It's shutting down the ability to add funds this month, whole thing is dying. Did you get anything out of the Wii Shop Channel? Fond memories, favorite games?
It's shutting down the ability to add funds this month, whole thing is dying...
you can literally pirate everything from the shop channel by using google or a titlekey downloader program
user, he was asking for fond memories, everyone knows you can download the entire Wii VC in less than half hour from a torrent.
I remember when it first launched and had a 6-player multiplayer game in the style of Gauntlet/Zelda for the TurboGrafx 16.
Had alot of fun with my large group of friends clearing that thing.
Also, at least the homebrew scene exists to allow installing of VC without use of this shop.
Nyx Quest. Used the wiimote to direct wind flows (think Hot Head Bop from DKC2) and also to grab/move objects.
I remember it was amazing for like one year, then Nintendo fucked up everything. First, you couldn't play SNES or N64 games without the classic controller or at least the GC controller. Then, N64 were big as fuck, some games and you fill the 512 MB memory the Wii has. Finally, Nintendo slowed VC and Wii Ware releases, it barely got games at 2010 and then, nothing.
I remember paying for the Internet Browser and getting a free game after they made it free. Only actual WiiWare games I remember buying were Bit Boy and that one Pokemon Ranch game.
I bought a bunch of N64 games on it too which makes me feel like a retard in retrospect, but I was pretty young and didn't have my own PC.
Bought Metroid and Fantasy Zone desu
Fags shold buy Sin and Punishment ASAP
Playing Super Mario RPG for the first time.
>No ones posted it yet
Why doesn't nintendo make everything on it free for a day?
bought 5 VC titles and that FPS game about bugs
cool but looking back I can't believe it was a thing
I got the Strong Bad and World of Good games on Wiiware.
Good shit
For VC I bought a lot on it before I wised up to emulation, I still think their openness for shit that never left Japan was refreshing though. It's how I played Rondo of Blood and Sin & Punishment for the first time.
This console would've been more popular than the PS2 and possibly might have extended the quality of the industry for a good while (more mid budget games) but no lol let's just kill the servers at the height of its popularity just so we force our fanbase to jump onto our newest console that turned out to be a failure anyway.
GameSpy hosted Nintendo's multiplayer, that's why it shut down.
Well that was a poor decision
Gradius rebirth
And a few roms for convenience.
The megaman games still ran at 50fps in the eu.
nes games sucked shit on the wiimote
so fucking uncomfortable and the dpad was kinda weird
>see thread
>ah a chance to relieve memor-
Oh it's NeoGA/v/, never mind
It was one of the first things I bought on the Wii Shop.
I was always excited to see the new releases to see if there was some 16bit game I never heard of.
My firs fps multiplayer online ever. Can't remember what age I was but I did git gud in that game
Getting feels loading up the shop.
I remember getting Megaman 10 and the Ace Attorney ports
Anyone remember Pokemon Rumble? I wonder if it holds up
I remember playing this. The 3DS sequel expanded abit more on it imo
When exactly is the Wii U eshop gonna die or is it gonna stay alive due to Switch having eshop as well?
I’m only asking cause I kind of own Shovel Knight on my Wii U and I kind of want King of Cards before it dies
Anyone play that shitty samurai toaster 2d sidescroller?
Don't remember anything except that and that it had co-op. Played it for like 30 minutes with a friend once.
It’s a pretty decent game
However, Pokemon Rumble Blast on 3DS is a 10/10 improvement
I bought FF4: After Years from the Wii Shop.
This was well before I found out you can hack and pirate on the Wii. Haven't bought a single Nintendo game since. I love how hackable Nintendo hardware is, it forgives how overpriced and underpowered it is.
Don't think anything's been announced yet, so probably not soon.
Fanmade N64 emulation is shit though.
VC was the best way to play those games back then
you can charge money until 31/march
you buy games and need to download until june
I'm not saying Switch is expensive, I'm saying it's overpriced for what you're getting.
It's like $5 for a fistful of sand. It's not that $5 is expensive, but it's way more than what it's worth.
