Final Fantasy XV out on Steam

Are you going to buy her game?

Fuck no, waiting for a repack.

denuvo :^)

I'm a patient woman.

dis some finna b8 but if it keeps my thread alive them im cool with it

I really want to play it, but
>no PS4
>desktop PC no longer usable
>laptop barely hit 10 FPS on the demo

SFM porn when?

Threads that start like that make me not want to buy the game. If that was the intent, congrats.

Already exists, senpai.

>he doesn't know

The game was already cracked 5 days ago because the demo.exe wasn't encrypted and could load the actual game files. Now that the full release is out they just have to crack/enable the DLC and that's it. Won't take too long, couple of days i'd imagine tops.

bought it on the Ps4 back in December 2016

not upgrading to Royal.

so at this points you shills are straight up linking the fucking store page for the game? jesus christ

Bought it back in 2016.

how can you shill something squeeix was kinda enough to crack themselves

I have an r9280x, one model up from minimum, is there a point in even buying?

Need more Iris

I am downloading and looking forward to playing.

Not gonna disagree on that.

6 hours in. Really comfy game. Would recommend. Story sucks though and there are weird cutscenes that feels out of place as fuck (are they from the movie?)
Will probably get bored in the next 10 hours but enjoying it so far

>Story sucks though and there are weird cutscenes that feels out of place as fuck (are they from the movie?)

if you mean the ones showing the kingdom getting sacked and the Diamond Weapon, that was from the movie.

It was added in as a patch

>are they from the movie?
Probably. One of the first patches added cutscenes from Kingsglaive.

A suggestion to all who are planning to buy it, watch the anime first. You'll gain an appreciation for some of the characters. Kingslaive movie was bad, although it also has plot points

god no

I'm pretty sure you were supposed to watch the movie first
where it actually explains some things

it's a terrible gane
cruel trying to inflict that movie on other people. got to be one of the worst films ever made. an absolute laughing stock.

Stopped playing after FFIX. I barely able to focus on modern post-squaresoft FF. But all modern FF makes good looking girls tho.

>Are you going to buy her game?
its shit though

I would if I could but I'm afraid my computer isn't capable of running an entire country in Africa all by itself so I guess I'm SOL.

Doesn't seem to be selling as much as deliverance did

consider all the normies that played it on console and wont buy it again
all thats left is the ironic pc gamer crowd, which is fairly niche anyways

My god, her bellybutton is filthy.

Bought it and it runs like fucking shit.

Why the fuck does the TRAM setting affect FPS so much? I have an 8GB 1070 and the only way I can get an totally stable 60fps is with it set to low, I can max out literally everything else but if that's set to even average I get drops to ~50fps

why did you make me look

>the SFM porn that'll come of this

mod tools confirmed or no? please respond

otherwise no buy

I really like this image, may I?

>1060 6gb
>ryzen 5 1600
>16gb ram
>literally watching the game at 3fps
t-this has to be some launch issue right? Because the game only just came out like a couple hours ago?
Is anyone else having problems?

>Generic white girl #8608123
nah thanks

Can y'all share your pc specs and what settings you have on? This game is a bitch to run on my RX480.

When the nude mods arrive, yes


they put some stuff on the steam workshop
it should be easy to reverse engineer then


literally runs at 50-60 at 1440p everything maxed.

I have that but with a 1070. I was playing the demo at 90 fps in 1080p.

try harder?

do you have nvidia gameworks shit on?

gross, turn off dpi scaling

some stuff looks like shit like speccy

so, 3dm version doesn't have the dlc already?

everything does with non-integer scaling

I'm not very interested in FF any more. Maybe for 20-30 dollars later on down the road.

yea I switched everything on, what does it even do??

