Have you ever caved and bought a console just to play one or two games? I finally gave up and bought a PS4 just for RDR2 and bloodborne. Fuck consoles.
Have you ever caved and bought a console just to play one or two games...
ps3 for demon's souls.
I bought a 3ds just for FE:A when it came out. Worth it, especially considering how easy it is to pirate for it.
I bought a PS4 to play nogames
I don’t know what I was thinking
Yeah, a PS3 for me and my dad to play the Ratchet & Clank future series.
The disappointment in my dad's face after he completed the games was heart breaking.
I wonder what new features they add to get retards to buy it again on PC.
I bought a Switch to play BOTW and Odyssey, I'd say it was worth it because I put a lot of time into BOTW.
bought a ps3 for littlebigplanet
I bought a dildo to put it in my penis
I don't understand you types. If you feel so strongly about it why buy a console? In my opinion it just expands my game collection
Bought a PS4 or RDRII, BB and my personal autistic favorite, Spiderman PS4.
The memes were mostly true, if you aren't a weeb it is light on games
No, but i will for ace combat 7
Because I really wanted to fucking play bloodborne and RDR2. Just retarded they won't stop being autistic and release it. Like ok I get maybe it can sell more consoles but wouldn't you just make more money putting it on various platforms than trying to sell consoles?
Lol PCtards spend $2000 for a few more pixels
I heard that spider-man game is supposedly gonna be pretty good but we haven't had a good spider-man game since Spider-man 2.
For me it was more about durability because you see so many cases up since the 6th gen consoles where all these consoles had some sort of hardware defect. Even the original wii was shit in the sense that it couldn't play brawl due to dust or like how the screen can just go completely black for no reason sometimes and stay permanently that way.
Based on the little info on it and the fact that it's reveal and release are 18 months apart I have very high hopes. Hopefully it'll be the Arkham Asylum of Marvel.
Just so long as they keep the story simple (Peter Parker fights some goobers) and the mechanics tight(Spider Sense, web slinging in the city ect) I think it'll be an instant classic
Why do most of the spider man games suck? or at least all the ones that came after spider-man 2. Are any of them worth playing?
Are you kidding? QTE out the ass. Yet again Spiderman uses the moon to move around. Shitty combat.
There was literally nothing good in that gameplay video.
PC is hardly durability, games even run worse after less than a year
But RDR 2 will be on the Xbox. Why do I keep seeing it mentioned as a PS4 exclusive?
Not to mention all the drivers breaking compatibility. PC also has its share of hardware blunders, muh coils, muh 4gb, muh DOA.
Got a Wii U for Pikmin and Bayo 2
I'll likely do the same for the Switch closer to the release date of Bayo 3
fundamental misunderstanding of what makes Spiderman fun.
Does Spiderman help people? Yeah
Is he a hero? Of course
Does he have powers? Fuck yee
But he isn't like any other superhero.
He doesn't have millions of dollars, he isn't part of the justice league or avengers, he isn't even well liked or respected by most authorities.
He's merely kid, sometimes still in High School, that was bestowed amazing powers and he is trying to do what he thinks is right.
What a lot of people don't get about Spiderman is that Spiderman is the secret identity, not Peter Parker. When he wears the mask he is no longer shackled by being a broke kid who gets bullied and can't get the girl, in the mask he's fucking Spiderman.
A good Spiderman game makes you feel strong and important as Spiderman and fragile and weak as Peter. A glass cannon of sorts (Although Spiderman can lift 40 tons and take major hits and regenerate/heal exceptionally fast but that's because he's been around for 50 years ayylmao)
Most Spiderman games are shit because they instead try to make him like every other hero who with le ebin quips and no real world problems. Also they make him fight like any other brawler when Spiderman has ALWAYS been a very versatile and fluid combatant.
Also, to answer your question, Spiderman 2 NAILED the web slinging. Otherwise it was mediocre.
t. Autistic that pushes false narratives
No, the last console I've played was the PS2. Kinda over it.
same, bought Switch for BOTW. fucking best game i ever played
so fucking cool
Hey man, Spiderman has high-tier bantz in the cartoons and in the comics
The king of bantz
I upgraded to windows 10 to play Halo Wars 2
Maybe my memories of the first one were hazy from drugs but man that was just not worth it at all
It wasn't the best game I ever played but honestly it was easily worth the $300 hardware investment.
>GAME: 2
>is a prequel
why is this allowed?
sure, but to lean on that is classic flanderization
no console since 360
too many games to finish on steam anyway
worst case, you can always use playstation now to stream games. Not like it really matters when the console is shitty anyway
I thought about buying a ps4 for that Detroit game and Red Dead 2, but I decided to wait till I beat the games I have on my ps3/mac first
good on you honestly.
At least play a good game like Forza Horizon 3 sheesh.
>bought a console for a game thats not out yet
you retards never fucking learn
quality shitpost
TOPKEK HAHAHAHA!!!! AMIRITE???? XDXDXDDDD!!!!! le no games meme !!!
I bought a switch because the thought of a mainline console pokemon game gave me a boner for days
I bought a ps4 for bloodborne just as I bought a ps3 for demons souls
I bought the wiiu for mario kart and softmodding to play VC games
I got a ps3 for the last of us, and I honestly don't regret it
>bought [system] for only 1 or 2 games
Most of the systems I've ever owned, actually. I do build small collections over time but my criteria going in is that I have to be sure it would be worthwhile with only what I'm getting at that time as there is no other certainty. I've yet to be disappointed.
I would have done this if the Switch had launched at or gotten a BlackFriday/Xmas sale of no more than $250. It did not and continues not to, but the games aren't going to disappear and I'm about as patient as I am stubborn; I basically sat out the entirety of last gen's consoles until I could get a PS3 under $100 and it was worth it but I'm glad I waited to preserve my shekels.
me too, it was well worth it
I bought a ps3 only for MGS4 and MGS1. Never bought any other games for it. Need to replace the controller but that'll be one day.
PS3 for GTA IV.
Was I pissed when I found out it couldn't play my old PS2 games.
Same, but then later ended up buying Mario Kart 8 as well.
The PS4 was worth it for Bloodborne alone. Everything else is icing.
Bought a PS4 pro and a 4k tv when I had to step up my cards to 1080ti's definately dont regret it theres some good console only jap games that ive loved playing. Reminds me of the good ol ps1 ps2 n64 days when games were unique with variety.
Yeah I always do that, I end up buying most console except Xbone, because 1 or 2 games is better than no games like PC
I almost bought a PS3 with GTAV bundled, I wanted to play GOW3, SotC and the still unreleased Last Guardian, good thing I had to spend that money on some other shit I would have regretted it later.
and now every single one of those games is on the ps4 in a re-release except for tlg which got never-ever'd off the ps3