Give it to me straight Sup Forums, is it any good?
Give it to me straight Sup Forums, is it any good?
Yes it's very good
DS1 > Nioh > DS2 > DS3
never played Bloodborne
Very good. I hate Souls games, but I really love Nioh. Played both the Alpha & both Beta.
It's the best """Souls-like""" to come out to date.
It's great at first but the DLC difficulty scaling is fucked and it runs out of gas about 3/4 of the way through.
>being wanting to play Nioh
>missed the sale
Not really, none of the fans will tell you the myriad of stupid design decisions and the lack of communicating its features to the player. It's frustrating because there's a great game buried underneath a ton of stupid bullshit. Get it on sale.
>and the lack of communicating its features to the player
You mean like how there's a billion tutorials for everything (that you can read again in your journal)?
Which features does the game not tell you about? There's a tutorial for everything that you can access at anytime
Oh and I forgot the mandatory grinding. Even if you do all of the story quests and the "optional" missions you will still be 20 or so levels under the requirement in no time and the story missions will become ridiculously difficult. You're essentially required to slave away hours of replaying the same shit over and over again.
It's fun user. Don't you want to enjoy fun video games?
Excellent game. Easy 9/10.
Doing all of the side missions and main missions had me vastly overleveled for everything, what fucking game did you play
DaS1=BB>DaS3>Nioh>DaS2 SoTFS>DeS>DaS2
objective fact
>Paying attention to the mission levels
Did you not actually play the game mate? They're just a glorified requirement. You can beat almost hell maybe all of them underleveled.
OH and I also forgot how you can't access your inventory on a mission, so you're fucked if you run out of consumables like bombs, arrows, and bullets.
And hell, you don't even get the Homeward Bone equivalent until later in the game
I think I enjoyed it more than DS3 and DS2. No game will ever recapture my DeS or DS experience though when I went into this genre as a newbie.
However that nolstalgia aside the combat and the bosses in Nioh I believe are better than Dark Souls by far. The only complaints I have is that I didn't enjoy the levels as much as I did Dark Souls or Demon Souls. But they reminiscent of Demons Souls.
Oh and this is a review for the main missions, after the third zone I realised how tedious sub missions could be. So my review won't encompass that.
>Repetitive enemies
>horrible art direction
>boring combat
Youre best off just playing Dark Souls
Switch DaS1 and DeS
Its okay. The game has a pathetic amount of enemy variety. Literally the fucking beta had almost every enemy type in the full game except for the reskinned enemies that appear later on and barely fucking change anything about them.
The bosses are alright for the most part too I guess? People rag on DaS2 for having too many boring humanoids as bosses but holy shit Nioh really gives DaS2 a run for its money in that department. The few bosses in the game that aren't generic humanoid enemies are mostly awful save for one exception (lightning doggo was cool) if I remember correctly. There might have been another alright one its been a while since I played it. Level design is really bland besides one really good level where you explore a ninja dojo. The main issue with the game is that it just goes on for way too fucking long for how little unique content there actually is in the game. By the end of the game I was glad that it was over and I have had no desire to go back and play it again. It has a good combat system and thats about it.
The game is also has lazy and cheap bosses. Bosses with debuff you, one hit kill you without specific items or if you're underleveled due to BS mandatory grinding, and they constantly reuse bosses. Not like Dark Souls, it honestly will reuse a boss multiple times, just look at the dlc
> DaS3 > Nioh
>Oh and I forgot the mandatory grinding. Even if you do all of the story quests and the "optional" missions you will still be 20 or so levels under the requirement in no time and the story missions will become ridiculously difficult.
Level means jack shit in this game. All that matters is the equipment, which will drop at the level the mission recommends. When I finished the game at 85 I was getting 135-150 level item drops.
I highly suggest to OP not to bother doign sub missions unless they have something that you want.
>OH and I also forgot how you can't access your inventory on a mission, so you're fucked if you run out of consumables like bombs, arrows, and bullets.
Well those aren't necessary at all. Just convenience of clearing a mission, and typically the only time you want arrow/bullets is to kill bowman or gunman which surprise surprise drop arrows and bullets regularly.
>Not like Dark Souls, it honestly will reuse a boss multiple times
>Demon Ruins doesn't exist, bro! The Pinwheel reuse doesn't exist, bro! My game is perfect!
but DaS3 is better than Nioh
Also, do you like spending 10 minutes after every mission incessantly comparing a tidal wave of weapon and armor drops? Does that sound fun to you? Yes there are arrows indicating how good and item is but you're going to want to pick them up anyway to sell them for "souls"
also this
If you're a fucking retard who doesn't actually like videogames, maybe.
Those arent bosses, those are mob enemies. That's what I meant by "not like Dark Souls."
>Nioh hater is a DaS3 fanboy
It's all so clear now.
Firesage and Stray are mob enemies to you?
And another thing, this game also has bullshit encounters. It'll throw 3 or 4 incredibly difficult enemies at you at once in the guise of a "challenge" when really it's just unfair and a waste of time. Sometimes they're required encounters, not to spoil but there's a point where the only way to proceed is to fight THREE of the same boss AT ONCE.