I got kirby and the crystal shards and Xevious
On the WiiU I got earthbound. Still need to finish it.
He's not talking about the Wii shop, dummy.
sorry fampai
There still isn’t any good N64 emulator
I remember downloading the demo for Sonic Colors and spending days trying to speedrun the first level. Good times.
I didn't play many video games before the Wii, nor did I use emulators or pirate, so it was mindblowing to download Ocarina of Time.
I got Earthbound on the Wii U too. God, it's such a slog. I don't think I'll ever complete it.
Same situation, and poorfag too. Saved up money from oddjobs for neighbor and family and shit when I was 14 and got a 50 dollar Wii points card and classic controller.
I remember how happy I was just to download Paper Mario and Donkey Kong Country 2, games I had rented but never got to own.
What are the games to get before it closes down?
The rebirth games
Rondo of Blood
Very underated shooter hard as balls tho everybody need to play this
Is that Jill Valentine?
I got that on my 3DS and yes it is
You were often actually better off injecting an N64 ROM into Wii VC and playing it through that than using a PC N64 emulator
Holy fuck onslaught was legitimately fun user
I bought SSF2 for the Wii since it had online
It was dead in a week
Is that where you build a town and just send out adventurers to do dungeon while you dick around as the prince?
Fuck i played the shit out of that
Fucking loved that game.
Had 700 points left over one time and I figured I'd buy a game based solely on its name
Ended up buying soldier blade and its been one of my favorite games since
I still have this installed...used to play from a bro I played Brawl with on neoseeker...good times
What FPS game? Sin & Punishment? That's not FPS.
Play with a bro*
I also have this installed as well and I play about 3 or 4 times a year. Got all the dlc and my characters are super high level
Onslaught. It gets really fun in the later bug waves
Not VC but holy shit this game was a blast with motion controls. First FPS I ever played "seriously"
Holy shit, someone besides me actually played this game? Good memories seeing this out of nowhere, giving it a try and being so comfy whilst playing it. I wish Squeenix or someone else could have expanded on this to truly make it 10/10 most kino of all time.
What are must-buys on the Wii Shop Channel? Games that will be difficult to find or have a specific change that makes that version more valuable? So far I have:
>Chrono Trigger (notorious emulation and not on Wii U shop)
>StarFox 64 (higher-res textures than N64/maybe Wii U VC)
>Sin & Punishment
>Ogre Battle 64
>Pokemon Rumble
>FAST Racing League
>Castlevania Rondo of Blood
>Castlevania The Adventure Rebirth
>Contra Rebirth
>Alien Crush Returns
>Blaster Master: Overdrive
>Gradius ReBirth
>Water Warfare
Before you piratebros voice in, can you defer your objections for one second? Most of us Wiibros have Wii U's and were going to buy these games (if available) at some point on it. If so, we may as well get them on Wii which gives us the HD versions for $2. Most of you are also PCbros, so surely you recall when you guys used to use similar arguments about buying on Steam no? How is this different? Hell, this is better because Nintendo is sure to honor this when the Switch VC launches in September. Here is what Nintendo sees: "Switch ID: "Anon123" also has a eShop linked Wii U with Legacy discounts on Super Mario X." Think of it as a preemptive investment. If Nintendo doesn't cut us a discount in September THEN you can laugh at us. How's that for compromise?
>literally paying for ROMs from downloaded from coolroms
NOA losing track of their wares? You don't say. And a game from 1985 whose release date no-one knows no less. Too bad this anecdote only applies to that one game, as SF2 on SNES Mini shows.
Could be an easy mobile game at this point. Goddamn that would be cool but it'd have microtransactions out the ass.
This is the first time in my 10 year tenure on Sup Forums that I've seen someone other than me post My Life as a King.
I loved the concept, but the adventurers are pretty dumb (especially the black mages, who always try to cast the biggest spell they have every turn) and selling the other races (who have better stats than humans) as dlc is scoundrelous pay-to-win bullshit.