>Buying an unfinished piece of shit that has piss-poor "Hold X to win" gameplay and almost zero legible story because the devs never fucking finished making it apart from the boyband simulator that it is and decided to try and gain more moonrunes by separating everything into DLC, movies, animes, books, pamphlets, and sacrificial voodoo chicken rituals just to see some single shitty 3D girl in a bikini with the world's worst southern drawl dub

Yeah I'll buy it I guess

it does but it's not enabled

>playing anything past IX

3dm? 3dm is back? It's that chink woman right?

but what's in the belly button?

Detailed effects that will destroy your performance. Turn them off.


Unlike you, she has to actually work for a living, so getting dirty as hell is not uncommon.

ruin fps for no reason basically

Nope not getting tricked into buying it again.
Shit game to the core.

Same user. I'm poor too. What do? Best method for kms?

Yeah I'm fine with dialing back the settings a bit but I mean.. my build meets or exceeds the recommended settings on steam, so you would think I could get at least like 30 or 40 frames on the max shit

Fuck you. FFIV DS was amazing and actually challenging.

But you can just pirate it for lul user.

also I played through the little tutorial in the beginning at 60 frames just fine, even with the fire and stuff

>porn that makes her look like owen wilson
yeah no thanks

Does anyone else have that fullscreen alt tab issue where it doesn't go back to full screen?

Pretty much anything related to lighting/shadows/render distance can be turned down a bit if you still suffer from not being capped at 60 after turning off gameworks

just alt-enter user

I will buy it for sure, in 2020 when the Super Royale Edition is $15

Lewds when

>6 hours in
Oh don't worry, you won't get bored in the next ten hours (Assuming you go through the story)
You'll just become incredibly angry at the shit design later in the game

Is this your first time playing a game in the past decade? Almost every game these days, especially any game on PC, has a bunch of extra bullshit settings and things you can turn on/off that usually do nothing but kill performance in exchange for a minimal visual difference. You should almost never play a game with all settings on max and everything enabled, that's really incredibly stupid to do because 99% of the time you will be not playing it optimally at all.

Go through the settings and learn what they actually do and you'll quickly learn a bunch of things can be toned down or outright turned off with no discernible visual difference but it'll run smoother.

>playing jap games
no thanks

Does the final game run any different from the demo? I sure as fuck ain't buying this game, but it is a fairly demanding game and would make for a decent game to test hardware on.

Visually this game is a disaster.

So I can just turn off everything in the setting? Literally just into PC build now.

There's no point testing hardware anymore man, it's not 2007 when games actually had new tech. Almost every single "demanding" game released in the past 8 years is just poorly optimized.

Bought it, downloaded it, and installed it
Looking forward to sinking my teeth into it after my uni exam tomorrow

How is an unoptimized console port "decent to test hardware on"? There are people with 1080ti's experiencing slowdown.

What are some options I can safely turn off without a huge visual impact to get better performance?

Already have VXAO and ShadowLib or whatever turned off, Hairworks and Turf Effects is too big of a difference IMO.

More like everything.


it would help if any graphics settings in this game actually say what they are but nips are incompetent with PCs so everything just says low medium high and half the settings are single word descriptions that could mean multiple things, such as "Filtering"

t. Autistic that writes false narratives

installed it before my exam, I just came back and started

>go on the japanese psn store
>start playing
>huge area to run around in
>has nothing in it except sparkles to collect and the same 3 dogs to fight
oh well at least i got to try it out for free


You can turn everything down, the game doesn't look good either way.

No, not yet. But the base game is playable. So who cares about the DLC episodes right now?

Nice. Hope you're enjoying it

nigga you gay

Buy? Of course not.

well memed my friend

Do you have a 1080ti or just something shitty? If it's anything slightly modern it was advertised as a 4k GPU and here we are struggling to run most console porta at 1440p 60fps. Hell some games don't even run well at 1080p.

To be fair: Western devs don't explain the shit either.

SSAO? What the fuck is that. What the fuck does it do? WHO KNOWS WE CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT SHIT and show a visual preview with it on/off in a small window to see if you want it! LOL!