Yes and no.
>Genuinely great combat, with tons of moves to learn and three separate stances per weapon that influence how you attack, with massive benefits to switching between them/matching your enemies attacks with parries
>Some neat enemy/boss designs
>A shit ton of quality of life shit, like the ability to use another armor/weapon's appearance instead of what's equipped, auto-selling junk items, and actually fucking aiming ranged weapons like a goddamn video game
>Abysmal story that initially starts off somewhat generic, immediately dives into a retelling of dull conflicts that took place in Japan, and barely focuses on the main character outside of the rare scene
>Incredibly generic environments towards the end, with shit like a grey battlefield of dirt and battlements and a grey palace of sorts that I genuinely got lost in because I mistook one blood stain for another I passed
>Forgettable world overall, mostly due to a boring story and environment to explore
>Challenge missions often are clusterfucks of putting two bosses into the same room
>Characters are forgettable as well, with the main character showing some interesting promise initially (kept alive by his spirit, describes their relationship as a little closer than normal) but then goes nowhere with the big bad mentioned once, then bam, here's a boss fight with some old fuck
>Music is dull, graphics are nothing special, and there is very little style/art design in the game that's interesting outside of monster design
>Monster design is almost a majority soldiers/villagers, with the same oni used all the time
It's a great game with some awesome stuff built on the back of a Souls template. But it really starts to break down as you go on. I struggled to finish it due to areas being super generic and fighting the same enemies for the hundredth time. It screams out for a sequel.
That I have good taste in video games, yes. Mind, I never said I "hate" Nioh, it's just not nearly as good as anons are saying in this thread.
One of them is optional, the only mandatory one is Firesage. And that's one example.
>not to spoil but there's a point where the only way to proceed is to fight THREE of the same boss AT ONCE
What boss is this? In spoilers.
When you go back to England, you have to fight THREE Kellys at once. It's fucking retarded, and before you get locked in the room you need to kill two very powerful yokai or else they'll wake up and join the fight- every time.[/SPOILER]
>incomplete underdeveloped unbalanced Dark Souls alpha
No, it had some interesting unique ideas but falls lower in retrospect.
DaS3 has the most balanced and consistent multiplayer of any of the games I listed. Sure the PvE is a bit of a slog the 3rd time through but the combat has reached it's peak at least among the souls games. Both BB and Nioh have superior and more varied combat but Nioh has nonexistent PvP and limited weapon variety that aborts it's replayability at least for me.
So yeah,it's got huge problems. Hopefully if they make a sequel they'll do some minor tweaks that would really help.
Also for the love of fucking god get rid of the item drop mechanic, it's such a fucking slog
cmon lads some of yall are way too harsh on this game. its a new ip for chirsts sake!
>That I have good taste in video games, yes. Mind, I never said I "hate" Nioh, it's just not nearly as good as anons are saying in this thread.
Considering most of your points are blatantly nonfactual, I doubt it.
>and the lack of communicating its features to the player
There are tutorials for almost everything unlike Dark Souls.
>Even if you do all of the story quests and the "optional" missions you will still be 20 or so levels under the requirement in no time and the story missions will become ridiculously difficult.
Level mission doesn't mean jack shit, there are WotN missions that are level 1220, and the max personal level in the game is 750.
>And hell, you don't even get the Homeward Bone equivalent until later in the game
By later you mean as soon as you unlock the map? And that's the equivalent of the Dark Sign, the actual homewards drop regularly inside missions.
>Bosses with debuff you
There are items to remove the debuffs, just like Souls games.
>one hit kill you without specific items
That's not a thing unless you're talking about armor, which is very nonspecific.
>do you like spending 10 minutes after every mission incessantly comparing a tidal wave of weapon and armor drops
Unless it's divine gear (which you don't get that many in the first place), you're doing something wrong if you're not just picking the one with the bigger numbers on NG. I agree that it means the random stats don't matter until WotS and it could improve, but you don't spend 10 minutes doing that.
>It'll throw 3 or 4 incredibly difficult enemies at you at once in the guise of a "challenge" when really it's just unfair and a waste of time. Sometimes they're required encounters, not to spoil but there's a point where the only way to proceed is to fight THREE of the same boss AT ONCE.
The game gives you so many ways to get rid of problems no matter the build. You forget that every build has access to ninjutsus (the revives especially) and omnyo, or LW, or items.
Like I said It's got problems but there's a good game underneath. It's not worth the full price until they fix it though.
Look at the Surge devs, their first game was so mediocre I don't even remember what it was called but they made improvements.
very good
Yeah, and it's a great game. But it still has some massive issues. Most of which could be fixed given a sequel that moves away from the wartime conflict shit and more into the more fantastical elements they had going on. Reducing the item drop a bit, building more interesting environments, developing a better story with either improved characterization/more memorable NPCs, and generally more enemy designs would all make for an amazing game.
