh it was gay tho
Depends on your end-goal. Do you want hugs, cuddles, pets, or fugs?
>telling a furfag to leave Sup Forums
am I the only one that finds this ironic
Hmm, I'd say Gyarados, Kabutops for the 90s aesthetic
Zekrom, Scolipede, Audino, Golisopod for newer aesthetic
None of those are my favorites but I think they're pretty rad designs.
Slurpuff is my favourite pokemon from recent games. Great taste, user.
I have fond memories of that movie as a kid.
Yes. Get the fuck outta here.
Thanks user
I've lost count of how many boxes it's been.
Who are you quoting?
>only has canines
How the fuck does this animal eat?
Canines are good for grabbing and puncturing, but you need the blade teeth at the back for ripping.
I fixed your scyther for you bro
Not him but I've been here for easily over 12 years, furry shit never flies.
Sup Forums is a lolicon board
Wasn't it based on some Chinese myth or something?
I don't think you understand where you are, you seem lost.
I got mine after 20 or 30 boxes? It's not combee guy at least
Like this.
a few days ago it was a bara board for some reason
Every member of this board.
It was also a legendary as far as stats were considered.
Best normal type ever created coming through
>combee guy
Fuck I remember that.
I hope that I don't get that far.
Good taste. My favorite is Wigglytuff.
Always has been.
Alolan Raichu a best chu
>using the x was always y tactic
Go back to plebbit.
Also, it will never work because most people know furries got honeypotted and banned.
Well in recent times there is more faggots now. And lots of new alt rights that are faggot as fuck also.
I love the Porygon line.
Lucario is probably the ugliest fucking thing. He looks like he has dreads and wears a diaper.
>93 replies
>no one has posted shuckle, the best pokemon
I'm not a big Lucario fan either, but ugliest is a pretty big exaggeration.
calm down faggot
He's right. Fuck off.
>an outlier came up for a bit
Look how prideful his little smurk is. He's only the first in his evolutionary line, yet he's already so confident in his strength.
you know they're called alt right because they are right?