Did any other FPS franchises do spray graphics?

Did any other FPS franchises do spray graphics?

This was such a unique and fun little feature. I miss it.

Every source game?

It originates from Half-Life 1 because Counter-Strike is just a mod of that game.

Yeah, but did anyone besides Valve ever copy this?

>hardcore gay porn sprays
>gore sprays

it would be too toxic

>decoy terrorist sprays

Yeah, in today's pansy PC environment but back in the 90s?

>tfw used to make animated porn sprays
>all those 5 frames of glory

isn't this shit in Overwatch?

Fucking bullshit

>use giant tits as spray
>people get distracted
>free back stabs

what is the worst that could actually happen if someone reported me?

now you pay to put a shit graphic.
thanks gave

You can only use preset sprays I think OP is talking about custom sprays.

Speaking of which, why cant I see sprays in tf2 anymore other than mine, I have them enabled and resetted my setting but I cant see anyones

Yeah, but only precanned sprays you get to waste lootboxes unlocking. No custom sprays so it's basically nothing.

You can make animated GoldSrc sprays, or do you mean Source?

i hope op just means things that the user decides, because yes ow does have it and other games have similar vetted content, although theyre not "sprays", but just like markers of some form you can place

They're disabled on Valve servers now which is fucking retarded. I really love TF2 and wish Valve wasn't dead set on choking the life out of the game.

>seeing that pop up when playing at a local lan center and some kids mom freaks out.

>anything that isnt illegal allowed on sprays on server
>meatspin, hardcore gay porn, tits and ass everywhere


Crossfire did but you had to buy them.

You can't play on official servers. TF2 and L4D2 have them disabled permanently. No fun allowed.

>lil bro is at school
>mod his office compuiters in cs_office to have meatspin on them

The best part is that after I trick them into looking at my My Little Pony porn spray it's also saved onto their harddrive

>spray from far way looks like hot girl naked
>as person gets closer it fades into a troll face just before you can actually see any tits

friendly reminder that even volvo is now pc
like 2 years ago their patch notes EXPLICITLY stated they removed PRE GAME global voice chat (maybe half time was mentioned) but pre game, half time, and post game got removed
they never commented on it afaik

Reminds of the climb map in CS 1.6.

kz_man_dragon, a climbing map. At the end, if you put in the code, it was a room with a bar and hottub and a bunch of porn sprays on all the walls with a few animated. Had a lot of lightspeed girls.

>spray of a vent cover thing
>people actually knife it

I still have that awful animated 'gay bar' spray.

I miss this the simplicity of old :(

HL2:DM, anyone?

CS:S was my shit, fucking zombie mod every weekend

>csgo is literally pay2spray
You can't make this shit up.


what was the point of this feature in hl1's singleplayer anyway

>tub girl

If you don't know what I mean, you are too young for the internet.

Blue waffle??

Remember being able to change your name without having everything linked to a profile and you could say what you want in chat without the developer taking logs and banning you? Remember pre-matchmaking? Remember being able to mod the game with your own free custom skins that didn't come out of loot crates?
What went wrong?

Grow thicker skin Jimmy

wider audiences and "toxicity"

Corporate greed

Pay up goyim.

>tfw sprays got removed
Still mad

>All of my sprays are gay shota porn
>I've played with Canadians and they could get arrested if their government find it on their harddrive

newfaggots with no consumer discipline are entirely responsible for all of this. It's the consumer's responsibility to throw shit like this in the trash.

>join christian gamer server
>spray a pic of jesus christ getting fucked in the ass
>they all panic and try to figure out who did it

Good old goatse

>tfw screenshotting nude sprays to find a source for them

>All christians died after 2012

>Spray 9/11 spray
>Respawn and walk past the graffiti wall again
>Another 9/11 spray next to it
TF2 is a nice game!

Every spray you've seen in game is in your game files.


>someone did actual fucking CP sprays more than once back when I still played on the teek
Oh fug

>spray picrelated on the map
>people try to climb it
Every fucking time.

>fuck all that nerd shit, lemme just buy it
normalfags were a mistake

custom sprays were always fun

>sprays are dead forever
fucking normalfags ruin everything


*Sprays over your spray*

everytime i could


>try to spray over somebody else's spray
>my spray just goes underneath theirs

The loss of dedicated servers.
Everything wrong with multiplayer FPS can be traced back to it.

>using porn sprays as distractions
tactical eroticism

>try and spray over someone's gay spray
>you cannot spray over someones spray!

>admin kicks you from the server for posting anime tits

>tfw canadians and other shit countries are no longer breaking Sup Forums rules just by visiting
fuck new moot, i hope i can meet him so i can break his kneecaps

>killing spree with p90
>Post best girl and best gun.

>Post Rei
>All Asuka fags in the server gets mad.

CS:GO is automatically the worst one because no custom sprays.

>best girl or gun
not even from the series nice try friendo

instead we get skins
fuck volvo

>tfw after you saw Borat you pretended to be an Indian that had to murder his own siblings to leave his country for free admin on a jailbreak server

good times

d e v i l i s h

Is this poju?
Tried 2-ply reverse search, only hits are for a dead site

For TF2, spray priority is directly related to the order in which people connect to the server
Not sure for other games

Half life had multiplayer

i know but you could spray in singleplayer too

Spraying this under people i'd just killed and teabagging them was the absolute PEAK of comedy to me back in the day

I had a meatspin spray. Shame it wasn't animated though.

Guess it was just a holdover from programming the sprays for multiplayer use.
Either that or Freeman's a little rascal.

blame gaben that fat fuck ruined vidya

Sprays were for attention whore snowflakes

man, I miss good old fun server in my area

>Spray Contest Day
>Everyone Sprays Porn

>underage sprayed pron
>gets banned

Butthurt GOfag detected.

>not more attentionwhore when its p2w

>whats for dinner

>Commander orders a spray contest
>Basically, Ts get 1 jump, highest spray wins
>Some sprays were taller than others

It was unfair but mine was usually the whole box, so I rarely suffered.

> fpsbanna


>Porn spray
>Go closer turns into some ugly dude.

>boo-hoo-hoo! I can't spray goatse and swastikas all over the place anymore with all the other 12 year olds!
Grow up.

[Po-Ju] Rankou Kyoushitsu | Promiscuity Classroom [Eng]

t. normalfaggot

>I have to assert my maturity on the internet, and you're all 12 years old for having enjoyed something
I too only make mature jokes for mature gamers, like myself.

That's because CS:GO was actually the port of CSS for the xbox made by Hidden Entertainment. The console version was never intended to have any customizing functionality. When Valve saw what they did with the xbox CSS they said that they can rebrand this and sell it as a new version. So they took the xbox CSS and ported it back to PC.

I had that but it was anime tiddies that turned into CP
god I was a dumb kid

like teenager stuff or like itty bitty kids stuff?

Damn, haven't read that in a while
Thanks user