Right now, Nioh is a solid 7/10. A sequel that builds on what made it good and worked on what made it bad would easily be a 10/10. Unlike shit such as Lords of the Fallen (I genuinely had to look up the title, to which typing in Dark Souls rip off immediately brings up a discussion thread surrounding it) Nioh could be an IP that goes places. They just need to work on shit. And considering their sales numbers, they should be able to do so.
Pretty fun. Pretty fucking pissed I can't run around as Okatsu barefoot. Odachi is best weapon.
You can kill the yokau first
And you can kill a kelly before another one pops out
Git gud
>enjoying getting rimmed
fucking degenerates
Look, if you like the game that's great, but don't pretend it doesn't have glaring issues that would understandably make players upset, especially if they're ridiculous. Some of the points you made are arguable, but defending shit like the inability to leave missions to the hub without losing ALL or your amrita until later into the game with a rare item, or sorting through weapons/armor for 10 or even more minutes for defenses, special abilities, and weight, not to mention the time it takes to refashion every thing, and the fact you're defending the dogshit encounters is just apologism. Throwing two of the big tongued enemies WITH a wheel and some ranged enemies or 3 fucking tengu is inexcusable- especially if they're mandatory to go on to the next story mission. What if you don't have ninjutsu, or omnyo, or spirit? Are those mandatory stats?
>Abysmal story
Disagreed. It's serviceable.
>Generic environments
Disagree, though they are nothing to write home about.
>Challenge missions are a cluster...
Disagreed. Multi-bosses are fucking great and a real test of skill given the tools the game supplies you.
Rest of the stuff is valid and most of your complaints really start to wear on you after over 50 hours of gameplay, so I'd say it's worth it.
>Multi-bosses are fucking great and a real test of skill given the tools the game supplies you.
Multi-bosses are the pinnacle of lazy design. A good encounter is One very challenging enemy by itself, a moderately challenging enemy with a few weak mobs sprinkled in, or a group of weak enemies. Not only does Nioh through in an absolute cluster fuck, sometimes in mandatory fights, but it CONSTANTLY reuses enemy types. This game has, like, a handful of different enemies- even the humans are re-skinned (no pun intended) skeletons.
I agree, it's totally worth it. Like I said, I finished it despite having a generally negative opinion of the latter half of the game. To me, the story was a generic mess of wartime historical events retold in a haphazard manner, unrelated to your own character outside of major figures in the war may have something to do with Kelly. The environments start solid, with forests and caverns, but then delve into really bland burning villages (again), slightly bloodied palaces, more forests, more caverns, and foggy villages. Yes, the ninja temple, bathhouse, and wrecked ship areas were phenomenal. But later areas suck. And the multi-bosses are a clusterfuck. Having Oda and his frozen wife basically covering close range and long range while being beefed up sucks. More importantly, it does nothing new with them. It just dumps two bosses you've already fought before in the same arena. Even if you consider it a good challenge, it's really lacking in creativity.
Despite our disagreements though, clearly we both agree it's a worthwhile game. Parts of it could've been better, but it's certainly worth a sequel in the future. And I would love to see them take what was good and run with it.
Image Dark Souls but with bad art design, awful world structure, laughably bad mission structure, shit MMO style loot for no reason, and a story and cutscenes that make you want to turn the game off out of boredom.
so dark souls? Nioh's level design is almost exactly the same as Souls games, if you honestly think Dark Souls is better in that regard then you are a delusion fanboy.
>Nioh's level design is almost exactly the same as Souls games
No it's fucking not, a lot of Nioh's levels are needlessly labyrinthine and it's a fucking slog to go through
And I almost forgot, do you like going to the same levels over and over and over and over again? Fighting the same handful of enemy types over and over and over and over again?
>Side Mission: hunt down the kappa
>Side Mission: Fight the tutorial boss but the gimmick is that it's programmed to one-hit kill you
>Side Mission: Fight a revenant with unlimited ki
>Side Mission: Fight a cluster fuck of difficult enemies at once
-Great combat, I personally find its more positioning heavy combat better than the Souls game's i-frame based combat more engaging and sensible.
-Different weapon types have vastly different playstyles, and are all fun and satisfying to use, with a variety of tactics you can use with each weapon type
-Onmyo magic and Ninjutsu are both OP as fuck
-Enemies at harder difficulties tend to one-shot you
-While weapon types have a lot of variety between them, you still only have around 5 different weapon types, a few more if you have the DLC.
-Story is mostly just kinda there
Good or bad depending on preference or neutral:
-Diablo style loot, I am personally not a fan.
-They hid a lot of the enemy variety behind NG+, this gives you decent incentive to actually play the NG+ modes, but also it is like "why didn't you just put these in the standard mode"
-Level design ranges from good to terrible, sometimes they have really good level design with sensibly placed shortcuts and shrines (bonfires), sometimes the shortcuts are entirely pointless because they literally put a shrine before and after the shortcut. A lot of the indoor heavy missions have problems where everything looks the same and it is easy to get lost.
>can't wear armor on with the revenant skin
what the fuck is the point?
>-Onmyo magic and Ninjutsu are both OP as fuck
This, sloth spell makes all fights a joke. If the game is either unfairly hard or stupidly easy, there's a problem with the design