>canonically became a cocksleeve for a demon
Why did they do this?
Canonically became a cocksleeve for a demon
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For the massive amounts of doujin fuel.
Can't wait for it to be translated. Just want to see what she says while "evil".
but I like her...
They could have just had senya take that role
Because they don't give a filthy fuck about your bullshit "purity" fetish.
m-more info?
Became brainwashed and a bunny at a casino. The boss there has more than a few pet names for her and she states her body is his. The whole dialogue is pretty sexual when you encounter her.
c-can you save her?
for research of course
Nice. When is this coming out for the west?
That's a funny way to spell "censored"
>lying on the internet
She won't ever be lewded, dumbass.
buy my game and don't spoil the game for new kids
Okay bro every line of this cutscene was pbviously edited for sure bud
Same with every other video of this cutscene for sure!
I don't speak moon
>Best girl isn't pure
Whelp, guess I won't be buying this game.
What is it with DQ games and pandering to the rape/NTR doujin market? It's rare to ever see a vanilla one because of this shit.
what's with dragon quest and making the hottest girls in the game get kidnapped and raped by monsters?
>second hand goods of monsters
Emma is for me. Grieg can have the cumrag
So that's why there were so many corruption doujins with her. It's just like Bianca and horsedude all over again. My benis is pleased
>make hot chick
>ruin her by making her not pure
Give her the bdc
Uh there's never really been rape in a dq game besides one of the character's backstory in dq vi.
That bianca and jagi shit is everyone's imagination running wild. There's no lines in V to indicate Jagi had a thing for her or ever touched her.
Play the games instead of getting your canon from porn faggots.
Boogie and Martina is a very rare case though that's definitely hinting at very sexual explocit relations between them. Dunno how it is for the 3DS version
wtf why don't they release these fucking RPGs in america
dragon quest 8 was fun wtf reeeeee
Doesn't matter if they outright state it or not, the setup is absolutely Rape/NTR fuel, which they seem to do far more than would seem necessary for the series.
>implying a woman who is kidnapped isn't gonna be raped
Every single "Hero rescues maiden from villain" is a setup for NTR rape fuel. Letting the very idea of it bother you and ruin an girl you'd otherwise admire just makes you some sort of meta cuckold.
doesn't help that they had the rapehorse from berserk do the kidnapping
>Villain captures and brainwashes girl
>Specific mentions about her being his property/pet
>She's dressed in fetish outfits and he makes constant remarks about her body
>Somehow this isn't rape/NTR fuel
I just acknowledged it was "fuel". What I don't get is why it bothers people. It's a (for the most part) lighthearted series. The guy doing the hypnotizing has a fucking disco move that buffs him.
literally the only reason to buy any game is for the quality of the girls
if the girl is tainted, why would I buy the game?
>not wanting a demon to brainwash and fuck martina makes you a purityfag
Fuck you faggot
It's not like her behavior before the hypnotizing is all that "pure" to start with. Half her attacks are seducing people.
it's like you don't even know about pure sluts
also demon cum is a bit worse than generic human cum
The fact that you've taken the time to evaluate what kind of cum that has been in a girl you like is the worst is worrisome.
Fall 2017
You are a homosexual.
it means the international version should have her as a wife over the brick wall blonde companion.
She is so hot. I love NTR endings.
>implying you'd fuck a girl who fucks horses in real life
>Game canonically turns its girls into Hypno-sluts.
Why don't more games do this? Top tier stuff.
Like immediately after she fucked a horse? Probably not because those things shit and piss all over the place and sloppy seconds for that would be throwing hot dogs down hallway. After a shower, a douche, and some surgery for the prolapse, then yeah, sure whatever.
Funny how anti-NTR fags are more obsessed with NTR than the people who are into it.
Damn, that's the worst designed DQ hero ever. That haircut is abysmal.
Not him but he it isn't like they would date/ marry the girl. Just because you're willing to fuck doesn't mean you're willing to commit.
>they save her in the end
Fucking ruined
Why did this make me laugh uncontrollably
Once you go mareback you never go back
How can humans even compete?
Well generally speaking we dont need outside help to insert our dicks into mates
Lasting more than one pump helps.
We can at least get into multiple positions to fuck a girl.
That's assuming the average girl can actually endure the initial pump.
Don't really care
My dong is happy and I am sure yours is too, user.
