What did Google mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


dios mio

>not bing
guess you don't like free amazon gift cards

el ogro de las americas

Monster Hunter Worlds description on google was changed to "a game where you hunt niggers" for a bit

That Asians are genetically closer to that of Africans than whites


>search engine so shit they have to literally pay people to use it
lol no thanks, i'm not living below the poverty line

>black people never accomplish anyth-

>post on Sup Forums
>not living below poverty line
pick 1

Big Nigga Sakurai

>parody twitter account shitposting

I realize that your perception of reality is altered, so that when you see a bunch of poorfags gloat about being poor you think it's the norm, but no, I know how to manage my money like an adult.

we had this thread already last night

Funniest part about this is that the black dude kinda looks Asian

>post on Sup Forums
pick 1

Some idiot with a fake twitter account posted the image, so now the image is tied to the name.
Not at all, really. Having small eyes doesn't make someone look asian, there's more to it that having small eyes, and the eyes being small isn't even it, the same and fat content int he eye folds is the most important.

Who are the chinks on the right?

sakurai is a negro

Is that Sakurai on the top?

Hironobu Kageyama and T.M Revolution

Wait what? I do use Bing sometimes. How do I get my gift cards?

-login to your microsoft account
-search shit
.collect points and use them to buy amazon gift cards

Guess I am getting a Microsoft account. Thanks user.

I wouldn't do it if it was just five bucks a month. That's hardly a pop.

really? i heard sakurai was a nice man

I saw niggers turn white but this is new

this just proves masahiro sakurai was really black


Wait is this available outside the u.s?

I'm fairly well off so five dollars is indeed not much for me. I might still do it anyway.

I just signed up to it in the UK. the rewards are £5 Windows store credit, £5 Xbox credit or £3 donation to the winter olympics charity. A bit shit that there's no Amazon offer, but I'm fine with the £5 windows/xbox credit since I run windows 10 and have access to the XBOX ONE AND WINDOWS 10 EXCLUSIVES

stop derailing my thread you nincompoops

It's more alarming that there's possibly a black guy on earth with the name masahiro sakurai

God damn, I'm dying.

Nigga stole my identity!

As somebody who knows Sakurai personally I can confirm he is transracial. Been transitioning to his idea body for almost a year now. Don't make fun of him!

>mfw i know some black power facebook is going to post this and make a giant-ass post about this not being a mistake and that google accidentally revealed the truth about Sakurai being a black man

Well even if there is no Amazon outside the u.s I might see what we get here in ausfagland.

la creatura...

I think it's max 5 a month from searches and shit but if for some unfathomable reason you actually spend money on the microsoft store you can get more faster.

It’s obviously true my brudda, Wakanda foreva

You rang?


The fuck you guys chimping out over? This clearly Sakurai's successor: he just happens to be a mutt with the same name.

jesus christ

>a Microsoft account comes with a custom email address with a domain of your choosing
Wow. That's impressive.

Wait they sent a code to it? if they were asking for my email why the fuck didn't it let me enter it,



Seems it's the same in Australia. Since there is no amazon card I probably won't try very hard to get maxium points but I will do it a little and slowly earn up some money for if I ever want something from the Microsoft store.

This one is so funny kek.

It seems I can get a jb hi fi card though. That's a nice goal.

Based Massive Hero.

Someone do this to Hideo Kojima

Nintendo WE conffirmed


Fucking lold

Look at him he's a nigger

Wii would like to play

>I think it's max 5 a month from searches and shit but if for some unfathomable reason you actually spend money on the microsoft store you can get more faster.

There's no limit on the amount of cards you can get once get the points. On average, I believe the Amazon gift cards go for 5, 250 points a piece, with the discount. If memory serves correctly, you can get about 440 points daily, between searches on PC, with Bing and on your phone, if you use the Microsoft Edge app and the shitload of litlle quizzes, brain-teasers and one-click searches they give out through the day.

At best, you could come out with about $10-15 in Amazon gift cards, if you do it consistently daily. Also, for Xbone owners, I believe they let you exchange the points for a month of GamePass/Live or 3 months of Xbox Live.

At worst, you could rack up free Xbox Live monthly, if for whatever reason you didn't get a years worth during Black Friday.

Overall it's not worth it unless you really like buying stuff off Amazon and have 5 minutes a day to waste End-clicking on searches.
