I loved this game growing up. Why does everyone hate it so much?
StarFox Adventures
Other urls found in this thread:
Because the shopkeeper scared the fuck out of me
Because it's shit
Because most people here "grew up" with 64 and Adventures wasn't really the game they were expecting.
Because Krystal is the best
It's a mediocre Zelda clone, that's why. It does nothing that Zelda doesn't do better.
zelda is only popular because of nostalgia it is a shit series. Star fox adventures is the shit.
>"Combat" in Star Fox Adventures consists solely of mashing A
>"Puzzles" consist of either shooting buttons with your staff or throwing barrels
It's shit m8
>it's not at all like its predecessors
>it's not that great
>muh furries
Take your pick
>muh furries
This game does everything Zelda does, but better
I loved SFA.
The Fox McCloud design is the best 3D design, and the fur graphics were awesome for the time.
People didn't like it because it wasn't really a "Star Fox" game. It was a Zelda clone.
But it was a fun Zelda clone.
Also I want to stick me wiener in Krystal and have Fox stick his wiener in me.
I preferred Star Fox Assault
You better not....
But that game was actual garbage.
Zelda doesn't make you run back and forth collecting **** or carrying barrels
No, it has you run back and forth collecting **** and carry pots.
The Arwing sections in Assault weren't as good as 64's but they were still the best part of the game
The on-foot sections were fucking awful
Hey! Despite pot carrying and smashing being the most fun thing about the game it is purely optional.
Yeah too bad the foot sections were half the fucking game, meaning the game was 50% trash, and a 50% in any class is a F.
I didn't and I still think Adventures is shit.
Doom 3 effect.
It's a good game, but its so different than the squeal established fans expected.
There is a little more complexities than that, but that's the major reason.
>good game
>walk through uninspired generic environments doing piss-easy awful combat with stiff controls and solving trivial uninteresting puzzles
The game is shit by literally every metric
It also suffers from Donkey Kong 64 syndrome. Where memes and opinions based on nothing but other people's opinions have permeated in nu-gaming circles.
Also, people in media (game journalists, youtube eclebs, listicle makers) love to hate on & exaggerate any flaws it has because of this, since it's a safe target, and they need to 'balance' their coverage since the rest of the year they're giving ridiculously positive reviews to Nintendo games.
I actually didn't mind the on foot sections. And the multiplayer was fun too
>uninspired, generic environments
I wish, dinosaur planets are a rarity in games.
>piss-easy awful combat with stiff controls
Sounds like you were bad at the game, that's your fault.
It's a more tedious Zelda game with really shallow Star Fox gameplay in the form of the short Arwing segments. Staff powers are context-sensitive and under-utilized. Too many puzzles resort to carrying explosive barrels. The villain they build up the entire game isn't even fought and instead you get a crappy remake of an Andross fight.
It looks pretty and has a nice soundtrack, though.
Oh, I also forgot to mention the repetitive combat. Enemy AI is absolutely brain dead and the only reason to utilize more than one move is if you want the fight to look cooler. Also, there were a lot of Bafomdads you won't even need since health is plentiful and enemies do very little damage.
Tell me a children's platforming game where the combat is difficult and complex
Am i the only one that thought aiming with the staff is a complete nightmare. I had so much trouble shooting because its very sensitive. I almost drop the game because of it.
The combat doesn't have to be difficult and complex but it should try to be engaging. The SharpClaw all approach/attack the same way. Everything else just burrows under the ground until it's time to pop up and get whacked. There needed to be more enemies like the RedEye that required using staff powers or some sort of tag-team mechanic between Fox and Tricky.
Being a game for kids doesn't excuse things.
I was suprised how much of a non Character Kystal is.
She dissapear after the start of the game and does nothing until the end...
For how popular she is, I expected her to be playable during the entire story or something.
Probably the game would be better if they didnt force all the Star Fox changes on the game.
Thanks Anita but nah, the gameplay wouldn't have changed if you shuffled the characters names/genders around. There is no reason to play as Krystal, so no reason to force it.
>bwa how can people like a character that isn't playable
Well jeez, how do people like Peach
>Probably the game would be better if they didnt force all the Star Fox changes on the game
the game is almost identical