>Purity fag
Did you see her? Do you have any idea what kind of alpha sex goddess a woman with this body is? This is the exact kind of woman that needs a REAL MAN to please her. Not your whiny, overweight, purity obsessed virgin ass. This woman is for hot, sweaty, walk banging, thrash the bedroom fucking. She's not for some pussy who can only pleasure a girl whose idea of sex is to lay there like a dead fish and pretend to cry as 4 inches of dick barely reaches inside her.
>caring this much about muh purity
Martina is never 'pure'. She's the sexy one after all. 'Pure' girls are boring as shit because they usually lack any interesting character traits and boil down to being 'nice' and 'sweet'.
so you're saying she's for demon dick and not for wimpy protag dick?
All the NTR doujins agree with you user
>OH NO a jrpg girl turned out to be a slut!
Nigga are you fucking new or what
Im saying stop being a pussy and learn how to please a woman.
Are you this buttblasted you're actually arguing against horse sex?
>implying her demon semen soaked loose pussy can be pleased by mortal men now
Does this spoil the whole story for me lul
She's the kung fu fighter girl. Her vag could turn coal into diamonds demon cock or otherwise.
>dem pokies
Magical innit?
Alright last one, see y'all after my 3 day vacation!
I wanted more :(
>The game will be censored trash with horrendous voice acting if it ever comes out here
I'm glad Square has ruined DQ for me forever.
>posts a mare
I need to breed Martina
They haven't even announced a ballpark release date yet.
They said a year ago that it would come out in 2018. But when? Spring? Summer? Autumn? Winter?
Will they also add voice acting? I can't imagine spending 100 hours on this RPG without voices.
I don't know why Trunks looks so cool with that hairdo but the protag for DQ11 looks like shit.
>Will they also add voice acting?
I believe that's been confirmed.
>I can't imagine spending 100 hours on this RPG without voices.
Read a fucking book
>Trunks looks so cool
He looks like a pussy.
So what actually makes Dragon Quest games unique in terms of turn-based JRPG gameplay? For example, the Persona and SMT games have that "one more" turn system that somewhat spices up the turn-based system. What about the Dragon Quest games is unique?
As far as I can tell, the only thing that makes the games unique is the Akira Toriyama character and monster designs.
Nothing. It wasn't until the 8th game when tension mechanic was introduced. It's straightforward turn based combat without bloated fluff and most debuffs affected bosses.
There is nothing more sad and disgusting than a slut, except maybe the poor bastards that are into that kind of thing. I don't understand how a human being could want that. It hurts my soul.
>most debuffs affected bosses
That’s unique enough
> not liking best boy.
Trunks always looked like a little bitch boy. Only unironical emo kids liked him.
why can't Martina be the love interest
that happens like midway through the game
Almost every DQ girl have went through it. it is the reason why there is so many rape and ntr doujins for it
these have to be one of the least interesting/ worst designed characters in a DQ game.
why is there a drag queen and an old guy in the party?
Is that why there are so many Martina doujins on Sad Panda? Fuck, I can't wait for this game to come out in English.
>Dragon Quest voice acting
the force of hentai doujins will be strong in this one
aren't the Japs the ones that are autistic about the whole purity thing?
or does their love for NTR override that?
no boob jiggle unfortunately
> not liking Yangus' cockney accent
Wowe nice boobers
only applies to irl idols and vanilla romance shows, books, etc
Dragon Quest gets a pass because the MC is just a husk that not even self inserts fags want.
Japs are semi autistic the purity issue is mostly public image, they mainly bitch about whores and gold diggers.
thumbnail made me think she had giga levels of underboob goin on.
Was disappointed.
wait no, I want doujins of turning into those pink bat things
>sees DQ11 protagonist
>skinny lad with effeminate hairdo
When will JRPGs give us exemplary uber men as protagonists instead of skinny teen self-inserts?
Most of the retards on this site are more autistic about the purity bullshit.
It does
Are they going to dub this in english or are they going to just translate it?
They always dub it with horrible voice acting, alter the script to not offend anyone and act dialects nobody can fucking understand and censor all the shit that might offend someone.
At this point in time, they better be in the process of dubbing it, because otherwise there is no reason why the localization should take this damn long.
Remember: this game came out in July 2017 in Japan. A release date for English hasn't even come out yet beyond a generic "sometime in 2018".