8 bit 16 bit 32 bit 64 bit what is a bit? And what makes 64 bit able to make 3D games?


i give this thread a 2/10 and thats the best i can do

PS1 is 32 bit and Star Fox on SNES is 3D.

It allows for more precise math, and you need a certain level of accuracy for the math required to draw 3D images.

Bits are just values that ca...why am I even doing this. Fuck off.

fucking brain dead mouth breathers jesus christ

pls be bait. i dont want to believe there are people this fucking stupid on here

oh the irony, wrong pic

It was a good pic, though. So leave it be.

dat some high quality Sup Forums content?

remember your sages bois

It was actually from Sup Forums, in 2016.

PC is infinite bits

in case you're serious

bit stands for binary digit, which is what computers use instead of the base-10 system

an 8 bit number can hold any value between 0 and 255 (assuming you're only doing positive numbers. If you want to count negative numbers, its -128 to 127). You can think of each bit like a switch, being either 0 or 1. Now imagine you have 8 of them. Depending on how you configure them, you have 256 possible different combinations. This is the easiest way to think about it.

more bits just means you can do math with larger numbers and store larger sets of data more easily.

Mario 64 is a 32-bit game. Stick that in your perspective and smoke it, m8.

Technically PCs are 64-bit or 32-bit, but that's no longer relevant. It's all about the cores now.

Fucking google this shit faggot. You can have 3D 8-bit games too, they just look like shit. The SNES had some decent looking 3D games, Starfox could count.

>Mario 64
>32 bit
retard it's not mario 32
ther's no mario 32
Nintendo jumped from 16 to 64


Reminder that this is the same board who actively started shilling discord here for no reason except maybe for lulz, thinking that we'd be giving all our data to the botnet
Reminder that this is the same board criticizing us for using "wangblows" and playing videogames, but use obscure and nonsensical Linux distros like gentoo only to gain internet points. They also watch anime, an even lesser form of entertainment/escapism than vidya but it's still good nonetheless
Reminder that this is the same board who is always fetishizing homosexuality and Apple for some reason

Clearly, Sup Forums is not a board that you should take seriously. Not only they give you shit advice for anything related to technology but they'll also don't hesitate to shill for their so called free and open source software just to troll you into being less efficient with your daily tasks.

Fuck gentoomen

bits are a measurement of how much color you can fit into one pixel. 8 bit can fit 8 bits of color into a pixel, 16 bits are 16 bits of color and so on.
t. programmer who works at Steam

>implying steam needs any programmers

you're being banned.

I don't use steam faggot

You're goddamn right you don't. Not with that IP ban I just spanked that ass with.

steamfags trying to be funny
>the fat guy meme with the hat is real

that guy looks snazi

8 and 16 bit were based on the processor. However as time progressed, the definition has just became a number referencing the generation of the video game console and had nothing to do with actual cpu processing. So basically, anything past 16 bit is all marketing gimmicks

I want to believe you're just matching my shitposting with your own, but the sheer volume of absolute newfaggotry on this website nowadays gives me pause.

Don't quote me to tell me things I already know, cunt

I don't care about you valve fag

steam has no programmers, only marketing faggots like you

oh shit

lol that art
