Have you ever broke on of your consoles?
Have you ever broke on of your consoles?
>last name is sane
>that typeface
smartphones were a mistake
prove me wrong
>destroying her bf's xbone
she's doing him a favor
People have been murdered for less.
Oh no. She destroyed a stupid nintendo playstation console or whatever the fuck that thing is. How evil. :'(
>lawsuit incoming
Yeah I destroyed my cousins of Xbox because it stopped working and recently destroyed my ps3 because it ylod
>submerging in water
Is she stupid? All she's doing is cleaning it. He can just leave it to dry for a couple days and it'll be fine.
>no girl has ever cared about me enough to break something
What is she doing to that poor VCR
the man is likely black
he don't know this
If they do this they don't care about you, they care about how you make them look.
I'm Assuming he was texting some other bitch and it isn't all just a big misunderstanding
When I was a little kid I poured a pitcher of gatorade on my Nintendo 64 and it got all sticky inside. Still worked.
Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet
>Bet you won't text that bitch again
>Honey,I will never text you again
Wouldn't there be a chance for the thing to be fine as long as you let it dry out completely before trying to turn it on again?
Technically. When my friend's launch PS2 got disc read errors, he bought a new one, and let me have the broken one. I didn't have precision screwdrivers, and I ended up stripping the screws on the cover for the housing on the laser, so I ended up just prying it off. Still got a functioning PS2 out of it, though.
>obvioulsy it's an xbone
>ps4 has no gaem
Not many people have vintage memes saved.
She literally did that guy a favor. He should marry her
just like a main board
I fucked up my OGXbox using softmods
>Hey, thanks for the evidence.
I broke a DS Lite a long time ago. Elite Beat Agents inspired such rage in me.
either she caught him texting a girl
or she went through his phone and saw texts
which is a pretty good reason, including her breaking your shit, to dump her dumb ass
It will probably still work once properly dried. HDD might be fucked, though.
No, although I do have a story of a friend who broke one of mine.
>16 years old, living in an apartment in a shoddy neighborhood living with some kids who had divorced parents like I did
>we all try to make the best of a bad situation by hanging out and playing vidya
>Let my friend borrow my Wii and Monster Hunter Tri since the online was really addicting to him
>We all saw each other at school and I asked him how long he's gonna keep it for
>Says a week
>5 days past, we get our report cards at home
>I got solid B's in my grades, mom says to strive for an A next time
>Go over to my friends house to hang out with him
>Hear screaming through the door
>Decide to just send him a message online to see what's up
>Next day
>See he's really tense about yesterday, asked him what's going on
>says his mom over a fit of rage over his bad grades, went into his room and smashed all of his consoles, including the Wii I borrowed
>Tell my mom this and she goes over his house and discussed what happened.
>Friend's mom didn't know it was mine until she broke it, agrees to buy me a new Wii
>She never did
>The Monster Hunter Tri Disc was still recoverable inside the Wii
This, the console is fucked as soon as he turns it on while wet.
Plays just as many games as before she put it in the bath
Is there any human alive that can defeat this man?
I really like this image, may i?
kill yourself
>I'll destroy his property!
>That will surely make him love me more than the other woman!
What a fucking idiot. I hope he slapped her around a bit before he dumped her.
You may not.
Nice dude
No, fuck off.
what a bitch sorry for your loss user
this is racys man
Stop acting like a fucking faggot
Dry it completely before turn it on then it will work again.
Dumb cunts who destroy shit instead of talking out grievances shouldn't be in relationships.
Do you have any understanding of relationships or social interactions? She's burning the bridge, not him.
but why the controller
and no cables
I bet is someone from niggergaf pranking
>16 yo
>need mommy's help
I would've beat the niggas ass and hiss momma put that on everything
And nothing of value was lost
>last name is Sane
>is clearly insane
really makes you think
Good, now he can buy a PS4
I really like this bait, may i?
3DPD. Not even once.
>Black Women Hate Videogames
>Put more Black Women in videogames.
P-pls stop bully~
original poster here
please show me your meme passport first
Middle name obviously 'In'
Thanks, Lori.
is this anime girl autistic
Yeah that's a great way to get a lawsuit, but assuming her boyfriend isn't a white boy slumming she's much more likely to just get her ass whipped.
As for me, I parted out a PS2 to fix my PC a long time ago because I was more addicted to RO than I was anything that was on the PS2.
using what i learned from that i popped open a friend's ps2 and pulled the internal power connection and convinced him it was fucked, then i kept it and still have it fuck you felix you shouldn't have broken my secret of mana cart
At the least the hard drive will be toast.
He was still my bud at the end of it all, and his mom was struggling with drug problems. I'm not the type of guy to start beating people up for game consoles.
And this is why I will never make an effort to get a gf. I am Settling.
Yeah, that feels good.
To be fair, he did you a favor by destroying your Secret of Mana cart because the game is shit.
>he pretends he's never spun in a chair
Are you a loser trying too hard?
>Name is "Mercedes"
>Absolute kneejerk psycho bitch reaction to boyfriend texting another girl.
So what you're telling me is that this is about a hispanic couple?
no ive never owned a console
Found the person with a more pathetic life than most on here
It's okay user, you might be retarded, but with a hole, anyone can be useful, even the braindead
Are you sure nothing will rust?
It's not like the guy can use industrial equipment to blow air through it and dry it fast enough.
It's also likely that there is a tiny powersource in the circuit board for crucial functions like counting time. That one will cause short circuit to happen and that is never good.
It's an okay game, the remake is garbage but the original SNES game is fun.
Nobody wants your opinion nigger
I should fuck your boi pussy to teach you a lesson
>tossing out some useless junk
She's a keeper.
What? Hard drives work fine with water, if they didn't there wouldn't be rigs with them being watercooled.
congrats man
and a thief
>falling for the 3DPD jew
Serves him right.
Here's hoping the guy knows to disassemble and cover in rice and/or how to cook a board.
My cat pissed on my 360 and it fried
I actually thought that was a PS4 in the OP pic, at first.
You ARE 16 aren’t you stupid virgin . Emphasis on the fact you have low iq
You just learn an important lesson in life.
Never give your shit out, not even to friends.
I really like this post.
Only when I was trying to do a repair on my own system, never out of rage or something
How did your cat pissing on your 360 end up frying the cat? Electric shock?
So many fucking underage newfags in this thread. Jesus. At least one person figured it out.
it's probably under warranty
he will send to MS
me too
the water makes it look like it's bend like a psshit
and we are used to seeing psshits wrecked
Is that Leroy Sane's sister?
You should have piss on your cat
only iron rusts my underage friend
To be honest I have no idea, I was just making shit up basing that on how you clean controllers and keyboards and stuff. It's probably different for consoles.
>in the court of the crimson king
is it just me or are literally all females neurotic
i think ive been enlightened bois
> (You)
>He was still my bud at the end of it all, and his mom was struggling with drug problems. I'm not the type of guy to start beating people up for game consoles.
Yeah nigga you the type of nigga that gets pounded in jail cuz ya punkass too sissy to do a damn thing
If there was no electricity left in it sure, but if it capacitors were charged something may have been damaged. There's a reason tech support asks you to wait a while after unplugging to plug shit back in. The controller also has a battery.
Also, its a mostly closed dark space, humidity will linger in there for a long time.
This is a curse image.
I can handle the other soy pic, but this is down right frightening
Being submerged in water is severely damaging to magnetic media. Even if you carefully fully dry the thing out before you use it again you are still probably going to have massive data corruption.
Video games are for children. If you care that much that's probably as much of a reason you can't have sex as "le women redpill may-mays"