SCP Secret Laboratory thread
Post stories, memes, OC, webm's/streamables
mods pls don't shitcan
SCP Secret Laboratory thread
Post stories, memes, OC, webm's/streamables
mods pls don't shitcan
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's another Lanky and Peanut in the same corridor episode
the meme that got jwginge banned
Who's this SCP?
No one gives a shit about that drama bullshit, post SCP memes and stories faggot.
That, my friend, is a manifestation of SCP 173-2
Dig dug did nothing wrong
>manage to disarm a furry in 914
>steal his gun
>genocide his squadmates and some nerds
being bad never felt this good
jesus fuckin christ at least do some comparison images
>be D Class
>first person to run into 106
>he sends me to dare his magical realm
>find my way out on the first try
>he has a portal right where I come out and appears immediately
>eyes me up and down before seemingly nodding in approval and leaving me in peace
>never bothers me again and runs interference for me when I'm about to get gunned down by NTF
T-thank you Senpai, I hope you make it out :3
This image means a lot more now, I hope you know.
Of course I do. Aniki is inside all of us.
>That arm in 914
Fuck I'm blind
Whens the ss13 scp station
>having fun with peanut
>lanky comes downstairs to fuck with the D-boys
So is shy guy in the game already? I've been out of the loop for a couple weeks. Does he play like shit?
the one that's going to kick your ass
Yeah this is live version.
>banned for using underaged twitter memes
>being a community manager and getting triggered by it
thanks for helping to keep Sup Forums - video games free of video games deputy junior janny!
Poor little d-boi
Don't bully the D-bois.
Their pleas and fear sustain me.
He's not fun to play really because of how he lumbers around but people don't know not to look at him so he starts wrecking face
If the server is full you'll have loads of fun as shyguy. If the server is under 10 players you'll hate slowly wandering around.
He's a combination of 173 and 106. He has to time his attacks and pick his targets well while also using cover to ambush large groups.
Tbqh, if they're going to keep his health as low as it is right now, they should give him something like the peanut mechanic. For every X% of his health is gone, he should get a corresponding increase in either rage duration or decrease in rage cooldown.
>making cards while juking Larry with another D boy
>some retard is on the intercom
>thinking and saying to the other Dboy "What the fuck is this guy going on about?"
>Dboy tells me he is micspamming
>Then realize what he is micspamming is Drdisrespects confession clip
>Start laughing and get sucked up by Larry
Holy shit, I havent laughed that hard in a good while. I love playing this game with Sup Forums
>voice chat bug still exists
voice chat is the entirety of this game
without it, it's not fun to play
patch when
did someone order some nuts?
we need a mode where its just d-bois and a bunch of the same scp
NA server
>no fun allowed server
That port usually has the people on it that take this game too seriously. No dicking or fucking around or else people fucking screech at you.
Been in it for 20 minutes. Seems like a regular server to me.
I did say usually. If it was empty and the server was only posted on Sup Forums then it's probably not gonna be filled with the /vg/ faggots.
Does voice chat work on that server then because I may hop on
>throw nade in elevator
>people now KOS
>woooooow dis serbr is no fun wtf too sewious
Peanut is the most fun role in the game
How the fuck did I not notice peanut hiding in 914 until now?
Why won't 914 work at all on
It always just stays in the intake chamber
Anyone have the discord?
There is none. There won't be one. We don't want one. Don't make one.
There is no discord. Anyone that says there is is a faggot.
Kill nerds on SIGHT
>be CI
>throw smoke at elevator
Fuck off /vg/fag
I am so glad this thread is up because the general is utter cancer.