I still enjoyed it for what it is, I should finish the postgame one of these days.
Haven't played this but I loved the dark lord one
The post game isn't anything special iirc. It's been about 6 or 7 years since I've played but they were just endless dungeons or something. The game was tons of fun. Brb I'm gonna go download it from the shop right now and start over to see if its just nostalgia talking
Isn't Bomberman 94 translated.
I think it was that or some other japanese game that got a translation.
How has no one posted this?
Actually, the Wii is the best N64 emulator out there right now, they kinda suck on PC
I want to go back to this simpler time. Burning Brawl discs for costume hacks because there was no SD card method yet. Chilling with bros on actual, active forums. Being a massive sperglord and getting banned from time to time. Waking up much earlier than school starts just so I could catch the last bit of Adult Swim that showed Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho.
Hold me, brehs
I actually remember this from when it first came out. I haven't thought about it in forever.
Is Contra Rebirth in any other console? I really liked the game but J assumed it is Wii Shop exclusive.
Not VC but anyone play this. The feels...
>What are must-buys on the Wii Shop Channel?
didn't you read first post in this thread?
I'm so glad piracy is a thing, imagine if we didn't have it, so many games exclusive to the Wii Shop would be lost to time.
Honestly surprised this didn't happen sooner given how hard the Wii has been hacked for years now.
Gunstar Heroes and FFCC: My Life as a King were the only purchases I made on it.
Good times, I regret not getting more stuff and making more happy memories. Here's a happy nintendo-related image.
Did you read the post you're responding to?
>Nickle and Dime DLC
that shit pissed me off. I ended up pirating the DLC, but then it fucked up legit version.
Has anyone done a complete rip of the Wii Menu Music and WiiFit? I'd kill for the first step theme.
Getting Shining Force and Gunstar Heroes on the sole sale the service ever had and being pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the former.
Seconded. Good, yet I can't remember anything about it.
I helped pay for the interest in its revival then didn't buy the sequel in its sales window. Which was faux-criminal on my part because it was a blast.
The weirdest thing Onslaught was easily one of the most complete and professional games to come out of Wiiware. Don't think anyone was expecting that.
I tried playing Mischief Makers on my Wii, didn't work out as well as I was hoping.
Mah Ninja
I haven't bought anything on the shop channel in years but fuck me I'm gonna be sad when it's gone.
Shame they killed online, I'd play it with some people here
Assuming they didn't pirate it and you also have level 3 weaponry.
No new Starfox
No new F-Zero
More shovelware
More shitty mario spin-offs
More terrible ports of older games.
I too was a former S&P ambassador who didn't buy the sequel (but will on the Wii U soon). I wouldn't worry too much about culpability. It was obviously brought over because: A. the fan demand (I have a rural farmer friend who used to collect Nintendo and imported a Japanese N64 just for that game); B. in celebration of the Japanese tradition that the release was in honor of; C. the sequel was no doubt already in the works at the time for Japan so the winds aligned to bring it over to America.
In other words, no amount of English sales could have made an impact on NOA Treehouse.
So has anyone been able to rip out all the Wii shop games for archival? we can't allow these games to be lost to time.
Every VC/WiiWare game is somewhere on the internet, brah
Nobody and I repeat nobody played this little gem. I wish they would re-release it for Switch.
I think I remember playing the demo of this.
I was worried for a sec, thanks for the info.
That's what you keep telling us but Americans never tell the truth. It's always half the truth.
I've bought it, but I haven't played it yet.
Well go and play it anons.
>remember when i bought the internet channel and got fucking cucked by them announcing they were gonna give it out for free the next day but the people who already bought it get a free nes game from it
>remember waiting for Megaman 9 and 10 in the Wii Shop Channel
>all those crazy as fuck matches against nips I got in Puyo Puyo 2's Online mode
>watching all my pokeymans dick around and sometimes flinging them outside the ranch in My Pokemon Ranch
>mfw i'll never get to relive those days ever again and i'm stuck here forever
someone save me