Mighty No 9

Have you Sonybros been playing your FREE copy of the game? Are you enjoying yourself?

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Play Gunvolt 2 instead.
Copen is Beck but better.


Gunvolt games are bland. Mighty No9 is a unique experience.




Which is your favorite Mighty Number?

Is she supposed to be the Iris of this game?


how much do they pay you if you download it?

Ahem, Roll.

>Guy makes a game with (not)Megaman, and (not)Roll.

>everything except early concept art looks like a chinese ripoff

Why did ANYONE think this was gonna be close to good?

Because it was gonna be "just like muh Megaman". But that was the problem. It was trying to be Megaman, not be itself. It's like seeing people who try to imitate something greater but you can tell that they're just a cheap imitation only riding the coat tails of something else, and never creating anything great from their own expression. But the impressionable plebs who kickstarted it voted every possible way to make sure it would be as close to Megaman without being exactly Megaman to avoid ripping it off. You see stuff like Yooka Laylee? They just wanted a Banjo Kazooie. And so on. People just want to dig graves and live in the past because that's the least anxiety-driving thing for them. What sick, dead people they are. They, themselves, should be buried.


You couldn't pay me to play this shit. And I beat X6

I'm still waiting for my vita version, con man. you fucking promised

This is the best part of Mighty No 9. Once you've mastered Avi boomerang spam, ooooh, it feels so good!

No, because I'm playing Mighty Gun volt Burst. You know, the ACTUAL MN9 game.

>ACTUAL MN9 game
>most playable characters are from other games
It's the superior game though, since it has Call E.

This. I wanted my PantyBot with Tails wig. But everyone wanted Roll 2.0. Even though it turned out to be Roll -100.0. Megafags and people like them want to homogenize the entire universe to their preferences.

played the first level
i dont know how you manage to make megaman feel sluggish and shitty but they found a way
deleted it after the first boss

I liked the robot masters more than the main characters.

Dynatron is great!

Is this loss?

What's the deal with Not-Zero? Why is it female and where's the porn of her?

>Why is it female
>and where's the porn of her?


Don't think it exists user

Ray is not for sex

Holy fuck Call E was used in that?

I guess.

Yep. She's like an extra skin for the regular call who's DLC.

As a costume.

I haven't started it yet, but I've got a feeling it's just going to make me want to jump back into the Mega Man Legacy Collections. I've been too busy with Bloodborne. This has been a pretty good PS+ month. I got Titanfall 2 for six bucks on top of all the "free" games.

She doesn't fucking die, if that's what you're asking.

Dynatron, because bulb titties.

Yeah, it's, uh.... unique.

I'd say the best part is playing levels as Ms. Terminal illness. Game is actually fun in this mode. Except the levels clearly not made for it. Sniper level is tough because they all stay dead.

>sticking your dick in a lightbulb

something tells me that's not a good idea

That was my favorite design during the voting

Dammit, I'm gonna find out for sure.

>Megafags and people like them want to homogenize the entire universe to their preferences.
The game was fucking funded on Mega Man nostalgia you shit eating retard

Holy shit, I'm fucking dying.


let's see you do it. I'm sure you'll give up out of frustration

Of course. Because idiots don't want anything new, they just wanted Megaman 2.0, and from a guy who had little to do in the developer roles for any MM game. Producer. Pffft. Good thing you and them got blown the fuck out with a mediocre package. I'm glad that you keep that dick in your mouth, but don't bother taking it out on my behalf.

No, I meant that I didn't even know that you could do that with Avi's weapon. Shit, it would have made that cunt Pyrogen 50 times easier.


Holy fuck. Not only is that shit awful but comes with a brutal challenge too.

Oh! I'm glad you appreciate it. I'll let you in on how it works. Normally you can only throw one Avi boomerang at a time, but if you switch out of the form and back into it, you can throw another boomerang. So you shoot, switch back to regular beck, and then switch to avi-form and repeat (X, Y, Y. X, Y, Y.. so on)

You have to be very careful with your button timing. It takes practice. If you double-tap shoot, Beck throws the boomerang and it comes back immediately and if you double-tap form change too quickly or too slowly, you'll fuck yourself there too.

After stunning and dashing into a boss to deal damage, there's a short period of time where you're immune to contact damage from touching the boss, so use this bit of time to continue throwing Avi boomerangs while directly in his face. You can also deal additional damage just by holding X (Beck will hold the spinning boomerang over his head like a propeller) and touching an enemy with that hurts them. You will deal continuous damage with it as long as you're moving.

This weapon is the most amount of depth in the game

>that webm
Jesus Christ, how horrifying. I just spammed Bat's missile and still had trouble.

The easy way is to use Cryosphere's weapon.


>implying the poll actually mattered

It was obvious NotRoll was going to win because it had the most design sketches and shit like that

Mighty Gunvolt Burst on PC when?


It emulates almost perfectly on Citra. I was playing it a few months ago and it was maintaining 55fps the whole time. It may even be better now on a newer version or on your machine.

>Attention: You are a faggot

>it's also a water level.
I laugh every fucking time.

>c'mon will, show a little animation
>perhaps you should shut the fuck up
>his original VA is so monotone, it actually sounds like he said it
My sides.

I liked Cryo, she was cute. I thought it was a neat idea to combine an animu sci-fi visorless helmet with an old diving suit, and I also enjoy characters who make shitty puns. I liked the music of her stage the most, too.

This guy knows what's up. Truth be told, Cryo and Avi are my favorites, they're tied and I'm 100% with you on Cryo's stage having the best music. The runnerups for best songs are the City and Factory.

What is with Inafune managing to put incredibly hot women in his otherwise average games?

>Call and that electric bee girl from Mighty No. 9
>Miss Monday from Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z
>Call C Bones (pic related) from Red Ash.

Dude's got some good taste. Even Joule from Recore has a bit of cuteness to her design, but not on the same level as the others.

>Miss Monday
God don't remind me
Still disappointed at the lack of porn of her, and that all searches are tainted by that vile cosplayer.

Wait, Call C Bones? Instead of Roll Caskett?

Jesus Christ, Inafune...

It’s shit

As slick as this was to learn to do consistently I really do wonder, what was Inafune thinking with this section? This feels like something that you'd have to do in a romhack or optional challenge. The fact that scrubby players are expected to dash twice between instant death spikes is kinda cruel.

Jesus, what the fuck is this bullshit? It's fucking close to pixel perfect movements bad Mario levels have.

>Take a suck
I don't wanna be remained of that game damn it.

To be fair, Call can hover and has a barrier that blocks all projectiles. You're expect to hover down slowly and use her barrier to defend against the turrets that shoot at you, but still, the final double-dash requires positioning and finesse.