Has there ever been a game more cringey and edgy than this?
Has there ever been a game more cringey and edgy than this?
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Steakmund is a Christian
I think you completely missed the point OP
imagine believing theres a big wizard in the sky who loves us and has grand plans for us all lmao *millions of children around the world die of hunger*
oops not them lol
The point was that devotion to any one thing is a bad idea.
My 250 hour file doesn't care
No, not really. The creator is an unabashed proud /r/atheist who bemoans his christian upbringing at every opportunity. On top of that, hes a petty little bitch as shown by how he treats his fanbase and dataminers so him going double-down on his Christianity grudge isn't surprising.
>its really deep I swear
Fuck off, its just another cheap shot at Christianity
>That filename
Not one bit of that webm made Theists look good
okay so even if it is what's the problem
God actually ends up saving him. I think he had problems with crazies and abusive people who were nominally christians, not the whole thing.
>Two people looking at the solution for the middle east -secular government- and being unable to even comprehend the idea of it.
Really sad tbfhf.
remember when Sup Forums was anti-religion and didnt just defend whatever it was cool to hate in mainstream culture? oh no, you dont, because you're probably 18 years old and just started coming here 4 years ago
Its boring and unimaginative thought-cancer.
The equivalent of fighting God for the six billionth time as the final boss in a jrpg
>Sup Forums idolizes muslims ((btfoing)) people no tv
>Sup Forums also doesn't want to let muslims into their own country
gets that noggin' joggin'
nothing personal..
Im 24 and started coming here 8 years ago
>this is what an atheist looks like
Fuck off back to the middle ages with your invisible omnipotent omniscient one true god that never does anything. You people and your cults are a joke.
>game is cringey and edgy for just reusing a bible story
Don't tell me that teens fighting god in jrpgs offends christians. What's next, complain that Doom is satanist for depicting pentagrams and shit?
>majority of the holy items in the game are super helpful
>the Bible auto-kills the first two story bosses
>despite apparently helping you via power-ups you literally have to sell parts of your soul for, Satan is still your enemy with two different boss battles
>turns out the initial story prologue wasn't the real story anyway.
BoI is more about how an impressionable young mind can read into anything what they want to believe, even they have to distort their reality to make it fit.
>comes on tv to explain what atheism is
irony is sweet
was too busy enjoy the game and not giving a shit about the story because it was from a flash game on newgrounds at the time.
Because when I want deep thought provoking commentary on christianity, I go to Edmund Mcmillen.
Except it isn't. The game is about letting one's own beliefs affect other people in a negative way. It still works if you take Christianity out of the equation. Isaac's mother forced Isaac into dogmatic views simply through her own passion on the topic, which inevitably lead Isaac to commit suicide because he believed that it was his fault that his dad left and his mom became a drunk. That it could have been prevented if he had given into god. The game gives hints that Isaac's mom never truly intended to harm Isaac because of her beliefs, but was harassing Isaac because of her pent up aggression to her now divorced husband.
The only logical explanation that Isaac could think up of as a small child was that he must have angered god in some way, and since he thought he himself hadn't done anything wrong, then he must have been possessed.
The story didn't happen because Isaac's mom is christian, it happened because she enforced her beliefs in a negative way.
Are christfags really this stupid?
internet in general made atheism a meme around 2012 after long years of being unironically edgy about religion
the pendulum will probably swing back in a few years
>>Sup Forums idolizes muslims
The people in that WEBM are not christfags.
Yeah Sup Forums was, but then reddit started to hate religion too and Sup Forums always has to be different so.
>not a cult.
Fuck off, Jesus
This. Almost everything divine or heavenly in the game benefits you with little negatives while the satanic gives you great books at a cost. And then most of the big bags are of a neutral or evil nature. Thanks most angelic things you fight are the angels which you have to attack first, rather than encounter.
Sup Forums wants nothing more dearly than to be just like Islam. Just substitute Christian language where appropriate and they are identical.
Muslims are christfags, though. Not only is Islam an Abrahamic faith, but Christ is a vitally important figure in the Quran.
Are you dense, my man
>when the file name is the exact opposite of the webm
censorship is not cool my man.
I know, I had assumed he meant christians.
They're not Christian, user.
So how many people on this board have a positive view on Christianity or are Christian? Just curious?
Get this misogynist shit out of here.
When did this board get unironically filled with thin-skinned Christians who think ANYBODY cares about religion on this board.
I like most Catholics and the Protestants near me, but since I live in the Midwest nearly everyone else is a retarded evangelist.
I'm Catholic and the good man Jesus taught me to not be a dick to people, even online.
What is with this board constantly bringing up Sup Forums for no reason?
that guy again. Theres like only one attractive looking arab man isnt there?
I wouldn't say I'm pro-christian, but a lot people I admire are christian. So I don't know, I guess it's okay. They mostly do good work.
I'm not an atheist though, which I feel is uncommon enough on Sup Forums.
