Sup Forums BTFO
>Not using this as an opportunity to bait retards into calling you a nigger so you can report them and laugh as they get banned
14 year old with shit-tier bantz abilities detected
Functional people don't just randomly call each other nigger, only autist tryhards like yourself would even think to resort to that so it's not even worth trying
people will find other ways to insult people of all creeds, this censorship is a drop in the bucket.
remove all communication or none of it
>still playing this shit game
laughing at u
I've been doing that for so long on Siege.
damn thats a lot of non-functioning people on here
You clearly don't play enough Siege. Game's filled with emotionally unstable people
>Using a mic in the first place
This place would be the same if these dumb ass mods actually did their jobs fyi
lol nigger please
You've apparently never been on Xbox Live
>Getting triggered about bad words on Sup Forums
Why are companies doing this in droves when it is proven time and again going down this path offers nothing but a net negative. People say they are going where the money goes but thats the exact opposite.
I'm pretty pissed I bought the season pass.
>"hate speech"
So what exactly is hate speech?
>this is quite surprising because R6 communities and gaming chat are generally clean and free of those problems
really, when this game will become cheaper enough? I don't want to spend money due to their shitty practices but it really is the only good fps now
You do not need to put down others to be happy.
>Why does Thermite have that Shotgun
The absolute state of Ubishit
>playing Siege after it went to shit a long time ago