There's also some evidence that his mom actually wanted a daughter and dressed Isaac up as a girl often, which could have eventually led to the dad fucking off and shattering Issac's world view.
If Isaac was always Maggie, then there would have never been a rift. Instead of being somebody as pure as her he is instead Isaac the sinner who destroyed his family merely by existing.
As someone who lives in the bible belt, christfags are often that stupid.
This, too. Potentially.
Ah yes, ((((((((protestants)))))))
I believe that religion is necessary, though I'm not religious myself. If it gives anyone the slightest bit of solace in this world, then it's good enough for me.
Im trying to adhere to the Buddhist teachings and feel open to many things. Christian values and morals are really interesting and I find myself using them as reference between supposed good and bad to not upset anyone in conversation, since I assume most people I meet are Christian.
Christianity is fine but the christfags that get triggered and start posting fedoras at the slightest provocation are pretty lame.
False hope is literally the worst thing you could give to someone.
>tfw over 200 hours in the game
>tfw showing this game to my super Christian friend and he plays the fuck out of it
>he likes playing Judas and fucking shit up with the Book of Belial
Ive been told by several pastors that I am going to hell for things ranging from wearing sandals to watching harry potter.
Fuck the christian religion and all religion.
OP you dropped the ball hard on this bait.
Anyways, im looking forward to a thread shitposting about Hush and Delirium and Fucking Pills oh the fucking Pills
This genuinely pisses me off. He was respectful and polite, and these other two did nothing but insult and disregard what he was saying. The fact that these people are in any position of power, media or otherwise, is a crime.
stay hurt snowflake
>no comprehension of aquinas
>no knowledge of the massive list of lay catholic scientists
>just teenage angst
As someone who is secular myself, I despise you anti-theists. Literally 0 historical knowledge.
>wearing sandals and watching harry potter
you sound like a huge fag
Like this guy
Well, what's left aside from false hope? We'll all die eventually, and some people can't cope with that. I don't want people dying left and right out of hopelessness.
I mean, yeah, obviously. Egypt isn't a good place.
I'm not christian or religious but I have a positive view on christianity, despite the many shortcomings of organized religion people manifest faith in many ways and they should all be able to do it as long as it's non-violently.
>wearing sandals means you go to hell
i guess jesus went to hell then lmao
That is all that is in positions of power. Just look a fucking Trump who did not actually partake in any type of religious traditions now has to pretend to be some super devout go to church every Sunday christian just to get elected and say on his voters good side.
>not a cult.
so, not playing golf makes it a non golfing cult?
One could read that Marx quote as him believing that religion is necessary to get through the pain of modern life, not necessarily used to dumb them down.
It doesnt count according to those pastors. It was ok for sandals in the middle east cause its hot. Its ok to drink wine because water was dirty. But if I do ether im going to hell.
You have it backwards
If it were a jab at christianity, that would be it's "deep" message
But it's not even that, kid just has a christian brand crazy mom, dont lose sleep over some fat dudes indie game
Yeah everyone wore fucking sandals then.
>dude, since existence is irrelevant, our moral structure our society is framed on is relative and meaningless
Finding peace within yourself and accepting things helped me tremendously. I'm not exactly hopeful for an everlasting happiness in the after life or dreading a perpetual hell, but just living in the present and realizing life is a mixture of the good and bad.
Cant be the worst boss in the game if you're all of the bosses in the game
Okay user sorry we hurt your religious feelings, allah bless you
LOL Atheists (libtards) are so dumb
If your a militant non-golfer who spends your time mocking and harassing golfers, then yes, it would be a cult.
Shush, you know you're not supposed to look at the entire quote. Just make a snap assumption based on its most well-known sentence devoid of the context that gives it meaning like everyone else.
how do i get possessed by a demon? help pls
To all athiests, I ask you, can you prove that God doesn't exist? I thought not. You cling to science as if it's a holy book yet refuse to hold yourself to the same standards...
>being an atheist
It's a retelling of the Binding of Isaac story with some faggoty 2deep4u elements completely unrelated to the original fable on Edmund's part and items related to the Abrahamic faith are universally presented as good, stop tipping your fucking fedora OP
They legitimately don't understand what he's talking about, and if you introduce the concept of a tiny needlehead sized universe suddenly exploding and creating everything to them out of nowhere, you're obviously going to get laughed at and ridiculed. He should have just said that many civilizations are secular and are much more prosperous and much less violent than Egypt.
it's just post 2014 larpers
Existence isn't irrelevant. Defining yourself as a person based on the viewpoints and morals of others is retarded, though.
I just wanted to make an Isaac thread with bait and some asshole posted theist shit that ruined everything
Thanks asshole
When did kids decide it was cool to larp as their overly religous grandmother on the internet?
seething religionfags threads
So, which atheists are doing this?
If you unironically believe in religion you should stop using internet,
Only retards believe in it
this thread in a nutshell